154Chapter 25

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Inside the Jonin lounge, Yami sat on one of the couches between Kakashi and Kurenai. Asuma and a few other jonin were loitering around the room, but all eyes were on the screens that were showing live bits from inside training ground forty-four. On one screen, Team Ten was hunched behind a couple of tall bushed, seemingly making a plan with Shikaku's son speaking. A spot of pink caught Yami's attention and he looked to another screen to see Team Seven get bombarded by a wind jutsu. When the kunoichi from Kusa appeared on the screen, Yami watched intently. At the same moment Sasuke and Sakura were collapsing on the ground from the kunoichi's KI, Yami, with his sensory field still up, shot to his feet. His quick movement had every Jonin in the room tense up.

"Yami, what's wrong?" Kakashi asked, grabbing the Uchiha's forearm.

Kakashi was surprised by the trembles he felt from touching the ravenette.

Orochimaru is going after Sasuke. I am going after him. Yami signed, unsealing Kumo no Kosho and securing the sheathed blade in his dark blue sash before using shunshin.

"Orochimaru is here?" Kurenai voiced her shock, standing up as well.

"Someone report to Hokage-sama. I'm going to backup my team." Kakashi said, shunshin after Yami.


Knowing that he needed to do something, or face himself and Sakura being killed, Sasuke reached into his kunai pouch and stabbed the blade into his thigh. The pain broke him out of the frozen state the kunoichi's KI put him in. Activating his Sharingan, Sasuke wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist before leaping away into the folige. Hidden up in the trees, Sasuke pressed his back up against the trunk, trying to shake Sakura out of her shocked state while his eyes zipped back and forth in search of the enemy.

"Sasuke-kun." Sakura whispered, finally coming to.

His arm tightened around the pinkette's waist as he looked around the curve of the trunk they were hiding behind. He winced when Sakura pulled the kunai out of his thigh and began to heal the wound with shaky hands. A fluttering leaf had Sakura glance up and her hands grabbed a hold of the front of Sasuke shirt. She yanked her crush away from the trunk just as the giant snake sunk its fangs into the bark. Getting his footing, Sasuke leaped from branch to branch alongside Sakura.

"Aha, the prey running from the hunter. How exciting!"

Sasuke threw shuriken at the oncoming snake, making it change its course. Landing on another branch, he went through hand seals as fast as he could.

"Raiton: Seitekina Ba (Lightning Style: Static Field)!" Sasuke shouted, parting his weaved fingers away.

A net fashioned from a glowing electric charge shot out around Sasuke and Sakura, preventing the snake summon from coming any closer. A hand touched the net, a hiss followed.

"Hm…what a nice jutsu. It tickles."


"Futon: Kaze no Yaiba (Wind Style: Blade of Wind)!"

Wind chakra coated the Kusa kunoichi's arm and she slashed it through the electric field with ease. She was met with another jutsu from behind.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu! Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)!" Naruto yelled, his three clones copying his second jutsu.

Sasuke and Sakura let gravity push them down from the branch and out of the way of Naruto's wind jutsus. The blonde met the two on the ground and the three formed a triangle, their backs pressed against each other.

"What was that?! First I had to bust my way out of a snake that ate me and now this creep is—"

A chuckle whispered in the genins' ears. They tensed.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique)!"

"Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)!"

Sasuke and Naruto's jutsus combined, flames spreading out with a force that would keep anything away.

"In front. Behind. Right. Left. Up." Sakura counted off her check list, but then she remembered that one time during the bell test. "Move!"

No hesitation was met and the Kusa kunoichi rose up from where the three would have been. Growing bored, the kunoichi ran a hand down her face, peeling the skin below her eye. Her other eye glanced down at the burnt cloth of her pants.

"This is becoming a little less than I expected, I'm not impressed." The kunoichi spoke, her voice fading from being feminine to a deep male voice while she peeled her skin away to reveal a man in her place.

"Lady, you have a serious skin problem." The blonde pointed out, earning a glare.

In a blink of an eye, the man appeared in front of Naruto and punched him in the stomach. Naruto gagged in pain before the force of the punch sent the blonde through a few branches.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed.

A gasp left Sakura, her eyes meeting golden orbs a hairs breath away from her.

"Don't touch her!" Sasuke shouted, aiming a kick to the man's head.

Catching the kick, he tightened his grip around Sasuke's ankle before using his body to slam into Sakura's. He let go and the two genin tumbled away in pain.

"I'm finished playing with you three." The man spoke, frowning.

He then formed a hand seal that caused his neck to stretch to horrifying lengths. Fangs extended from his teeth and he flew at the young Uchiha with a speed too fast for anyone to react in time to move. A golden eye glanced to the left, widening slightly, before curving out of the way of a poison coated serrated blade. A black clad body landed between the downed genin and their attacker. A chuckle sounded, amused and highly pleased.

"Yami-kun, you've made it."

Hands tightening on the hilt of Kumo no Kosho, Yami's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan flashed dangerously. Yami brought his left hand up and bit into the pad of his thumb, drawing blood. Seeing this, Orochimaru leaped back and did the same. Yami drew a half square with a line slashing through the middle on his right forearm as quickly as he could.

'Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!'

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

Large clouds of smoke appeared with a bang, a large snake rising out of Orochimaru's with the summoner on its head. The ground shook around them as eight house high legs shifted through the smoke.

"Yami-sama, I've been waiting." A deep voice rumbled from the large spider summon.

The spider was black with bright red and blue swirls decorating its body. Its fangs dripped with pink venom that sizzled on the ground where it landed.

Sasuke, get up now!Yami signed quickly.

He chanced a glance at his cousin who was struggling to his feet with an unconscious Sakura in his arms.

Run! Yami signed and brought Kumo no Kosho up to block Orochimaru's Kusanagi.

He did not have another chance to see if Sasuke had listened to him, too busy exchanging blows with the infamous Sannin.