154Chapter 35

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

IMPORTANT A/N: Updates will be few and far between. I will try to update as much as possible during the weekends, but my Spring semester classes have begun today. I will be extremely busy with my class schedule, but do not fret. I will continue with this story as frequently as I can!


Sasuke stood across from his redheaded opponent, his Sharingan activated to show three tomoe. His body was tense and he could sense something dark coming from the Suna nin. Teal eyes filled with bloodlust were locked onto Sasuke's every move. Remembering Gaara's fight against Rock Lee in the prelims, Sasuke knew that speed was a major advantage against the redhead. He just had to pack a more devastating attack than Lee had; one that would take his opponent out of the picture. He had a jutsu in mind; he just had to get past Gaara's sand.


Yami watched his young cousin run circles around the redhead from Suna, becoming nothing but a dust storm from the speed he was traveling.

'Aa, so that is what Kakashi helped Sasuke with…his speed.' Yami thought; pleased. 'Naruto has improved his strategic abilities, Sakura increased her chakra control, and now Sasuke had increased his speed. This team…I am grateful to be a part of.'

Kakashi noticed the calm aura emitting from Yami and smiled behind his mask. He could feel how satisfied Yami was with their genin. They have definitely come a long way from where they originally were when they graduated the Academy. Feeling a pair of eyes on him, the silver haired male spotted Ino from his peripheral vision. She was watching Kakashi stare at Yami with a blush on her face and her eyes sparkling from the new gossip material she had gathered. He held back a groan at the blonde girl and turned back to his book.


Being a few seconds ahead of Gaara's deadly sand, Sasuke leaped out of the cloud of dust he had kicked up and planted a haymaker against the redhead's chin. Hiding his wince of pain behind a frown, Sasuke back-flipped a few times, avoiding the sand coming at him. Hitting Gaara felt like Sasuke had punched solid rock. Not wanting to waste any more time and give Gaara a chance to counter, Sasuke dodged the sand and began to run up the side of the arena wall. Stopping a good distance away, Sasuke crouched down to hold himself in place as he began a series of hand seals.

I hope you warned him to never aim that jutsu at a comrade, Kakashi. Yami signed, watching as lightning chakra began to form inside his cousin's left hand.

Arms folded across his chest, Kakashi nodded.

"I did." Kakashi answered. "Are you mad that I taught Sasuke the Chidori (A Thousand Chirping Birds)?"

Yami shook his head 'no'.

I plan on teaching him more raiton (lightning) jutsus. Yami signed.

As Sasuke began to run down the arena wall with the Chidori screaming in his hand, Yami's eyes caught sight of the Hokage and his company. The Kazekage was here to support the genin from his village, but there was something off about the man. What was this eerie feeling Yami had whenever he looked over at the Kazekage? Letting out a barely audible sigh had Kakashi's attention on him.

What is it? Kakashi signed discreetly so that only Yami could see.

Something doesn't seem right. Yami signed back, his eyes scanning the crowd.

A disturbingly tight green spandex suit stepped into Yami's sight and Kakashi could feel the ravenette shudder. Quickly looking in the direction Yami was staring in, Kakashi could see why. Gai had walked down the row they were on and was standing waist to eye level with the ravenette. His student Rock Lee was beside him sporting the same green attire, but was limping slowly with a crutch under his arm to keep him balanced.

Why me? What did I do? Yami signed, hiding his face against Kakashi's arm.

"Gai, stop standing around and sit down." Kakashi ordered the jonin, having a hard time holding back his mixed emotions.

He wanted to chuckle about Yami's predicament, but at the same time, he wanted to beat Gai half to death for scarring his lover…for scaring Yami for life.

"KA-KA-SHI! Why did you teach your student that jutsu? You know how dangerous that is for a genin." Gai practically reprimand Konoha's Sharingan no Kakashi.

A silver brow rose at Gai's words.

"This coming from the one who taught his student about the Hachimon (The Eight Inner Gates)?" Kakashi questioned, voice coming out as bored.

Gai opened his mouth to speak, but a shout of pain drew their attention. Sasuke's arm had pierced through a dome of sand that had formed around the redhead. Spikes shot out in defense and Sasuke marred a few bleeding cuts, but was able to avoid most of the deadlier hits. The sand began to go slack, falling to the ground. Gaara was revealed with Sasuke's hand just barely touching the redhead's shoulder. Yami could see the blood from where the Chidori had hit its mark.

"Blood! My blood!" Gaara screamed; eyes wide with fright.

Sasuke withdrew his arm and leaped back in case Gaara decided to attack. He did. Sand formed over the right side of Gaara's body and one teal eye turned gold.

"I'LL ERASE YOUR EXISTANCE!" Gaara screamed, charging wildly at the younger Uchiha.


'He's lost control.' Yami thought in disbelief as he watches his cousin dodge the raging strikes of his opponent.

A haze began to fill Yami's vision, feathers floating down. Pitch black eyes transformed into Sharingan and Yami broke the Genjutsu settling over him and the two beside him. He immediately unsealed Kumo no Kosho (Spider's Bite) from his left forearm, blocking the kunai aimed at Ino and Choji. Yami could feel someone's back near his and knew it was Kakashi. That eerie feeling from earlier was proven by the view box holding the Hokage blew up in smoke.


Blocking a blade with his sword, Yami's free hand crackled to life with blue static.

'Raiton: Seiteki Kanden (Lightning Style: Static Electrocution)!'

Lightning chakra raced over Yami's free hand before it ran through his body to his other arm. The jutsu made contact with the Oto nin, but Yami did not watch as the nin convulsed as he moved on to the next enemy shinobi making a move against some of the unconscious civilians in the stands. Every slice and slash of Yami's Kumo no Kosho dealt fatal wounds no matter how little the cuts were. Poison from his arachnid summons laced the serrated blade and would shut down his enemy's central nervous system before attacking their internal organs within seconds of being introduced into their blood stream. This blade was what made Yami gain his reputation during his earlier years as a chunin and followed him straight through his ANBU years. His flee-on-sight warning in the bingo books was there for a reason, because as soon as Kumo no Kosho appeared, there would be no turning back.

'Raiton: Sei-atsu (Lightning Style: Static Pressure)!' Yami voiced his jutsu in his mind as he completely the one handed seals for one of his defensive jutsus.

Static lit up the south side of the stands, dancing in between Konoha shinobi and surrounding enemy Oto and Suna nins. The air around the enemy nins grew electrifying as the shock paralyzed their bodies. This gave the Konoha shinobi the chance they needed to take out their opponents permanently.