154Chapter 36

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Five minutes into the invasion, Yami heard his name being shouting. There was no mistaking that the voices belonged to Naruto and Sakura. Cutting down the Suna nin about to stab Gai, Yami glanced at two of his genin. Pressing chakra into the seal on his right wrist, poison senbon appeared in his grasp and he tossed them at the pinkette and blonde. Sakura let out a squeal of surprise while Naruto tackled the girl to the ground. Behind them, an Oto nin gurgled up blood from the senbon piercing his neck before he collapsed to the floor dead.

"Yami-sensei! A little warning next time, Dattebayo!" Naruto shouted, his knuckles turning white around the handle of his kunai.

Kakashi's axe kick connected to one Oto nin before his left heel sent another enemy nin flying over the railing from a round house kick. The silver haired jonin spotted Sasuke leading an unstable Gaara through the broken arena wall.

"Naruto! Sakura! This is an A-rank mission! Gather the other genin available and go back-up Sasuke against Gaara and his siblings!" Kakashi ordered, his back forming a triangle against Gai's and Yami's back as they protected the unconscious civilians along with Izumo and Kotetsu.



Moments later, Yami spotted the blonde and pinkette rushing after Sasuke with Shikamaru and Shino in tow.


"Does anyone know what is going on with Hokage-sama?" Gai asked, stomping down another nin that got too close to his wounded student.

Kakashi chanced a glance over to where the Hokage used to be only to see a purple barrier up blocking ANBU from helping.

"It seems that Orochimaru disguised himself at the Kazekage. He is fighting Sandaime-sama inside a barrier." Genma answered as he joined them in the stands after clearing the lower arena. "ANBU still have not been able to break it."

Yami's glanced at Kakashi, sending him a silent look. Nodding, Kakashi covered Yami from enemy attacks with his own kunai while the Uchiha made his way quickly to where the Hokage was fighting Orochimaru. Landing on the roof, the ANBU drew up arms until they noticed that it was Yami and not enemy shinobi.

"Uchiha-san, it seems that the barrier is covering all six sides completely. There is no way to pass." ANBU Saru (monkey) spoke, his voice muffled slightly behind his mask.

Yami spotted the four ninja crouched at each of the four corners inside the barrier. Stepping over to the nearest one, Yami crouched down to eye level, his Sharingan transforming into his Eternal Mankekyo Sharingan.

"What the fuck are you looking at, you—"

The rosette kunoichi Yami was crouched in front of made the mistake of making eye contact with Yami. He drew her into his world of Tsukuyomi. Inside the black and white world, the kunoichi found herself strapped to a lone post. Her arms were tied above her head and a rope trapping her ankles. She quickly looked to the man standing in front of her.

"Only a second will pass in reality for every seventy-two hours spent inside my Tsukuyomi, but you won't even be here that long." Yami spoke, his voice blank of emotion as he raised his right hand to the kunoichi's chest.

"What the hell?! Let me go, Teme! Get away!"

She tried to throw her head back as a scream ripped past her lips, but the post she was bound to prevented her from doing so. Yami's hand was buried wrist deep into the kunoichi's chest; his fingers give her heart a threatening squeeze. She screamed again, tears burning down her cheeks. Her head fell limply against her collarbone as Yami separated her heart from her body. Returning to reality, Yami deactivated his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, it forming back into his regular Sharingan. Standing up on shaky legs, he watched with an emotionless gaze as the kunoichi broke her seal concentration and fell backwards. The barrier cracked before shattering into a million pieces. The ANBU did not hesitate to help their Kage. A pair of hands gripped Yami's shoulders, steadying him as he swayed.

"Rest." ANBU Neko (cat) ordered softly and Yami left his care in the hands of Yugao who carefully helped the ravenette off of the rooftop and over to where Kakashi and the others had finished off most of the threat inside the arena.



Seeing a barely conscious Yami being supported by Neko, Kakashi closed the distance between them in a blink. He wrapped his arms around Yami while glaring questioningly at Yugao.

"He used his Eternal Mangekyo on one of the barrier users. It is no surprise that Uchiha-san is near exhaustion after only resting a day when awakening from a coma." Yugao/Neko voiced tersely at the silver haired jonin.

Kakashi nodded his thanks as the arena shook from battles happening in other parts of the village. Setting Yami on one of the rows, Kakashi proceeded to summon his ninken.

"Stay with Yami. Protect him." Kakashi ordered before he left with the others to help defend Konoha.


"Sasuke-kun, look out!" Sakura shouted, shoving the young Uchiha out of the way of Gaara's sand arm.

The arm rammed into the pinkette before slamming her up against the trunk of a nearby tree. She gasped, losing what breath she had. The sand tightened around her, but she had already lost consciousness.

"Sakura!" Sasuke yelled, witnessing the pinkette take the hit for him.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted as fifty clones swarmed Gaara.

Taking a look at his blonde teammate, Sasuke drew his last kunai from his pouch.

"Naruto, buy me some time! I'm going to try to free Sakura." Sasuke yelled over at his teammate.

Naruto nodded, charging in with his clones. All of them were holding a blue spiral of chakra.


Dust settled over the trees and Sasuke had to squint to keep the particles from getting in his eyes. Midnight dark orbs widened at the sight of the large toad Naruto had summoned. Sasuke's arms tightened around Sakura, holding the unconscious pinkette protectively against him as he watched his blonde teammate henged the toad into the infamous Kyuubi no Kitsune (Nine Tailed Fox)

'When did you get so strong, Naruto?' Sasuke thought, watching the battle intently.

Sasuke thought back to his cousin's summons and wondered if he would ever let him sign the contract. He marked that thought for later, definitely going to ask Yami about it after everything settles down. Moments later, both Naruto and Gaara plummeted to the ground, crashing through tree branches along the way down. Picking up Sakura, Sasuke leaped down from the large branch they were on and went to find Naruto.


Yami woke up once again in a hospital room. This time, instead of waking up to Kakashi and the other members of Team Seven, Yami received a face full of Pakkun. He reframed himself from jerking away from the dog being so close.

"Good morning, Yami-kun."

Yami was once again reminded how surprising it was that such a small dog could have such a deep voice. Yami nodded, acknowledging the ninken.

"Kakashi-kun asked us to watch over you until he returns." Pakkun stated and Yami felt saw a shift of fur at the foot of his hospital bed.

Glancing down, he saw the other seven ninken scattered throughout the room. The door opened and in walked Kakashi. A forlorn look marred his masked face.

"Hokage-sama is in critical condition. Jiraiya-san is leaving soon to search for Tsunade-sama in Tanzaku Gai in case she is still there." Kakashi explained, sitting down at the edge to the white bed. "He is taking Naruto with him."

Yami's brow rose at that. He knew that Jiraiya was the one who helped train Naruto for the finals, but to take the blonde with him in search of Tsunade?

"Some group calling themselves Akatsuki is stirring about. They seem interested in the jinchuurikis, so Jiraiya-san thinks Naruto will be safer outside of Konoha right now." Kakashi explained to the questioning look.

Seeing that he was still dressed in the outfit from when he left the hospital, Yami went to get up from the bed to leave. Kakashi walked with him, his ninken filing out of the room after them. Once outside, Yami took in the sight of Konoha. The village sustained damage during the invasion, but it was not as bad as he had thought. Most of the damage was around the arena and the front gate.

Where are Sasuke and Sakura? Yami signed to the silver haired man walking beside him.

"Seeing Naruto and Jiraiya-san off for their search." Kakashi stated, already knowing that Yami was heading towards the front gate.

Kakashi dismissed his ninken, letting them go back to their home. Tucking his right hand into the pockets of his shinobi pants, Kakashi let his left hand graze over Yami's right hand as the two made their way to see their blonde genin off.