154Chapter 27

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

A/N: As you have all noticed (or not noticed) throughout this story, I have not included Sakura's Inner Self. You will, however, get a view of Sakura's growth within this chapter and her development by the influence Yami has on her and Team Seven.


Team Seven barely made it to the tower in time, having been delayed by a team from Otogakure in which they retrieved the second scroll needed and another team from Kirigakure. Expecting Kakashi or Yami to appear once both scrolls were unsealed, Team Seven was surprised to see their Academy sensei, Umino Iruka. The brunette forced a smile on his face as he congratulated Team Seven on making it through the second round.

"Iruka-sensei, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked, not meaning to sound as rude as he did.

Iruka's eyebrow twitched.

"Listen you! I volunteered to be the one to greet you. Show a little gratitude." Iruka stated, waving a fist at the blonde, who laughed at his old teacher.


Iruka looked over to Sasuke and flinched back at the serious look marring the young raven haired boy's face.

"What happened to Yami-Itoko after he saved us?" Sasuke asked, demanding an honest answer.

"Oh, it's almost time for the Hokage to speak. Hurry up; you don't want to be late." Iruka rushed out, changing the subject while pushing the three genin out of the room towards where the other teams were lined up next to one another.


After Sasuke's fight with another Konoha genin what could absorb another person's chakra, Team Seven stood anxiously for one or both of their no-show senseis. Every other team had their sensei's present. Sasuke and Sakura did not miss the looks aimed at Team Seven from the other Konoha senseis.

"Haruno Sakura vs Yamanaka Ino."

Sasuke stopped Sakura as she walked by.

"Don't let her words get to you. Play it smart." Sasuke whispered.

Nodding, Sakura quickly made her way down the stairs to stand opposite of the girl she once called a friend. Ino flipped her pony tail behind her, smirking at the pinkette.

"This will be the easiest win I'll ever make, Forehead. You should go ahead and give up." Ino taunted.

Staying silent, Sakura removed her hitai-ate from over her hair and tied it over her forehead. She took up a fighting stance, surprising the young Yamanaka.

"Psh." Ino scoffed, mirroring Sakura's actions with her own hitai-ate.


The two kunoichi charged at one another, each catching the other's punch.

"I can't believe that I am tied with you." Ino ground out, struggling against Sakura.

"Equal? You?" Sakura asked before slamming her heel into Ino's knee.

Ino cried out in pain and Sakura flipped backwards a few times, gaining some distance.

"That, I learned from Yami-sensei. All is fair in battle between shinobi." Sakura explained.

The pinkette completed the hand seals for her Meisaigakura (Hidden with camouflage) jutsu, her form wavering out of sight. Ino whipped around, searching for any sign of Sakura. A fist met Ino's chin, sending the blonde skidding across the floor. She got up in time to block a thrown kunai with one of her own. Sakura's jutsu faded, showing her on the other side of the arena. Ino wiped her knuckles across her bottom lip, ridding it of blood.

"You're so full of yourself. Just because Sasuke-kun is nice to you, means nothing. Your senseis aren't even here to watch your match. Do you honestly think you are good enough to become a chunin." Ino sneered, her teal eyes glaring daggers at the pinkette.

Sakura returned her glare.

"You better shut your mouth, Yamanaka, before I do it for you. Yami-sensei and Kakashi-sensei have their reasons for not being here, so keep your opinions to yourself." Sakura shouted right back.

"Hmph! Shows what you know. Senseis only miss out if their team is a joke." Ino voiced, ignoring Naruto's shouting and Sasuke's glare.

Green eyes flashed dangerously.

"Ino!" Sakura shouted, unconsciously building chakra into her punch as she sped at the blonde.

Seeing the slightly blue glow of Sakura's fist, Ino flipped to the side. Teal eyes widened when Sakura's fist met the ground, the force of chakra creating a small crater.

"Don't talk about my senseis. You don't know shit!" Sakura screamed, catching Ino's shocked look with an uppercut that sent the blonde rolling.

Ino went to get up, but was met with an axe kick to her lower back. She cried out in pain before staying still. Before anything else could happen, Sakura was declared the winner of her match.


All three members of Team Seven were advancing onto the final round of the Chunin Exams. With their number placements for the finals, Team Seven was about to walk out with the rest of the winners when the Hokage spoke up.

"Sasuke-kun, I need to speak with you for a moment." Hiruzen told the young Uchiha.

Sasuke bowed politely to the village leader with Sakura doing the same and Naruto greeting him with a 'Hey, old man' like always.

"Alone." Hiruzen stressed, motioning for Naruto and Sakura to move along.

Sasuke prevented them from going anywhere by speaking up.

"With the utmost respect, Hokage-sama, we're a team so anything you say to me can be said in front of them." Sasuke said, an unsettling feeling working its way inside him.

Hiruzen smiled gently before a frown took over.

"Concerning the incident in the Forest of Death, you three encountered an S-ranked criminal that goes by the name of Orochimaru. He is a Konoha rogue and is one of the Sannin. Uchiha Yami-san intercepted Orochimaru in an effort to keep you safe, Sasuke-kun. During the fight, Yami-san was somehow poisoned by Orochimaru's Kusanagi blade. This is worrisome as there are no visible cuts marking Uchaha-san body. The only one with enough knowledge of the poison to make an antidote is Senju Tsunade, another Sannin of Konoha and former teammate of Orochimaru. Seeing that she is currently outside the village, Yami has been placed in a state of equilibrium, or stasis to halt the corruption the poison has inside his body. You will find him along with Hatake Kakashi-san at the hospital in the ICU in room 512." Hiruzen spoke in a firm and serious tone.

With every sentence that left the Hokage's mouth, Sasuke lost that much more color and control over his emotions. As soon as Hiruzen was finished speaking, Sasuke bolted from the room with Sakura and Naruto following close behind.