154Chapter 38

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

A/N: A flashback is included in this chapter. It will reveal some things about the massacre.


Outside of the bar-b-q restaurant, Sasuke and Sakura were stopped from entering when two dust storms were kicked up at the moment of a green and a dark blue blur halted before the two genin. Midnight and emerald blinked at the two jonin, deciding whether or not to ignore them.

"KA-KA-SHI! IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOU WON THIS ROUND!" Gai shouted, his blinding grin being opposite of his loss.

Kakashi glanced over at his friend with a confused expression.

"Hm? Did you say something?" The silver haired jonin questioned.

"AH! DARN YOU AND YOUR HIP, COOL ATTITUDE!" Gai yelled dramatically.

Kakashi's lips twitched. He enjoyed messing around teasing the Taijutsu nut.

"Kakashi-sensei? Did Yami not find you? He went to save you…um…he went to get you to join us for bar-b-q." Sakura spoke, her voice quiet for once.

Being slammed up against a tree and squeezed to the point of almost dying had caused enough damage to the pinkette's body. She was healed as best as the medics could during the chaos caused by the invasion. It was a rushed process, but the medics assured her that the bruising would heal within a few weeks. A tremor was felt under Kakashi's sandal-clad feet and he used the small amount of chakra sensing ability he had and stretched it outwards to find the source of the tremor. Sasuke and Sakura did not seem to notice; a single charcoal orb met Gai's dark brown ones.

"We passed him a few seconds ago. He was speaking with other jonin senseis about collaborating team spars." Kakashi spoke the lie as if it was the truest thing that had ever left his mouth. "Gai and I will get him. You two go on ahead and grab a table."

Sakura, her blush returning full bloom, nodded and began to walk inside the restaurant. Sasuke took a moment to analyze his sensei and the man's apparent rival. He could of sworn that he felt a small amount of chakra leave the silver haired man. Pushing the thought away, the young teen joined his pink haired teammate. Gai and Kakashi vanished with a shunshin almost immediately after Sasuke and Sakura went inside the restaurant.



*Day before Uchiha Clan Massacre*

Being ordered to spy on his own clan was not as difficult as others would believe it to be. Itachi loves his family, but he vowed his loyalty to Konoha and would do anything to protect the village he was born in. There were a select few that outranked his loyalty to Konoha and they were his dear baby brother Sasuke, his late best friend Shisui and his caring older cousin Yami. Thinking back on his years of growing up, Itachi could not remember a day without spending his time with Yami when the older Uchiha was not on a mission. When Sasuke was born, Itachi witnessed the same love Yami felt for him, being aimed at his dearest baby brother. He remembered the same promise Yami tells him on every one of his birthdays, being whispered to an infant Sasuke.

"I swear to protect you always."

Itachi smiled, thinking of those cherished words. Yami has always been there for him, helping better himself as a person and as a shinobi. Yami never pressured Itachi to go beyond his abilities. The older Uchiha could always tell what Itachi was feeling and thinking, almost as if he could read his mind. Where that would have caused others to feel insecure around the ravenette, Itachi found it comforting to know someone knew what he was feeling. He was glad that his baby brother would experience that same love.

The thirteen year old Uchiha was currently standing in front of Shimura Danzo with a signed order from the Hokage that he would have to eliminate every single member of the Uchiha clan minus Yami as he was out of the village with his ANBU team. Originally, he would have refused the mission, but he knew that if someone else was assigned genocide, that his precious baby brother would not be spared.

"You hesitate." Danzo pointed out, his left brow rising in mock surprise.

Itachi remained silent, knowing he would have to kill his clan off tonight.

"You are extremely close to your older cousin Yami, are you not?" Danzo asked, his question confusing Itachi.

The ravenette nodded reluctantly.

"A few moments before you arrived, it was discovered that ANBU Team Kumo (spider) had been ambushed. There were no survivors." Danzo stated without remorse.

Itachi felt his heart stop. Team Kumo was Yami's ANBU team. The members consisted of ANBU Kumo (spider), ANBU Risu (squirrel), ANBU Osuushi (bull), and ANBU Fukuro (owl). The entire team was one of the strongest ANBU teams to come from Konoha. Itachi's ebony glass orbs flashed between black and crimson, his emotions fluctuating.

"Impossible." Itachi voiced with disbelief, his hands clenching and unclenching.

"The one responsible is a member of Akatsuki. That is all I will reveal. Now go complete your mission." Danzo ordered, leaving the crushed Uchiha to his sorrow.



Red chakra exploded at Itachi's command. Ribs formed around the seventeen year old Uchiha right before his body was forcefully pulled towards Yami. Large red chakra arms grabbed at Yami, but was met by a blast of silver chakra surrounding the twenty-five year old. Itachi's eyes widened once more at the sight of Yami's Susano'o taking form against his own red one. Feeling the monstorous chakra charging at him from behind, Yami lifted his left hand at the incoming rogue from Kiri.

'Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push)!'

Kisame had no hope in dodging the gravity controlling jutsu that had his feet lifting off of the ground and his back smashing through a series of trees. A bleeding Asuma and a chakra exhausted Kurenai rushed the blue man before he could get up. Kisame had them retreat with a swing of Samahada. In their place, Kakashi and Gai appeared and began their joint assault against Kisame.

"Tsk! Annoying." Kisame snapped, a sharp toothed grin marring his face.

Samahada shifted from underneath the white bandages, fighting to get out and shred flesh. Kisame indulged his sword and the bandages unraveled to reveal scale-like blades. A slash of Samahada grazed Kakashi's forearms, causing Kisame's grin to widen.

"Do you like it? Samahada isn't like any other sword. He doesn't cut flesh, he SHREDS IT!" Kisame yelled lastly, moving to attack his four opponents with mirth.


The water glass on their table shook, catching Sasuke's and Sakura's attention.

"What could that be, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, another tremor shaking the restaurant.

The tremor was barely worrisome and went unnoticed by a few. The ravenette shook his head, unsure. Standing from their booth, the two genin exited the restaurant before ordering.

"Over there." Sasuke stated, gazing in the direction of a cloud of smoke arising near the training grounds.

"Oh, someone must be practicing jutsus." Sakura voiced, seeing the smoke.

A large burst of red chakra colliding head on against a similar silver form of chakra had Sasuke's blood run cold.

"That jutsu…Susano'o." Sasuke hissed.

Before Sakura could ask what Susano'o was, Sasuke was running. She shook off her surprise and followed quickly after the ravenette.


The screaming sound of Chidori (A Thousand Chirping Birds) came from Yami's left. Rinnegan shifted in the direction of Kakashi and found him fighting Kisame with Gai, Asuma and Kurenai. Yami's silver Susano'o forced Itachi's red Susano'o backwards to avoid the ration jutsu. Canceling Susano'o, Yami grabbed hold of Sasuke's wrist before he slung Sasuke in the opposite direction of everyone else. Sasuke's Chidori hit the ground when he landed, creating a creator. The stunned boy stared up at his older cousin in shock, not understanding why he stopped him from attacking his brother. Before he could question why, Itachi's Susano'o trapped Yami in its cupped hands.

"You died." Itachi hissed; his voice only loud enough for Yami to hear.

Yami winced from the pressure Itachi's Susano'o wrapped around him. The blazing red chakra that was not his own began to burn through Yami's clothes, causing the material to sizzle. His secured bandages began to loosen and drape away from his face, exposing his scar left behind by Orochimaru.

"Yami-Itoko! Itachi!" Sasuke screamed, attempting another Chidori.

"St—op, Sasu-ke!" Yami shouted at the youngest Uchiha, his voice hoarse and broken from the damage sustained to his voice box all those years ago.

Kakashi became distracted at the sound of Yami's broken voice, giving Kisame an opening to slam Samahada into the silver haired jonin's unguarded side. A grunt of pain escaped Kakashi as the force behind Kisame's attack sent him skidding across the ground until he splashed into the river Yami and Itachi were standing on. The clear water of the river became a murky red.