154Chapter 31

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Something wet and sticky trailed down Yami's forehead and over his blood-soaked bandages covering his mouth. His chest felt tight as he struggled to catch the breath that was suddenly lost to him.

Kakashi thought of himself as a light sleeper, one with years of shinobi experience to call upon waking at a moment's notice at the slightest shift of movement. It was this experience that had Kakashi opening his single charcoal orb and catching Yami attempting to sneak out of bed.

"You know that you shouldn't be moving very much, Yami. You were in a coma for a month, don't stress your body." Kakashi reprimanded gently, sitting up and pulling Yami back down onto the mattress.

Strangely, Yami felt warm air brush against his bare skin, skin that was supposed to be covered by bandages. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and down his chin only to be wiped away by that same wet, sticky feeling.

The sheet had drifted down to pool around the ravenette's waist, but the room's lack of light prevented Kakashi from seeing the full extent of Yami's scar. Kakashi felt Yami tense up which caused a chain reaction that had the silver haired jonin tense as well. Pale fingers tangled up in pitch black locks and all Kakashi could do was watch as Yami drew in on himself and away from him.


Kakashi's charcoal orb widened at the hoarse, broken voice.

"Yami, did you just speak?" Kakashi questioned, his own fingers wrapping around Yami's wrists to bring them away from pulling on raven locks.

The voice matched the one belonging to Yami when the two were inside the older Uchiha's Tsukiyomi. The only difference was that it was hoarse sounding, like when one first woke and the word cracked a little. All in all, it was indeed Yami that spoke in the silence of the room. Eyes reflecting darkness met Kakashi's single eye, they wavered. Thinking back on the word Yami had spoken, Kakashi shook his head 'no'.

"There is nothing filthy about you, Yami." Kakashi told him quietly, not having to wonder about what Yami was talking about.

…. a bleeding and seemingly unconscious Yami hanging limply in Orochimaru's arms while his tongue swept over the Uchiha's bloodied lips.

Yami jerked his wrists out of Kakashi's grip and moved to slid off of the bed. Kakashi caught the ravenette around his waist before Yami's toes managed to graze the cool tile flooring. Ignoring the sudden spike of chakra in the room, Kakashi pressed his face against the nape of Yami's neck and just held him. Yami stilled, his Sharingan fading away as his pulse began to calm. Activating his Sharingan had been on the fear of recalling his second loss to the Hebi-bastard (snake-). The ravenette brought his hands up and covered the ones around his waist.

Tilting his head a little, the motion coaxed Kakashi to lift his head. Mask down past his chin, Kakashi's bare lips molded against Yami's. It only took a moment for their closed-mouthed kiss to deepen into something heated. Yami's calming pulse sped back up, but instead of fear, the ravenette felt something he had long since gone without. Breaking the kiss with the reluctance to breath, Kakashi's eye lingered on Yami's parted mouth before taking in the ravenette's face.

"Yami." Kakashi whispered the Uchiha's name, his fingers ghosting across the side of Yami's neck.

A quiet sigh left Yami, the Uchiha turning around in the silver haired jonin's arms. Laying down face to face on their sides, Yami moved closer and took advantage of Kakashi's arm sliding over his waist. He rested his head against Kakashi's shoulder and the two closed their eyes in an effort to catch a couple of more hours of sleep before the finals of the Chunin exam started.


"Ngh…no more ramen for you." Naruto mumbled, his nose twitching slightly in his sleep.

The blonde was draped sideways over his bed, a small trail of drool sliding from the corner of his mouth as the boy snored. That is the sight Sakura and Sasuke found their blonde teammate in when they had woken up and dressed for the exam finals. Sasuke smirked before grabbing one side of Naruto's mattress. Sasuke proceeded to flip the mattress over which resulted in the blonde flying up against the wall and getting stuck between the wall and bed frame.

"Gah! DAMN IT, TEME! WHAT THE HELL?! Oh…Sakura-chan. Ohayo (good morning). Heh." Naruto shouted, red-faced at his dark haired rival/teammate/best friend, until he saw the female of Team Seven.

"Naruto, get dressed or we'll be late." Sakura chided, stepping over a pile of dirty clothes before digging in the blonde's closet for something clean to wear.

"Hn, hurry up, Dobe. I want to visit Itoko before the matches start." Sasuke voiced, watching with amusement as Naruto tried to wiggle himself free of his position.

Gleaming blues flashed up to meet dark skies with a glare.

"Oi, Teme, give me a hand." Naruto demanded, stretching out his right hand for Sasuke to grab.

Still smirking, Sasuke took Naruto's hand and yanked the blonde free. Sakura tossed Naruto a set of clothes on the bed and she left the room with Sasuke for Naruto to get dressed. Throughout their training, the genin of Team Seven decided to change up their outfits. Sasuke wore a black short-sleeve, high collar loose one piece shorts suit. He had white bandages wrapped around his ankles, stopping just below his knees, and white bandages wrapped around his entire left arm. The white bandages had black straps twisted around them and snapped in place. His elbows were covered by tan elbow pads and he traded in his blue shinobi sandals for a black pair. His Uchiha crest was on his back.

Sakura wore a sleeveless red qipao style top with her family crest on the front left side. She still wore her spandex shorts, but covering them was a black apron skirt that was split on both sides and had hidden pockets. Her hair was twisted up in a French braid that she tied into a bun with a black ribbon. Her hitai-ate remained on her forehead.

Naruto was very stubborn when it came to having orange in his outfit, so his teammates made a compromise with the blonde. He could have his orange, but only the minimal amount. His orange jumpsuit was thrown out and replaced with a black one. The jacket had the Uzumaki swirl on the back and orange lining. Underneath the jacket, Naruto wore a black mess armor shirt and he also traded in his blue shinobi sandals for a pair of black ones.

Leaving his room, Naruto took the onigiri wrapped in nori that Sakura held out for him and the three left his small, messy apartment to pay their raven haired sensei a visit at the hospital before reporting for the Chunin finals. Reaching the hospital, the genin of Team Seven paused from entering the gate at the sight of Kakashi walking closely beside Yami. The silver haired male had an arm around the ravenette's waist, supporting him as the two slowly exited the hospital doors.