154Chapter 32

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


When the morning sun rose three hours later, Yami woke up with the decision that he would be attending the finals of the Chunin exam whether the medics wanted him out of bed or not. First, he had to get Kakashi out of the room with the guise of telling the silver haired man that he had to represent Team Seven since Yami was told that Kakashi was not there to watch the kids during the prelims. Sitting up, the corners of Yami's mouth curved upwards at how easily Kakashi's eye blinked opened. A single charcoal orb glanced at the closed window blinds to see the growing light from the rising sun.

"Too early." Kakashi groaned before pulling the ravenette back down and practically rolling on top of him.

Yami gaped at Kakashi when the silver haired man snuggled up with closed eyes, attempting to go back to sleep. Brows furrowed, Yami smirked before digging his knuckles into both of Kakashi's sides. Konoha's Sharingan no Kakashi shot up from the bed, his legs tangled with the sheet and ended up face planting on the floor. While Kakashi was eating the tiled floor, Yami calmly reached behind him and grabbed the pillow on the bed. Sitting up, Yami covered his exposed lap with the pillow and watched with great amusement as Kakashi fumbled to get untangled.

"Yaaammmiiii, what was that for?" Kakashi whined.

Yami's head tilted, still smirking. Right hand holding the pillow in place, the ravenette used his left hand to sign.

You need to go to the finals today. Go home and shower and do not think about being late.

Kakashi was staring at him, that much Yami was sure. What he was not sure about was whether or not Kakashi had 'heard' a single world Yami just 'said'. Kakashi's mask was still down around his neck, so Yami could clearly see what all the fuss was about concerning why Kakashi wore his mask. The man was most definitely easy on the eyes. Was that a pink tinge appearing on the silver haired man's face? Yami's eyes narrowed in thought before Kakashi's eyes met his.

"Do I have to?" Kakashi asked seriously, his voice carrying a husky tone.

Knowing exactly what was going on inside the other man's head, Yami's arms shot up to form a large X.

Get your head out of the gutter, Kakashi and go home. Yami signed, his face scrunching up in order to hid the sudden blush Kakashi's grin had caused.

That man had a dimple when he grinned like that.


Yami cut Kakashi's excuse off by pointing towards the door. Shoulders slumped and sighing in defeat, Kakashi stood up and placed the sheet back on the hospital bed.

"Alright, I'm going." Kakashi said, before he cupped the back of Yami's neck with his right hand.

A soundless gasp escaped Yami at the feel of Kakashi's left hand trailing along his scar until it was cupping his bare hip. Kakashi's tongue dipped past Yami's lips, running along the roof of his mouth before teasing the ravenette's tongue. Just as Yami was responding back, Kakashi broke away and pulled his mask back over the lower half of his face. Sending Yami a closed-eye smile, Kakashi waved the wide-eyed, gapping in disbelief ravenette good-bye and disappeared with a shunshin.

'That cheeky bastard.' Yami thought with a huff.


Once he got over the fact that Kakashi was such a tease, Yami stepped carefully over to the wardrobe that was in the room for patient's clothes for when they would be discharged from the hospital. Grabbing the clean outfit Sasuke must to have left Yami, the older Uchiha made his way to the joint bathroom. Showered and dressed in a pair of black shinobi pants with the ankles wrapped, Yami stepped out of the bathroom as he tied an indigo sash around his waist. His knuckles were wrapped in bandages all the way up to his elbows. He also sported bandages wrapped around his torso all the way up to the bridge of his nose. Yami turned at the presence in the room and saw Kakashi leaning up against the wall near the door. The man's arms were crossed and he had one foot resting flat against the wall.

"After I left, I had the funniest feeling that I had forgotten something so I hurried through my shower and came back. Imagine my lack of surprise to find you getting ready to leave." Kakashi stated cheerfully.

Yami was not tricked by that tone of voice, knowing that the silver haired man was more than a little miffed with him.

You can try to talk me out of going, Kakashi, but I am leaving this stuffy place to watch our kids in the finals. Yami signed, walking slower than he usually would.

His muscles were stiff and a little sore from him staying in one position for so long without any form of exercise. Kakashi's arms dropped to his sides and he moved away from the wall to open the door before wrapping his left arm around Yami's waist.

"Don't even think about arguing, Yami." Kakashi whispered in the ravenette's ear as the two walked slowly down the corridor.

Hn. You'd think I was in a coma for a month with the way you are being. Yami jokingly signed.

Before exiting the hospital, Kakashi pressed a masked covered kiss to the side of Yami's head, his arm tightening ever so slightly around the raven's waist. Yami took the silent words to heart and leaned just a little more closely towards Kakashi.


"Itoko, did the medics release you already?" Sasuke asked, confusion clearly written across his face.


"Nope." Kakashi voiced and earned an elbow jab to the ribs.

The silver haired jonin quickly let Yami go in favor of rubbing his sore ribs and Yami used Sasuke's head to lean on by folding his arms on top of the younger Uchiha's dark locks. Sasuke glared up at Yami, but the glare held no animosity behind it. Behind them, inside the hospital, Team Seven could hear panic shouts of confusion.

"Looks like the medics found your empty room." Kakashi stated to Yami, the material of his mask stretching slightly with the curve of his lips.

Shut it, Hatake. Yami signed, refraining himself from rolling his eyes.

"You mean that you snuck Yami-sensei out of the hospital?" Sakura asked in utter disbelief.

"Kakashi-sensei is trying to corrupt Yami-sensei!" Naruto shouted, pointing a finger at the silver haired jonin.

"Mou, you're words hurt me, Naruto-kun." Kakashi voiced monotonously, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Anyways, you three should hurry to the stadium before you're late. Ja ne (good-bye)."

Kakashi then looped his arm through Yami's and shunshin the two of them away. Reappearing outside the stadium doors, Yami was greeted by other Konoha shinobi that were showing up to watch the matches.