154Chapter 37

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

A/N: I am sorry for the late update and that I am only able to update one chapter this time around. My classes have started back up and I am super busy once again. Bare with me. I will be updating as frequently as I can. Also, I know that Itachi is OOC (Out Of Character). One more thing, Yami's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan will be explained on how he obtained it; seeing as how one has to have the eyes implanted from a close relative or something like that. He is able to perform Tsukuyomi, as you already know, but his other eye has the ability to perform a different ability. Having his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan implanted, allows for Yami to keep his vision and not be at risk for becoming blind like Itachi...as Itachi only has the Mangekyo Sharingan. I hope this explains some things, even though no questions about Yami's abilities have been asked yet.


Yami and Kakashi arrived at the front gate just as Naruto and Jiraiya were about to leave. Spotting his two senseis, the blonde grinned and waved at them.

"Yami-sensei! Kakashi-sensei! You came." Naruto said loudly.

Without the usual chiding from Sakura, Yami looked at the pinkette to see a nasty looking bruise on the side of her neck. He frowned at the sight, knowing that she could not yell at the blonde without receiving a small amount of pain. So in her favor, the older ravenette playfully knocked his knuckles against the blonde's head at his loudness.

"Gah, Yami-sensei." Naruto groaned, controlling the loudness this time.

Yami smirked down at the blonde before giving his attention to the white haired man known as Jiraiya, one of the three Sannin.

Jiraiya-san, it's good to see you. Yami signed a greeting.

"Yami-kun, I heard about what happened and I am glad that you are doing better." Jiraiya said, smiling at the Uchiha.

Nodding, Yami bid the two of them good-bye, giving the blonde a small pat on the head. He frowned, watching the blonde and Jiraiya walk out of sight. Hopefully they find Tsunade and convince her to come back to Konoha. Glancing down at the pinkette, Yami wondered if Sakura did not go with Kakashi that time…would Tsunade still have turned the silver haired man away from helping him?


Yami walked through the bustling market, making his way to the restaurant district. Sasuke and Sakura flanked his sides and every once in a while, Yami would tilt his head in one of their direction when they would speak to him. Kakashi was reined in by Gai's challenge of racing around the entire village. That was about twenty-seven seconds ago.

"Yami-sensei, can we eat something other than takoyaki or ramen for once?" Sakura asked, sending the taller ravenette a pleading look complete with the pouty lip and big green eyes.

Lifting his hand to answer the pinkette, Yami faltered in his step. He quickly covered it up by grabbing both genin by their shoulders and pushing them together ahead of him.

How about you two choose what you want to eat and I'll meet you there. I am going to rescue Kakashi from Gai-san. Yami signed, giving the two a closed-eyed smile with a head pat.

"Hn, we'll be eating bar-b-q. Don't get caught in that man's Genjutsu, Itoko." Sasuke voiced, his body letting out a shudder as he remembered how his Sharingan could not break the ocean scene and blinding grins. "Come, Sakura."

"Sasu—Sasuke-kun, is this a da—date?" Sakura stuttered, her cheeks taking on a hue matching her hair.

Sasuke averted his gaze, keeping his pace slightly ahead of Sakura so that she would not be able to see the light dusting of pink across the young Uchiha's face.

"Hn. No." The younger ravenette denied, though his tone lacked conviction.

Yami smiled as Sasuke was not able to hide how red his ears were turning. Straightening up, Yami's face went blank. He had felt a familiar chakra that he had not come across in a very long time. Swallowing, Yami took the opposite way of the genin and paused outside of a dango stand. Beyond the drapes that provided customers some privacy to eat, Yami spotted the tail ends of a pair of black cloaks with red cloud designs. His jaw clenched while his hands formed fists.

Running into Itachi, so soon after Konoha had been attacked, was not in Yami's plans. He wanted to discuss matters over with the Hokage concerning the Uchiha Massacre. He still needed to work out how to get rid of Danzo and get his dear cousin's tarnished reputation erased. Itachi was…is a hero of the Leaf, but no one knew apart from the three high members of council, the Hokage, Kakashi and Yami. Taking the moment as it presented itself; Yami lifted a hand and parted the faded red drapes. The cloaked figures burst out of the stand, quickly making their way past an unsurprised Yami, a shocked Kurenai and a speechless Asuma. The latter two having stopped to talk with Yami once they spotted the ravenette.


Joined by the two jonin, Yami pursued Itachi and his partner whom was identified as Kisame Hoshigaki. Passing in front of one of the small rivers running through Konoha, Yami motioned for Asuma and Kurenai to cut the two rogues off. Itachi and Kisame came to a halt when Asuma and Kurenai leaped in front of them, weapons drawn. Kisame reached his right hand back and griped the hilt of his sword, Samahada. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan reflected against a similar yet different pair of Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. One pair widened slightly, before the emotion vanished behind a blank mask.

"Yami-Itoko, I heard you had died."

Itachi's voice was the same as Yami remembered it, albeit a little deeper and more emotionless. Instead of answering the seventeen year old, both Uchiha's flashed away to land on top of the river while Asuma and Kurenai engaged Mizu no Kuni's Kirigakure no Kaijin (Monster Hidden in the Mist). Crimson eyes locked and an immediate battle of in the world of Tsukuyomi commenced. Yami found himself trapped on a cross-shaped post, his arms and legs bound. Itachi stood in front of him with a katana in hand. Before Itachi could use the blade, the seventeen year old ravenette found their roles reversed. The black and red world of Itachi's Tsukuyomi morphed into a contrast of white and black.

"Your arrival was sooner than I expected, Ita-chan." Yami spoke, his tone a little exasperated.

Itachi's eyes narrowed.

"You knew I was coming?"

"Aa." Yami hummed, before his face went solemn. "I know about your mission; the truth and the secrets behind it."

Yami watched the conflict of emotions wage war through his young cousin's eyes.

"Your loyalty to Konoha never surprised me, but why did you accept this mission?" Yami questioned seriously.


"Is it a coincidence that the massacre happened the day after my ANBU team was attacked?" Yami asked, keeping a close eye on his cousin's reactions.


"—*sigh*—I was planning on confronting the Hokage after the Chunnin exams, but he is in critical condition. Tsunade is being retrieved and Orochimaru is out for the Uchiha Clan's doujutsu. He…he attacked Sasuke in the Forest of Death."

Yami brought up Sasuke's encounter for one sole reason; to gage Itachi's current loyalty. He held back the sigh of relief when he had Itachi's full attention.

"Did he…"

Yami shook his head 'no'.

"As if I would allow that bastard to sink his fangs into my cute little cousin." Yami stated, his smirk reflecting in his eyes.

He watched Itachi's shoulders relax slightly, but the atmosphere was still tense.

"I told the Hokage that I would leave Konoha in exchange for Sasuke's safety. I will not go back on my word." Itachi voiced, Yami could feel the strain Itachi was putting on his Tsukuyomi.

"I made no such promises with Hokage-sama. The promise I did make, however, was to bring you home with a clear reputation and the honor you deserve." Yami spoke calmly, giving Itachi no room for doubt.

The black and white world of Yami's Tsukuyomi began to crack until the sky shattered, vanishing back to reality. Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan widened as Yami's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan transformed into the Rinnegan. Yami's left hand rose while Itachi was speechless.

"It-Itoko…that's the Rinnegan." Itachi voiced quietly, shocked.

Yami nodded.

'Bansho Ten'in (Universal Pull).'