154Chapter 15

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Thick fog prevented the seven people on the small boat from seeing very far around them. An hour on the water gave way to a large structure peeking through the fog.

"Wow, it's huge." Naruto said, his voice carrying in the fog.

"Quiet!" The driver of the boat hissed, giving a cautious look around.

Naruto sunk back in his seat while his teammates gazed up at the large unfinished bridge.

"Soon, it'll connect Wave with Hi no Kuni. It'll provide means of funding for our poor country." Tazuna boasted proudly.

The six passengers stepped off once the boat hit solid ground and waited the few seconds for the fog to swallow the boat up again. Sasuke and Naruto took up the front while Sakura and Yami walked beside Tazuna. Kakashi brought up the rear. The walk became tense and Naruto tossing kunai at the slightest of sounds did not help. Yami kept his sensory field up to a two mile radius, not wanting anything to sneak up on them. It was a moment later, when Yami felt a shift in chakra, that Naruto threw another kunai into a bush.

"Damn it, Naruto!" Sakura shouted, hitting the blonde on the back of his head. "Stop scaring me like that."

Sasuke parted the bushes and everyone looked to see a white rabbit frozen in fear. Yami felt a whirling of chakra behind them and shoved Tazuna down on the ground.

"Everyone duck!" Kakashi ordered, hitting the ground hard.

Naruto practically tackled the other two. A large broadsword few overhead a second later, missing them by inches. Its blade sliced into a tree where it got stuck and its owner landed on the hilt. Yami immediately went to the front of the group with Kakashi.

"Let me at him!" Naruto yelled, but was stopped by Yami signing.

Don't move. Protect the client. This one is way out of your league.

A chuckle sounded.

"Sharingan no Kakashi, Konoha's very own Copy Ninja. I feel honored to be shown your famous doujutsu." The man owning the broadsword said, his grin being heard through his tone.

"Momochi Zabuza." Kakashi growled, keeping his eye on the enemy shinobi.

"Hm…Who do we have here?" Zabuza questioned, his eyes landing on Yami.

He got the shock of his life when Yami pressed chakra into the seat on his left forearm. A double edge serrated katana popped into existence and Yami slid the sheath through his sash. The blade glistened from the poison coating its edges.

"Kumo no Kosho. Where did you get that blade!?" Zabuza shouted, seeing the infamous [i]Spider's Bite[/i] in Yami's grip.

"Seems your reputation still lives, Yami." Kakashi stated and enjoyed watching Zabuza's eyes widen when Yami activated his own Sharingan.

"Uch-Uchiha Yami! No! You're dead!" Zabuza yelled, leaping onto the surface of the lake nearby.

A fog thicker than the one currently present whooshed out and blanketed the genin and their senseis. The fog was so thick, that Yami knew his Sharingan would not be much help. Massive amounts of KI slammed into Team Seven, causing a suffocating effect on the genin and their client. Sasuke's hand reached for his kunai pouch, a cold sweat covering him as he fought the intense fear that planted him where he stood. Suddenly, another source of chakra was released, pushing away the deadly KI and some of the fog from Zabuza. Kakashi glanced at his genin team from over his shoulder.

"Sasuke, calm down. Yami and I will protect you four with our lives." Kakashi said calmly, giving one of his famous eye smiles in an effort to comfort the ravenette.

Yami shifted his blade, before he vanished. Sparks flew from behind the genin and Sasuke turned to see his cousin pressing his sword against Zabuza's. Though the fight did not seem to stop there as Yami kicked Zabuza away in order to block another blade that struck out at a stunned Sakura. Kakashi appeared behind the Zabuza that Yami had kicked away and stabbed him in the neck. Water gushed out of the wound until the water clone burst away.

'So fast!' Sasuke thought, trying to keep up with Yami and Kakashi's movements against Zabuza.

'All I need is a single scratch and you're done for.' Yami thought, his Sharingan spinning wildly as he slashed Kumo no Kosho in an upward arch.

Zabuza blocked with Kubikiribocho. The blades locked together and Zabuza strained his muscles in forcing Yami back.

"When I heard that you and your ANBU team were murdered in cold blood, I almost felt sorry for you. Now that I know that you are alive, while your teammates are not, I actually feel nothing but satisfaction." Zabuza said through clenched teeth. "How does it feel to know it was your fault—"

Yami dropped low, spinning his body into a heel kick that caught Zabuza off balanced. Bringing his blade down, Yami missed his mark by a hair's breath. Kakashi sent haymaker that connected to Zabuza's collarbone and sent the rogue sprawling. Zabuza forced his body to roll with the force until he was standing at the center of the lake. Not giving him a chance to catch his breath, Yami appeared above Zabuza, sending an axe kick that was blocked by the flat side of Kubikiribocho. Their body's blurred once again and all Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto could see were sparks flashing in a different area on top of the lake and hear the clanging of steel. During another stalemate, Yami saw Kakashi finishing a series of hand seals. Slamming his heel into Zabuza's knee, Yami took the rogue's moment of pain to escape Kakashi's jutsu.

"Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet)!"

A large water dragon rose from the lake, charging at Zabuza. At the last moment, a mirror made of ice intercepted Kakashi's jutsu. Another mirror formed behind Kakashi and the water dragon burst out of it, heading at its caster.