154Chapter 10

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Despite what the genin thought about the day ending after they ate, Yami gathered the three back at the Uchiha Clan compound to start up their official training. Kakashi, with Yami holding his precious Icha Icha Paradise hostage, was also present.

Sasuke, Naruto, you two continue practicing tree walking. Sakura, show me your Taijutsu stance. Yami signed out his order while Kakashi watched the two male genin begin after Sasuke told Naruto what Yami wanted them to do.

Sakura's stance of the Academy style Taijutsu was perfect, but the speed and power behind her hits were sorely lacking. Yami had her join the boys while he thought of what he should do about her. He knew once Sakura walked up the tree on her first attempt, causing the boys to compete harder than ever.

"She has near perfect chakra control, but the amount of her chakra is Academy level at best." Kakashi told Yami, who nodded in agreement. "Sakura, run up and down the tree until you can no longer do so." Kakashi ordered and sat back and watched.

Twenty minutes later, Sakura collapsed on the ground beside her tree, panting heavily. Yami and Kakashi both sweat dropped at how soon Sakura tired out.

Sakura, follow me. Yami signed to the pinkette and helped her up off of the ground.

He brought her over to the training pond used to practice Katon jutsus. He showed Sakura what he wanted her to do by walking on top of the water. Testing the water with a hesitant foot, Sakura took a step when she thought she had found her footing. The girl came out of the water sputtering like a wet cat clinging to the side. Yami took hold of Sakura's hands and lifted her out of the water and onto dry land.

"I beat you, Teme!" Naruto boasted loudly at his ravenette teammate.

Sasuke's chin went up in defense.

"As if, Dobe. If anything, I finished my tree first." Sasuke argued back.

"Settle it with a spar you two." Kakashi said, not looking up from his book, his only movement was his thumb turning the page.


That night after Yami made sure his cousin was asleep, Yami went to his room. Cutting the tip of his left thumb, Yami drew a half square with a line slashing through it on the center of his right palm. He then performed the hands signs for a summoning.

'Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Chisana (Summoning Jutsu: Chisana).' Yami thought of the spider he wanted to appear as he pressed his right hand on the surface of his bed.

Seals spread out and a puff of smoke cleared to reveal a tiny gray spider about the size of needle point.

'Yami-sama, I'm so happy to be summoned.' A high pitched feminine voice spoke in Yami's mind.

Yami smiled at the female spider as she hoped up on the offered finger and was brought up to eye level.

'Chisana-chan, I have a very important mission for you.' Yami voiced through his telepathic connection with the tiny spider. 'I have learned that my younger cousin, Itachi-kun, is the one behind the massacre of my clan, but something does not seem right. I know how loyal Itachi was to this village and he would do anything for it. Can you find any evidence that will support my suspicions that Itachi was under false pretense?'

'I will do my best, Yami-sama. Is there any particular place you wish for me to search?' Chisana asked.

Yami bit the inside of his cheek, his brows furrowed.

'The Elders may have evidence. Also, investigate the Hokage just to be sure. Chisana, be careful and hide your chakra. You are the best one of your kind at stealth. Make me proud.' Yami thought to her.

Bowing, Chisana shot her web at the nearby window and disappeared into the night. Yami stood looking up at the half moon for a moment longer before he got ready for bed.


The next day found Team Seven completing their third D-rank mission of the day which was bathing and walking some of the Inuzuka ninken. Yami stood next to Kakashi who had his nose buried in his orange covered book. Yami would have been reading his own book, but he was too busy watching the ninken walk Naruto instead of the other way around.

Kakashi. Yami signed, getting the silver haired man's attention.

Yami pointed to where the large ninken was dragging Naruto towards a fenced off area. It was too late to do anything and all the two could do was wait for Naruto to crawl back through the opening of the fence. His orange jumpsuit was scorched from the exploding tag traps that were used in the mine field. Yami winced when the blonde coughed out a cloud of smoke. Sakura giggled while Sasuke smirked, each walking their much smaller dogs with no trouble. Give it to Naruto to pick the largest ninken of the group. Yami let out a quiet sigh while Kakashi chuckled.

It was after that D-rank that Team Seven began their training for the day. All three genin were attempting the water walking exercise, dead-set on completing it by the end of the week. Naruto had the most trouble focusing his chakra to the right amount and would always end up bringing Sasuke and Sakura down with him when he lost his balance.

"Ah! I'll never get this stupid exercise!" Naruto shouted in frustration.

Don't stress about it too much, Naruto-kun. It took me more than a day to accomplish the water walking exercise. Yami signed to the blonde, but remembered that he could not understand his signing, so he went to pull a piece of paper out of his hanten.

"But Yami-sensei, I have to get this now or I'll never become Hokage." Naruto answered, causing Yami's hand to freeze halfway inside his hanten.

Yami blinked at the blonde.

"Naruto, you can understand Yami's signing?" Kakashi asked, just as surprised.

Naruto nodded, grinning while scratching his blonde hair.

"Yeah, Sakura-chan and Teme said that it was too much of a hassle to have to repeat everything you say, so they made me learn the signs." Naruto explained.

Yami gathered the three genin into a group hug, burying his face in a combination of pink, blonde, and black hair as emotion filled him. A hand landed on Yami's head and he knew without looking that it was Kakashi's.