154Chapter 26

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

A/N: Concerning Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword...well you will read what I did. Enjoy :)


'Raiton: Surassha (Lightning Style: Slasher)!'

Lightning chakra crackled along Kumo no Kosho's blade before Yami arched the blade downwards, a slicing arch of lightning racing towards Orochimaru. The Hebi-Sannin canceled the jutsu out with one of his futon jutsus.

"Yami-kun, remember how my blade slid down the fair skin of your torso, cutting deeply into muscle?" Orochimaru asked, his long tongue dipping past his lips.

Yami fought back a shudder, trying to find an opening to capture Orochimaru in his Tsukiyomi. The area rocked as Yami's arachnid summon, Osoroshi, tangled Orochimaru's snake summon up with his acid web. The snake disappeared, but not before using its tail to slam Osoroshi through the surrounding trees where he too poofed away.

"There is this secret about the Sword of Kusanagi that I failed to mention to you last time, seeing as how I thought you would die from the poison." Orochimaru voiced, his lips forming a twisted smirk that had Yami swing a wild slash with Kumo no Kosho. "Once the poison of Kusanagi runs through the veins of its victims, it shall always run through them."

Orochimaru held up a hand seal and Yami was jolted by the fire spreading throughout his body, a concentration of the burn pulsating around his scar. Kumo no Kosho fell to the ground as Yami clawed at his burning chest. He coughed, a rare sound leaving the Uchiha's lips followed by blood staining the bandages covering his mouth. His doujutsu vanished to show his charcoal eyes filled with mind-numbing pain. Body paralyzed by the burning sensation coursing through his veins, Yami was helpless for the inevitable strike Orochimaru would undoubtedly make against him.

The smell of poison and snakes filled Yami's senses as a pair of arms wrapped around him, bring his motionless body up against another. Something wet and sticky trailed down Yami's forehead and over his blood-soaked bandages covering his mouth. His chest felt tight as he struggled to catch the breath that was suddenly lost to him. Strangely, Yami felt warm air brush against his bare skin, skin that was supposed to be covered by bandages. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and down his chin only to be wiped away by that same wet, sticky feeling.


Kakashi raced through training ground forty-four, desperate to catch up with Yami. He could now feel the ominous KI that matched Orochimaru specifically. Speeding through the trees, he ran into a team of ANBU going towards Orochimaru's position.

"Hatake-san, we just past Team Seven. Other than the obvious battle worn look, they are all alive." ANBU Neko (cat) spoke up, being to closest to the silver haired jonin.

"Yami should be facing Orochimaru now. He would have made sure to give Team Seven a chance to flee." Kakashi spoke, almost stumbling when a quake shook the trees.

He forced his pace to quicken. Breaking through the tree line into a clearing that was not there before, Kakashi and the ANBU team came to a startling halt at the sight of a bleeding and seemingly unconscious Yami hanging limply in Orochimaru's arms while his tongue swept over the Uchiha's bloodied lips. Lightning crackled and before the ANBU could stop him, Kakashi was charging in with Chidori screaming in his right hand. Irritated gold eyes flashed at the annoying interruption and Orochimaru let Yami's body fall to the ground in a heap while he melted into the ground.

Canceling his jutsu, Kakashi gathered Yami in his arms, one hand tangling in raven locks. Yami cough up blood, his eyes unable to shut even though he wanted to squeeze them tight from the pain. Kakashi's eyes took in the visible scar along the ravenette's left cheek before being hidden underneath the bandages around his throat. It was glowing bright red, flashing dangerously as another hacking cough escaped Yami's throat.

"Yami, can you hear me? Hang on, Yami!" Kakashi yelled, his tone on the edge of being frantic.

ANBU Usagi (rabbit) knelt beside Kakashi and ran a green chakra coated hand over the injured jonin. His eyes widened behind his mask.

"He's been poisoned." ANBU Usagi (rabbit) voiced, attempting to slow the spread. "It's too late. It's spread throughout his entire body."

Kakashi's arms tightened around Yami, before he stood up with the paralyzed Uchiha in his arms.

"Tsunade-sama healed Yami before." Kakashi rushed out, he and the ANBU team making their way out of training ground forty-four towards the village hospital.

"No one knows where Tsunade-sama is, let alone if she'll even come back." ANBU Saru (monkey) stated and was met with a snarl from Konoha's Sharingan no Kakashi.


Sasuke and Naruto stumbled into a small over hang that was created by tree roots growing upwards from the ground. Carefully placing his unconscious teammate down, Sasuke used his Sharingan to make sure they were alone. Naruto placed his hip pouch underneath Sakura's head.

"Sasuke, was that Yami-sensei? I didn't get a good look from you barreling towards me with Sakura-chan." Naruto asked, sweat dripping down the side of his face from exertion.

Sasuke nodded, using one of his arm warmers to clean the blood from Sakura's knee.

"He saved us. Told me to get up and run." Sasuke's voice trembled slightly. "That man knew Yami-Itoko. I think he had something to do with Itoko's scar."

"Uh, what scar?" Naruto asked, confused.

Sasuke bit the inside of his cheek at his slip up. His heated gaze met Naruto's blues.

"Don't tell anyone, but the bandages Yami-Itoko wears covers a scar going from here," Sasuke touched his left cheek. "To here." He brought his arm down to the middle of his right ribcage.

Naruto's mouth gaped, blue eyes wide.

"You mean there are no moles or buck teeth?" Naruto asked, referring to the bet he and Sasuke made many weeks ago.

The moment of relief passed and Naruto and Sasuke got to work setting up traps to protect them during the approaching night.


Kakashi paced back and worth outside of the operating room where the Medics had taken Yami from him. The ANBU team was hidden around to protect the helpless Uchiha in case Orochimaru decided to finish what he started. When the flashing red light went off, Kakashi's pacing stopped. He strained his ears to hear anything. His concentration broke when the door opened and the head of the hospital made his way over to the silver haired jonin.

"Just tell me that he's alive." Kakashi all but begged, needing to know.

Face grim, the medic nodded.

"We could not extract the poison and we lack the necessary skills to create an antidote. We had to resort to placing Uchiha-san into stasis to stop the progression the complex poison has on his body."

"Stasis? How long until that method no longer works?" Kakashi asked the medic.

"All I can say is that if Tsunade-sama is the only one capable of healing Uchiha-san, then you should prepare yourself and the rest of your team for the worst." The medic stated apologetically, before excusing himself to work on another patient.

With a heavy heart, Kakashi trudged into the room where Yami was. His single eye took in the glass cylinder that Yami's body had been placed in. A pale yellow gas floated inside, keeping the Uchiha in a state of equilibrium. The ravenette's clothes and bandages were replaced by a sterile white blanket that was strategically covered everything except for the bridge of Yami's nose upwards. Kakashi hesitantly pressed a hand against the glass before sinking onto the floor, Yami's hair clip in his clutch.