154Chapter 41: OMAKE 4(Extra)

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This omake(extra) opens up the relationship Yami had with his cousin, Itachi, starting from the beginning.




Eight year old Yami sat in between his mother and father, his legs underneath him in the traditional arrangement. Pitch black orbs took in the scene in front of him, not missing a single moment. A soft gurgle sounded and pitch black met ebony glass.

"Oh, Yami-chan, Itachi-chan likes you." Mikoto Uchiha, Yami's aunt on his mother's side, voiced with a gentle smile. "Would you like to hold your itoko (cousin)?"

Glancing up at his mother and father for permission, Yami gained a nod and scooted closer to his aunt and the five week old Itachi. Holding out his arms, he waited for his aunt to carefully arrange the infant in Yami's arms in the correct position. Pitch black orbs sparkled with affection as ebony glass blinked up at him. Moving his right hand to hover above Itachi, Yami grinned when a tiny hand gripped tightly around his index finger.

"He will be a strong shinobi." Yami voiced calmly and surely, smiling up at Mikoto.

Her gentle smile reflected Yami's and she nodded.

"Aa, he will."

Everyone's eyes turned to the new voice in the room. Fugaku stood in the doorway of the Clan head's bedroom. His face bore strictness, but when his eyes landed on his wife and child, his features softened and the aura around the man seemed to relax. Yami looked back down at Itachi when the infant tugged on his index finger.

"I swear to protect you always." Yami whispered, pressing his face up against Itachi's and inhaling his baby smell.