154Chapter 14

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Yami and Sasuke walked side by side to meet the others at the village gate. Naruto and Sakura were already present, but Kakashi and the client were still no-shows. For once, without Yami having to threaten to burn Kakashi's [i]Icha Icha[/i], the silver haired jonin showed up five minutes after the Uchihas with a sober client in tow.

"Let's go, everyone! I'm so excited. This is my first time outside of the village!" Naruto sported a huge grin following his shout as he lead the group pass the gates.

"Do you even know which way to go, Dobe?" Sasuke taunted, causing the blonde to shake a fist at him in annoyance.

"Shut up, Teme. You're probably just as bad as I am." Naruto voiced.

When Sasuke did not reply, Sakura looked at her crush to see a barely ting of pink dusting his pale cheeks.

"O-oi, Naruto-baka, stop bothering Sasuke-kun!" Sakura stuttered, her own face flushing at the sight of her blushing crush.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted, chin in the air and head tilted away from his teammates while Naruto laughed loudly.

Yami's eyes glowed with amusement at his cousin's expence. It was going to be a long walk to Wave.


Two hours of walking and listening to Naruto and Sasuke arguing over trivial things while Sakura questioned their client about his country, Yami felt two foreign chakras enter his sensory field.

Two chakra signatures about chunin level are ahead about half a mile. Yami signed discretely to Kakashi who was walking beside him with his nose buried in his book.

Let's see how the kids handle it. Kakashi signed back.

When the Genjutsu cloaked water puddle came into view, Yami questioned if the two shinobis hidden by it were chunin at all. A water puddle on a dry summer day? Yami held back the sigh of disappointment at the lack of challenge. He noticed Sakura's green eyes stray to the puddle, her brows knitted in confusion.

'Does she know?' Yami thought, a moment of pride filling his chest.

The pinkette pursed her lips before shrugging her thoughts away and this time Yami did sigh. He had thought too soon. As soon as Kakashi and Yami walked by the puddle, the Genjutsu dispersed and the two hidden shinobi appeared. Sakura gasped and the others turned around at the commotion caused by the new arrivals. Sharp chains that smelled faintly of poison wrapped tightly around Yami and Kakashi. Both tensed up in pain before the chains did their job and cut through the two jonin like butter.

"KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Sakura screamed, her hands covering her mouth in fear.



Sasuke and Naruto shouted, not believing their eyes as their jonin senseis fell to the ground in bloodied pieces. Sasuke whipped out two kunai, his dark eyes narrowed dangerously.

"AH!" With a battle cry, Sasuke charged to avenge his fallen cousin.

Blinded by loss, Naruto pulled out a kunai of his own and jumped in to back up his teammate while Sakura stood shaking in front of the client. Sasuke moved at a speed that surprised even himself. Kicking one of the enemy shinobis in the arm to block their clawed weapons, one of Sasuke's kunai struck the center of the chain. He threw the other kunai to help force the two enemies back, pinning the chain to the tree behind them. As Sasuke dropped to the ground, Naruto appeared over him and stuck a punch at the other man. The two rogue chunin's released the chains connecting them and separated to strike the old man behind the pinkette. Through the fear, Sakura held her kunai close and braced herself. Sasuke intercepted the chunin, blocking their path to Sakura. Naruto landed beside him just as Sasuke finished his hand seals.

"Katon: Kaen Hibana (Fire Style: Flame Spark)!"

Sparks of fire ignited from Sasuke's mouth, rushing at the incoming enemy shinobis.

"Futon: Soyokaze (Wind Style: Gentle Breeze)!"

Naruto's jutsu combined with Sasuke's caused the flames to double in size and speed. The chunin barely managed to dodge and when they did, they were met with a closeline from Kakashi and chop to the back of the neck from Yami. The two chunin collapsed in an unconscious heap on the ground. Yami had only enough time to straighten up before he and Kakashi were tackled around the waist by the three genin. Yami earned a punch in the gut from Sasuke which hardly made him flinch.

"Don't do that again, Itoko." Sasuke voiced threateningly.

"You scared me. We saw you both die." Sakura cried.

"So not cool, sensei." Naruto muttered.

The three genin were shown the cut up wood in place of where Kakashi and Yami's bodies were supposed to be. Yami patted Sasuke and Sakura's head to calm them down.

"Sorry, but we had to see who they were after. Were they ninja attacking ninja, or were they ninja hired to take out our client. They made a bee-line straight for you Tazuna-san. Do you have anything you would like the share with us?" Kakashi asked, his tone giving no room for argument.

Still shaken up from the attack, the old man nodded.


While Kakashi confronted Tazuna for the entire truth behind the mission to Wave, Yami finished tying up the newly recognized Gozu and Meizu. Twin shinobis hailing from Kirigakure. Yami stood beside the still unconscious chunin, awaiting word from Kakashi on what they planned to do next. Sasuke had his back turned to Yami, still mad at the fact that Yami faked his death with Kakashi-sensei. Naruto was starting to get antsy from staying still and Sakura was sitting next to a standing Sasuke, her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Please, I only lied, because I didn't have the funds to pay for a higher ranking mission." Tazuna begged a stern looking Kakashi.

"This mission has been upgraded to a high B to a low A-rank mission. It is not safe to continue with a fresh genin team." Kakashi told the man.

Yami silently agreed with Kakashi's choice to discontinue the mission.

"We will return to Konoha where the proper ranked shinobis can perform the mission." Kakashi finished seriously.

"Wait, we're not going to finish?" Naruto asked in disbelief.

"We can do this, Kakashi-sensei." Sasuke stated, siding with Naruto.

Sakura looked back and forth between her crush and her senseis, unsure of what to do. She caught Yami's eyes.

What do you think we should do? Yami signed to the sole girl of Team Seven.

Sasuke and Naruto, having seen Yami's signing, looked at Sakura for her response. She bit her bottom lip, not wanting to make the wrong decision.

"I know that it is proper protocol to return to Konoha, but I think we should finish this mission." Sakura finally spoke up.

Yami glanced over at Kakashi who scratched the back of his neck in thought.

"I'll send a messenger back to Konoha to fill the Hokage in on our decision. ANBU will be sent to pick up the two Kiri shinobi. It will be Hokage-sama's choice on whether or not to send our team backup." Kakashi said and proceeded to bite his thumb to draw blood.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Jutsu)." Kakashi said, crouching down and placing his palm against the ground.

When the cloud of smoke dissipated, a small tan pug sat there with droopy eyes.

"Pakkun, I need you to deliver this to Hokage-sama as quickly as you can." Kakashi ordered his ninken, while tucking a scroll into the pug's bandana.

"Right away, Kakashi."

Yami blinked at the deep voice coming from a dog so small. If he thought about it, his spider summon, Junpa, had a deep voice as well and he was the same size as Pakkun.