154Chapter 28

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

A/N: Special thanks to silly60, F, and Guest for the lovely comments. As promised to silly60, here is a new chapter.


From inside the hospital room 512, Kakashi sat in a chair beside Yami's side. His elbows were propped up on his knees with his face buried in his hands. An hour earlier, ANBU Neko (cat) had appeared across the room and given Kakashi the bad news of there being no trace of the rogue Sannin. He barely paid attention to what was going on outside of the room, too preoccupied with his thoughts than anything else.

'This…Is this the Hatake Curse father spoke about? Are we subjected to losing all we care for…? To live without those we hold dear?' Kakashi thought, his fingers tightening in his silver locks with enough force to cause a civilian to cry out in pain. 'Yami…please.'

The slamming of the room entrance caused nothing more than for Kakashi to look up from his hands. At the sight of his team, he attempted to straighten up.

"Kakashi-sensei, is it true? Was Yami-sensei poisoned by that man who attacked us?" Sakura asked, her green eyes already moist.

Kakashi felt himself nod. Maybe he was in shock, he thought. Sasuke stood on the other side of Yami, hands clenched into fists as he stared down at his peaceful looking cousin.

"He looks like he's sleeping." Naruto stated quietly, standing next to Sasuke.

"Hokage-sama said that Senju-san was the only one capable of making an antidote for Yami-Itoko, but that she is not in Konoha." Sasuke struggled to speak through the tightening of his jaw. "When will she arrive?"

Kakashi tried to swallow in an effort to relieve his dry throat. It did nothing to help.

"No one knows her current location." Kakashi spoke, causing three pairs of eyes to focus on him. "Matters pertaining to Tsunade-sama's reasoning from being outside of the village, will most likely keep her from returning."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, what KI he had, filled the room.

"What? But she has to! Yami…Itoko will die." Sasuke choked out.

Standing up, Kakashi faced Sasuke's anger head on.

"I know that!" Kakashi shouted, surprising the three genin. "Now stop wasting what little time Yami has and go get packed. The four of us have a Sannin to find. You have five minutes to get to the gate or I'm leaving without you."

A blue, pink, and orange blur sped out of the hospital, leaving Kakashi standing in the room with Yami. The silver haired jonin placed a hand on the glass nearest to the ravenette's left cheek. He set his forehead against the glass, his eyes closed.

"Hang in there, Yami. I forbid you from passing on without me. You—" Kakashi's hand that was on the glass curled into a fist. "You better keep fighting or else I won't forgive you."

Kakashi shunshin to Konoha's front gate and waited for the last minute left. Just as he was stepping out of the village, he was joined by the three heavily breathing genin of Team Seven.


Hiruzen stood with his arms locked behind his back, his posture tense as he stared out of the window of his office. Not one of his team of ANBU were able to track down his old student that had critically injured one of the last surviving Uchihas. Right now, he had three ANBU teams guarding the ravenette. The familiar sound of a shunshin and a new chakra presence had Hiruzen glance over his shoulder to see a kneeling ANBU.

"Nezumi (rat), report."

"Hokage-sama, Hatake-san and the genin of Team Seven have been spotted leaving the village gates." ANBU Nezumi spoke quickly after saluting his leader.

Hiruzen's eyes widened.

"I believe that they are in search of Tsunade-sama." Nezumi stated, hope being hard to hide in the ANBU's voice.

"Nezumi, gather the other members of your team. I want you to shadow Team Seven. I will allow them to be gone no longer than two weeks. Beyond that, I order you to bring them back with force if you have to. Dismissed." Hiruzen ordered; his voice stern and matching the frown on his lips.


"Sensei, how will we know where to look first?" Sakura yelled over the rushing wind from leaping through the trees.

"My late sensei spoke about the love his sensei had for his teammate. Apparently, Tsunade-sama has a reputation of being an obsessive gambler. We will search every casino in Hi no Kuni if we have to." Kakashi voiced from his spot at the front of the diamond formation.

"I don't care who this woman is. She will be coming back to Konoha with us to heal Itoko." Sasuke hissed, his Sharingan unconsciously spinning into existence.


~Five Days Later~

"Damn it!" A woman's voice cussed, her hand reaching out and slapping the rigged machine in front of her.

"Tsunade-sama, please calm down. Let's go back to our room. It's getting late." A younger woman pleaded to the blonde pig-tail wearing woman who just lost more money to a game of chance.

"In a minute, Shizune." Tsunade waved her off and pulled the lever of the machine once again.

Bells and whistles went off as a series of lights flashed wildly. Two pairs of eyes widened.

"Tsu-Tsunade-sama, you won!" Shizune cried out, still surprised.

Tsunade stood up from her stool, her jade green long sleeve hanten fluttering around her light gray kimono style top. She bit the tip of her tongue at her rotten luck.

"Come, Shizune. We're leaving." Tsunade stated, brows furrowed.

"Something bad is about to happen, isn't it?" Shizune questioned, following her master out of the casino, her pet pig TonTon clutched to her chest.

If there was anything Shizune was sure about her master's luck, is that it was so bad that when Tsunade did win, something tragic always followed. Walking through the bustling night of Tanzaku Gai, popular for its casinos and festival-like atmosphere, it was easy to lose track of one's time. Reaching their hotel room, Tsunade's hand paused on the door knob. Her eye caught Shizune's and the two readied themselves for a fight. Opening the door, Tsunade was met with a sight she did not count on. Inside hers and Shizune's hotel room, were the Hatake-gaki (brat) and three genin she assumed belonged to him.

"Gaki (brat), how did you find me?" Tsunade asked, stepping fully into the room.

She took in the haggard state of all four of the Konoha ninjas and thought about her recent win. She almost cussed again.

"Who died?" She asked and had the pleasure of having four blazing glares aimed at her person.

"He's not dead, but he will be if you don't come back to Konoha." Kakashi spoke up, voice gruff.

Tsunade scoffed.

"What makes you think I'll return to that cursed place for anyone?" Tsunade stated, crossing her arms under her huge bossum.

"Yami-Itoko isn't just anyone!" Sasuke roared, Sharingan spinning to life.

Tsunade's head jerked in the ravenette's direction. Her teeth clinched.

"What happened?" Tsunade asked, possible scenarios rushing through her mind.

"He was poisoned." Sakura said, her voice quiet.

"Yeah! That hebi-bastard (snake-) did something to Yami-sensei!" Naruto shouted, blue eyes piercing.

Tsunade felt her chest tighten at the genins' words.

"Again?" Tsunade asked, looking at Kakashi for confirmation. "Tsk!" She tsked, biting down on the tip of her thumb in aggravation.

"Tsunade-sama, surely we can return to help him." Shizune tried to reason with her master.

"No, I refuse to return to Konoha, but—" Tsunade's eyes landed on Sakura. "—but I will teach you how to make the poison. That is the only way I will help in this situation." Tsunade stated.

Sasuke's lips twisted into a sneer, his body ready to spring. Sakura's movements stopped him.

"Yami-sensei has faith in my abilities to learning Medical Ninjutsu. Teach me how to make the antidote. I don't have time to waste on your cowardliness, because someone very important to us is running out of time." Sakura said, eyes flashing with determination.

"Sakura." Kakashi whispered, knowing at this moment would be his proudest of her.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, but she smirked at the pinkette. She cracked her knuckles and turned to head out the door.

"Hurry up, Gaki. Like you said, we don't have all day." Tsunade called out, heading back out into the night to gather the needed supplies Sakura would need.