154Chapter 34

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


'Jutsus won't work on him…my futons (winds) will only bounce off of that Teme's weird chakra shield and he won't fall for Kakashi-sensei's Doton: Shinju Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Style: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique) a second time. Damn it!' Naruto thought angrily, biting his thumb nail in aggravation. 'Calm down. Yami-sensei always said to keep a calm mind when in battle. Don't get distracted, Dattebayo!'

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

Five more shadow clones popped into existence. The blonde may not have been as smart at Shikamaru or Sakura, but he had a plan and he was about to set it in motion.

"Tsk, this jutsu again? You know that it won't work!" Neji shouted, getting in his Juken position.

One of Naruto's clones began the hand signs for a futon jutsu while the other four clones fought to drive Neji back.

"Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)!"

The clone's technique hit Neji's Kaiten (Rotation), the two forces fighting for dominance. Neji's chakra shield faded along with the futon jutsu. The last two clones jumped Neji as soon as the jutsus canceled. He fended off the two clones, but those few seconds were all the real Naruto need. Breaking through the hole originally made from his from his first and only doton (earth) jutsu, Naruto's sent a right hook smashing into Neji's chin. The hit sent the brunette flying through the air only to land harshly against the ground. Neji attempted to get back up, but could not move. His white eyes glared at the blonde, who's knuckles were bleeding from the hit.

"Winner: Uzumaki Naruto!" Genma shouted, smirking around his senbon.

'That kid…he worked out a solid plan to back the Huyga towards the tunnel he made earlier and surprised him.' Genma thought. 'Not bad.'

Good job, Naruto. Yami signed to the grinning blonde who was waving fanatically up at both he and Kakashi.

Kakashi sent the blonde a peace sign, his face still in his book. Despite that, he did not miss a thing during the match.


After Shikamaru was forced into his match by a still grinning Naruto tossing him over the stadium railing, the Nara had the match won until the lazy heir gave up under the notion that he did not hit girls. That little tidbit only made his opponent, Temari, angrier. It was now Sakura's turn to fight. Her opponenet from Otogakure was already waiting for her.

"Kick his ass, Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted, gearing up to see his pink haired teammate fight.

Sakura smacked the blonde upside the head.

"Be quiet, Baka!" Sakura hissed, giving the blonde's ear a rather painful squeeze that had Naruto flailing about.

Sasuke smirked at the two.

"Sakura, don't keep your opponent waiting." The ravenette told her, motioning for her to go on with a nod of his head.


Taking the easy way out, Sakura went to leap off of the railing to enter the arena much like Shikamaru was forced to earlier. A hand caught hers before she could push off. Pink hair danced in the wind as her head turned to face her raven haired teammate.

"Kick his ass." Sasuke whispered, repeating Naruto's words.

Face flushed, Sakura nodded and left her two teammates up in the viewing box to watch her match.


Yami had seen the small moment between the pinkette and his younger cousin with a neutral expression. Was this how Sasuke acted before the first exam when Sakura gave Yami that hope-filled look? His mouth twitched upwards.

'That gaki (brat)…I'll have to talk to him soon.' Yami's smile dropped a little. 'Real soon.' He finished, thinking about the discussion he had to bring up about Itachi.

Yami's chest felt tight as he thought about his other young cousin. Glancing at the Sandaime, Yami knew that after the finals were over with, he would be meeting with Hiruzen to confront him about Danzo and the massacre.


Yami flinched at the loud scream that came from directly behind him and Kakashi. Were those chips being eaten? Yami sent a look over his shoulder and saw Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akamichi. Catching pitch black orbs staring at her and her teammate, Ino blushed bright scarlet.

"U-um…oh-ohayo (good morning), Uchiha-san." Ino stuttered, bowing politely.

"Ohayo—*crunch*—Uchiha—*crunch*—san." Choji greeted around a mouthful of potato chips.

Yami gave the two genin a nod before turning back to the match that was beginning.


Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Sakura reached into her hip pouch and pulled out a pair of black fingerless gloves. Tugging them on, she watched her opponent closely.

"I've seen your fight during the prelims, Girl. I won't let you get close enough to hit me with that barbarian strength of yours." Dosu stated, bringing his right arm up and pushing up the sleeve to reveal a strange looking metal guard.

'He is one of the Oto nin that attacked Sasuke and Naruto in the Forest of Death.' Sakura thought, her fists tightening as she remembered how that guy was able to produce sound waves with the metal device on his arm. 'Okay, so all I have to do is block out sound…easier said than done.'

An idea struck her. Not having anything else up her sleeve that could possibly work, Sakura cut off the chakra flow around her ears. The sound around her instantly vanished, her hearing momentarily gone along with any feeling she would normally have. Focusing chakra into her legs and fist, Sakura shot across the arena.

"Ekodoriru Kyoshin no Jutsu (Resonating Echo Drill technique)!" Dosu shouted, holding his right arms up across his chest.

Manipulated sound waves pulsed through the air at Sakura. She could tell that the attack was pressing through her ear canals, because of the warm liquid trailing from her ears. She ignored it. Dosu's eyes widened. His jutsu should have brought the pinkette to her knees with pain and nausea. How was she still charging at him? Distracted by his disbelief, Dosu barely tumbled out of the way. Sakura's fist slammed into the ground.


The ground dented inwards, creating a crater with a radius of twenty feet. Slowly, Sakura rose up from her position at the epicenter and turned to look at the stunned Oto nin. Placing her left hand inside her right, she cracked her knuckles before charging. This time, instead of her hands glowing with strength, they glowed from a newly learned Medical jutsu.

"Chakra no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel)." Sakura said under her breath as she quickly closed the distance between her and Dosu.


When Sakura's fist slammed into the ground, the stadium shook from the vibrations and everyone went silent. Yami however was ecstatic on how much the pinkette has progressed.

When did she learn Tsunade-san's chakra infused strength technique? Yami signed to Kakashi, his eyes not leaving his sole female student.

"Thinking it was a fluke, Sakura-chan played it off when Yugao-san showed up to help her train. Knowing what Tsunade-sama could do, Yugao-san had Sakura practice until she practically ran out of chakra." Kakashi explained

'Ooo, that has to hurt.' Yami thought, seeing Sakura's chakra scalpel make contact with her opponent's right knee.

The male genin stumbled to the ground, unable to support himself. Sakura's jutsu had most likely severed the tendons around the male's knee. The pinkette slashed her blue chakra coated hands down at the Oto nin's neck, going for a knockout.

"Winner: Haruno Sakura!"

Not hearing the announcement, Sakura remained standing behind the unconscious Oto nin. At the hand landing on her shoulder, the pinkette grabbed the wrist and went to flip the offender over her. She paused at the sight of the senbon wielding proctor. Embarrassed that she was about to attack the jonin, Sakura let the man's wrist go and bowed deeply.

"I'M SO SORRY!" She practically screamed at the man.

Her blush deepened to cover her entire face when she straightened up to see Genma rubbing his ears from how loud she was. Her hands glowed green and she covered her ears to begin healing them of damage. Finally able to hear again, Sakura bowed again.

"I'm sorry." She apologized again, quietly now.

The pinkette then bolted from the arena floor in an effort to hide how red her face was. By the time she managed to calm down enough to join her two teammates back in the viewing box, Kankuro had forfeited his match against Shino Aburame and Sasuke was already in the arena with his opponent, Gaara.