154Chapter 39

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


Watching one of their senseis injured and in the process of drowning, along with their other sensei trapped between two large chakra hands, the two genin were struck with a sense of fear that maybe the two of them were way out of their element. Emerald and midnight orbs took in the scene of an exhausted Kurenai and an injured Gai and Asuma, the latter two keeping Kisame from interfering with the other fight. Sasuke and Sakura's main cause of shock was when their supposed mute sensei yelled at the younger ravenette.

"You two get out of here! You'll only get yourselves killed!" Kurenai shouted at the two genin, but her words were ignored when the red chakra that was clutching around Yami was absorbed by the older Uchiha.

Itachi cancelled his Susano'o before Yami's Rinnegan could completely absorb the jutsu's chakra. Bubbles floated to the surface of the river, a sign that Kakashi was either losing air or making his way back to the top. A pair of hands cleared the water, grabbing hold of the side and then Kakashi was hoisting himself up onto solid ground.

"Sasuke, you and Sakura need to go after Naruto. Now!" Kakashi ordered; coughing up some of the water he had inhaled.

Sasuke hesitated, not wanting to leave when he had the chance to avenge the slaughter of his clan. He bit the inside of his cheek until it bled, his hands rising to form seals. Sakura snatched Sasuke's wrist in her hand before the young Uchiha could complete a jutsu and she began to tug the ravenette away.

"We have orders, Sasuke-kun. Yami-sensei and Kakashi-sensei will handle this. We have to warn Naruto." Sakura told her crush, her resolve solid.

The ravenette wanted to jerk his arm from his teammate's grasp, but knew that she was right. There were more important things that needed to be done and that was to get to Naruto first and warn him. If anyone could avenge the Uchiha clan, it was his older cousin Yami.



*How Yami's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan Came To Be.*

Darkness consumed twelve year old Yami, a throbbing pain emitting from his eyes. It was painful when Yami tried to open his eyes to see where he was. Half of the darkness came from Yami squeezing his eyelids shut. The other half came from the soft material covering his eyes. The hand he raised to remove the cloth wrapped around his eyes was stopped by someone pushing his arm down.

"Take it easy, Yami-san. Your new eyes are still healing." A man ordered calmly.

Yami's head jerked in the direction the voice came from. Fingers brushed through Yami's pitch black locks in a sign of comfort. There was only one person Yami knew that would do that.

"Haha-ue (mother)." Yami whispered; his body tensing. "Chichi-ue (father)?"

His question went unanswered for a few moments; only when he felt the shaking of his mother's hand running through his hair, did he understand. A simple escort mission to a village on the outskirts of Tsuchi no Kuni (Land of Earth) had turned into a bloodbath. Yami, placed on his first Chunin team with his father as their Jonin leader, the team had been ambushed by a combination of shinobi from Iwagakure (Village Hidden by Rocks) and Kumogakure (Willage Hidden by Clouds). Yami's Mangekyo Sharingan had activated at the sight of his father being stabbed through by a team from Kumogakure, one of the blades actually being meant for Yami.

"Hokage-sama heard word about Kumogakure allying with Iwagakure for the war. By the time backup arrived, they were only able to save you and retrieve your father's eyes before burning his body. Since your father possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan as well, we implanted them in you. We believe that you have what it takes to activate the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and with your father's sacrifice, you shall rise inside the Uchiha clan."

Yami finally connected the man's voice to a face.

"Fugaku-oji-sama (Uncle Fugaku), what of my other two teammates?" Yami asked; his voice strained.

"Hn. The Inuzuka and his ninken died from their injuries. It was rather quick." Fugaku stated, tone emotionless.

Yami tilted his head in the direction in which his uncle's voice originated from.

"And of Tomoe Nara?" Yami asked, his jaw clenching tightly.


Underneath the cloth covering Yami's eyes, the young Uchiha felt the throbbing burn come from his sockets. Hidden from the people in the room, Yami's Mangekyo Sharingan evolved, forming the Eternal Mangekyo.



Breathing heavily, Yami's Rinnegan faded back into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. The amount of chakra it takes for Yami to perform three jutsu the Rinnegan allows, strains the Uchiha's body. He knows that he has to train more with using the Rinnegan. Through it all, Yami's eyes never left Itachi's. Kakashi joined Yami on the water's surface, a kunai in hand as he prepared to fight the rogue Uchiha.

"That scar…" Itachi murmured, his doujutsu allowing him to take in the mostly visible scar while not breaking eye contact with Yami.

The chakra from Itachi's Susano'o had burned through places in Yami's clothing, completely disintegrating the bandages wrapped around the Uchiha's face and collarbone. This had the upper part of Yami's scar visible for all to see.

"My pr—omise rem—ains." Yami spoke a clearly as he could.

His voice still broke in places and the pitch was rougher than how Itachi remembers it to be. Itachi watched the subtle shift of Kakashi's body inching closer to Yami's side. The silver haired jonin's implanted Sharingan was focused on Itachi, his other eye closed shut. It took less than a second for Itachi to pull Kakashi into his red and black world of Tsukuyomi. Finding himself bound to a cross, Kakashi's eyes widened before a groan of pain left his lips. He looked down to see a sword piercing through his chest, its owner being Itachi. The Uchiha twisted the blade and Kakashi coughed up blood.

"Sasuke-kun may be out of Konoha and I may not have the ability to win against Itoko in a full on fight, but I grew up with Yami. I know who his precious people are just by watching the interaction between them. You, Kakashi Hatake-san, appear to be one of Itoko's most precious people. Shinobi use any means necessary to win, and you shall be my means to an end." Itachi told the silver haired man as he shoved another blade through Kakashi's right hip.

Kakashi's groan of pain was short lived when the red and black world morphed into a world of white and black. The silver haired man found himself being held against Yami's side, the ravenette's arms wrapped securely around the other's waist. Tired eyes took in the sight of Itachi being in Kakashi's previous position on a post. The hair on the back of Kakashi's neck stood up at the charge in the air. His eyes widened when electricity began to crackle around him and Yami.

"Raiton: Ichiji-Tekina Mahi (Lightning Style: Temporary Paralysis Jutsu)!"

Yami's jutsu struck Itachi inside the Genjutsu world, but with the Eternal Mangekyo Yami possessed, his late father's ability activated. Breaking the Genjutsu, Kakashi and Yami were met with a stiff Itachi. Every few seconds, blue static discharge would appear around Itachi's body. The seventeen year old's Mangekyo Sharigan was deactivated and were back to their ebony glass appearance. Yami stood with his arms still around Kakashi's waist, supporting the silver haired jonin as Kakashi was weakened from Itachi's Tsukuyoki. The two leaped to the side as Itachi's Akatsuki partner slammed Samahada down where they once stood. The blue shark-like man from Kirigakure (Village Hidden by Mist) was quick to toss a paralyzed Itachi over one shoulder before shunshining his way out of the village. Yami and Kakashi barely had time to take in the downed figures of Kurenai, Gai and Asuma, when teams of ANBU appeared.