154Chapter 24

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Inside room 301, Team Seven was hit with the glares of other genin along with small amounts of KI in an effort to intimidate them. Having experienced KI on levels well beyond what was in the room, Team Seven shrugged it off before being spotted by other members of the rookie nine.

"It looks like we're all together again." Kiba spoke up, grinning with his ninken partner, Akamaru, on his head under his hood.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru muttered under his breath as he walked over to join Team Eight and Team Seven, his shoulders slouched and his hands shoved into his pants pockets.

"Sasuke-kun, I missed you!" Ino squealed, jumping Sasuke from behind and wrapping her arms around the ravenette's neck.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the blonde on his back while Sakura glared.

"Hands off, Ino-pig." Sakura snapped, keeping her tone down while yanking her once-friend off of her crush.

"Oh, it's you, Forehead. I thought you would have given up by now." Ino voiced, smirking at the pinkette.

"Hn, she's stronger than you think. So stop being annoying." Sasuke said, defending his teammate.

Whatever conflict that was about to happen, was halted by someone walking over and telling them to cool it.


Yami slowly chewed on his takoyaki ball, watching as Kakashi made use of the seal Yami had placed on the other's mask. He did not miss the way Kakashi's free hand twitched on his lap, or the way his single eye kept glancing at Yami's hand that was resting on the bar. Taking a swallow of his herbal tea to wash his food down, Yami propped an elbow up on the bar, resting his chin on his palm while looking at Kakashi.

Is what Gai-san said true? Do you consider this a date?Yami asked, signing to the jonin beside him.

Kakashi paused with his takoyaki halfway to his mouth.

"You caught that, did you?" Kakashi asked; his voice just above a whisper while focusing his gaze on his food. "I know that with your clan consisting of only you and Sasuke that you'll have to marry eventually…" Yami tossed some money onto the counter before placing a hand on Kakashi's shoulder and shunshin them out of the bar.

They reappeared inside Yami and Sasuke's house. Yami dropped his hand and went to walk away only to stop and turn around with narrowed charcoal orbs meeting Kakashi's single eye. Surprised by the sudden anger in Yami's eyes, Kakashi stood still.

Do not decide things for me. Yami signed, his hands moving rapidly to show his anger.

"I figured that you would want to revive your clan like Sasuke does." Kakashi said calmly, trying to defuse the situation.

Yami continued to glare.

There are other ways to revive a clan without having to marry a woman. Yami signed, giving a soundless huff of exasperation.

"Do you mean to give us a chance?" Kakashi asked, still unsure of what Yami would say.

He got his answer when Yami's bandaged covered lips brushed Kakashi's masked covered ones. Before Kakashi could return the brush of lips, Yami pulled away.

The exam is starting. We should go. Yami signed.

The pair of arms wrapping around Yami's waist stopped him from shunshin away. Kakashi pressed his face against the crook of Yami's neck, inhaling deeply.

"Just…give me a moment." Kakashi whispered, his hot breath being felt through the bandages covering Yami's neck.

An involuntary shiver coursed down Yami's spine, but he did not pull away. Instead, he hooked his arms underneath Kakashi's and held onto the man's shoulders.


After the nerve wracking first exam, Team Seven found themselves inside training ground forty-four, infamous for being called the Forest of Death, for their second exam. They were told that they had to collect a second scroll from one of the other teams, an Earth scroll to their Heaven's scroll. They had five days to get the second scroll and make it to the tower at the center of the training ground.

"Hold up, guys." Naruto called out, stopping on a branch and jumping down to the ground.

Sasuke and Sakura landed beside him seconds later.

"What is it, Naruto?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke looked around them with his newly acquired Sharingan, keeping his guard up for other teams in the area. Naruto created five Kage Bunshin and had them spread out.

"I remembered that Yami-sensei told me that Kage Bunshin memories transfer back to the user, so I thought I would have some check up ahead. Also…I have to take a leak." Naruto grinned, before rushing behind the closes bush to him.

"Ugh, Naruto, don't do it so close. Geez." Sakura complained, making the blonde walk further away.

A few seconds went by before Naruto stumbled out of the brush, yanking his zipper back up.

"We have a problem. Some creepy chick just killed two of my clones." Naruto stated.

"Is she coming this way?" Sasuke asked, straining his eyes.

"Yeah." Naruto managed to get out right before the three were hit with a powerful wind jutsu.

Naruto was blown off of his feet by the wind and was carried away. Sasuke barely caught Sakura's hand to keep them from being further separated. As the wind died down, a maddening laugh rang out. Sasuke's head whipped up and saw a female kunoichi wearing a Kusagakure (Village Hidden in the Grass) hitai-ate. Getting to his feet, Sasuke pulled Sakura up off of the ground and kept the pinkette slightly behind him, his hand still griping hers. The Kusa kunoichi smirked, a sadistic glint flashing in her eyes.

"Aho, this is a scenario I wasn't expecting, Sasuke-kun."

That was then Sasuke and Sakura were hit by the foulest, most suffocating KI the two had ever encountered. The genins' bodies froze in fear, before they collapsed onto the ground.

"It's time to die!" The Kusa kunoichi laughed, her kunai striking the stunned genin right between the eyes, killing them.

Muscles tensed, Sasuke blinked back the vision of his death that the stranger's KI caused him to experience. Struggling to turn his head, his eyes landed on the pinkette beside him. Her green eyes were wide with tears flowing down her pale face, her mouth open in a silent scream that had Sasuke's heart stop for a moment. It was only the fact that he could feel Sakura's pulse from his grip on her hand that he knew that she was alive.

"I'm a little disappointed. You're nowhere near as good as Yami-kun." The Kusa kunoichi pouted.

Sasuke's eyes glared, earning him another bout of laughter.

"Oh well, sayonara, Sasuke-kun." The Kusa kunoichi said, flinging a pair of kunai at the two.

This time, the kunai were real.