154Chapter 54

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.


WARNING: This is an YAOI/MALE+MALE story. The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary Sue/Gary Stue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames. I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.



Hand Signing

A/N: This chapter contains a lemon (sex scene)! So...WARNING! THERE WILL BE A LEMON IN THIS CHAPTER! I will have an obvious break in the page for those who wish to skip it.



A soft moan whispered throughout the darkened room of Kakashi's apartment. The only light in the room came from the moonlight glowing through the partially closed curtains. A thin sheen of sweat coated Yami's and Kakashi's naked bodies as the two moved under the white cotton sheets.

"Kashi…," Yami sighed his lover's name as Kakashi trailed opened mouthed kisses down the ravenette's scared chest.

Yami's fingers tightened in Kakashi's silver locks as Kakashi's, his ankles locking around Kakashi's waist. Kakashi's teeth grazed over the sensitive flesh of one of Yami's perked nipples, nibbling gently. Keeping one hand on the bed to support his weight, Kakashi ran his other hand downwards. Yami's breath sped up, leaving the ravenette in short gasps as Kakashi's callused fingers traced along Yami's inner thigh. Yami's hands fell from Kakashi's hair to grip the bed sheets, struggling with the sensations flooding through him. The ravenette's back arched and Yami cried out. Leaning up, Kakashi captured Yami's parted mouth with a deep kiss, successfully swallowing Yami's moans. Positioning himself, Kakashi's charcoal orb locked onto Yami's ebony pools before sheathing himself entirely inside the ravenette.

"Ya—Yami," Kakashi gasped, trying to hold as still as possible as Yami's walls clenched around him.

Hooking his arms around Kakashi's shoulders, Yami pulled the silver haired man closer before moving his hips. Kakashi's pace started slow, but soon quickened. A pressure began to build. Kakashi's mouth closed over Yami's as their pleasure rose towards its peak. Kakashi's grip on Yami's hips tightened, no doubt causing bruises. Yami's back arched again; his head pressing into the pillow s Kakashi buried his face in the curve where Yami's shoulder and throat met. They tumbled off of the edge of pleasure together. Breathless, bodies tingling with the after effects of their orgasms, they collapsed in a tangled mass. One could not discern the start and end of their own body with the other's.

"Yami," Kakashi spoke softly, his heartbeat still racing. "I love you."

Yami smiled, eyes still closed from their experience. Yami felt Kakashi press his lips against the curve of his throat and shivered in delight.

"I love you too, Kashi," Yami voiced truthfully.

A moan followed, Yami could feel Kakashi hardening from inside still being inside him. Kakashi's teeth grazed over Yami's pulse, nipping and sucking lightly. Yami's arms tightened as much as they could, his strength still absent. Gripping Yami's hips, Kakashi shifted; pulling out before rushing back in. Yami gasped, narrowing his eyes at a smug looking Kakashi.

"Kakashi, you—ngh!"

Kakashi's eye widened at Yami's reaction when Kakashi pressed up against a certain bundle of nerves. The silver haired man almost crumpled right then and there, but fought back the sensation for the sole purpose of wanting to make Yami come first this time.



Morning arrived with Jiraiya sneaking out of his hospital room and finding a sleeping Tsunade in the basement lab with several corked test tubes filled with a clear violet liquid. The florescent like purple hue caught Jiraiya's attention for only a split second, because the Gama Sennin (Toad Sage) stared at his female teammate in slight surprise. There was something…off about the blonde woman. Her blonde locks seemed to carry a healthy shine to it and…did Tsunade's Genjutsu seal make the woman's skin look that soft before? Jiraiya reached out with a steady hand and brushed a strand of hair away from Tsunade's face, pausing once his knuckles came in contact with her cheek. Vibrant teal eyes appeared from behind a pair of blinking eyelids, staring at the white haired male for a moment. Realizing that she had fallen asleep, Tsunade quickly straightened up and scanned the desk top to make sure the test tubes were still there. At Jiraiya's lack of words, which surprised the woman, Tsunade turned her attention to the man standing beside her with…

"What the hell are you staring at?" Tsunade demanded, a little cranky from her neck being stiff.

Jiraiya's jaw snapped shut at her tone, scratching the back of his head in thought.

"Did you upgrade your henge?" He wondered aloud.

Tsunade's face scrunched up at Jiraiya's with a scrutinizing expression.

"No," She scoffed; going back to what she had been doing before falling asleep only to freeze. "I…"

Tsunade stared at her hand, the one she vaguely remembered splashing a drop of the violet liquid on before. Her henge was set to deactivate while she slept. She would always have to fix it once she woke up. It was the main reason why she went days on end without actually sleeping. She hated having to use a henge, but she hated how she looked without it. She gaped down at her hand, a hand she had not seen since her early thirties. She caught her reflection on the desk's surface and liked to have fallen out of her chair. She would have if not for Jiraiya steadying her.

"It works. Given that I had not meant to use myself to test it…it works," Tsunade murmured to herself.

Jiraiya crouched down to be eye level with the blonde.

"Are you saying that that purple stuff made you young again?" He asked, disbelief weighing heavily in his voice.

She nodded.

"Gah—Jir—Jiraiya! What do you think you're doing?!" Tsunade shouted in surprise when Jiraiya grabbed hold of the blonde's face and began turning it every which way to get a good look at her.

"Wow, you look like you did when you were—Ugh!"

Jiraiya fell to the ground holding himself in pain. He recovered quickly enough, much to the surprise of Tsunade and she found herself pressed up against the Gama Sennin's (Toad Sage) chest, her arms pinned between her chest and his.


"If this means what I think it does…If the reason why you always turn me down is gone…If this…Are you willing to…," Jiraiya stumbled over his words, pressing his cheek against the top of Tsunade's head.

He knew why she always denied going out with him. He was no fool to not understand Tsunade's insecurities with her own looks. The repercussions of using her jutsu caused accelerated aging and she had always loathed that.

"Tsk, let go you perv," Tsunade hissed, but her words held no bit like they usually did.

Jiraiya only complied when a thought occurred to him. He pulled away, but kept her at arm's length.

"Kabuto wanted the plant as well. We can safely assume now that it was for Orochimaru. If he find out that you made this…that the effects did this to you...," Jiraiya trailed off, both knowing what could happen.

"How are you with creating a blood seal that will only activate with that of a summon?" Tsunade asked, her lips tugging upwards with a grin.

Jiraiya grinned back, dropping his hands from her to strike a pose.

"Give me the summon species and I'll get right to it," Jiraiya boasted.

Rolling her eyes, she and Jiraiya got started on a plan to secure the liquid remedy.


"CHA!" Sakura's shout was followed by a rumbling as the ground beneath her fist cracked outwards to reveal a hidden Sasuke.

Said ravenette smirked up at his pink haired teammate before leaping out of the way of Naruto's kage bunshin (shadow clones). Sakura jumped after Sasuke, both exchanging blows. Sasuke's punches carried a speed Sakura could not match yet, but her hits packed a strength Sasuke and Naruto were still working on. They parted, both breathing heavily before having to fend off a pair of bunshin (clone) while Naruto stood on the sideline grinning.

"Don't you think it's a little unfair that you don't have to get involved physically?" Ino questioned her fellow blonde.

Shikamaru glanced at his female teammate, thinking that he and Choji would have to help Ino be able to distinquish between a bunshin and its creator. Naruto's ceruleans mirrored his grin before he poofed away, revealing what Shikamaru knew already to be a clone. Teams eight and ten watched Team Seven spar; flinching when something happened to make the ground shake or the hair on the back of their necks to stand up. An electric blue charge flickered along Sasuke's body and the wind around Naruto began to speed up. Sakura flipped backwards, out of the way of the two jutsu about to be released.

"Raiton: Denki Parusu (Lightning Style: Electric Pulse)!"

"Futon: Sessaku Soyokaze (Wind Style: Cutting Breeze)!"

Both jutsus clashed, sending debris everywhere.

"Doton: Doryuu Heki (Earth Style: Rock Wall)!"

Sakura's jutsu rose in perfect timing to protect her and the other genin from the force of the clashing jutsu. She let the rock wall fall away to reveal Naruto and Sasuke, both panting for breath.

"That was so cool!" Kiba shouted with Akamaru barking in agreement.

Sasuke and Naruto shared a grin, the two completing the reconciliation seal with Sakura who was also grinning.

"Did Kakashi-sensei and Yami-sensei teach you those jutsus?" Choji asked, munching on a bag of bar-b-q chips.

"Nope, we created them ourselves. Right, Teme?" Naruto stated.

Sasuke nodded.

"It took us a while, but we finally completed them the other day," Sasuke answered, wiping a drop of sweat from his brow.

"It's about time too. I was beginning to grow tired of healing your burns and Naruto's cuts," Sakura huffed playfully at her two teammates.

Sasuke muttered something under his breath, but it went unheard by everyone else, but the one it was about. Sakura flushed a brilliant shade of crimson, her fist unconsciously reacting with a punch like she would to Naruto. Sasuke winced, but it did nothing to stop his smirk aimed at Sakura.

"What did I miss?" Naruto questioned, amused.

"Nothing, Dobe."

"Nothing, Naruto."

Sasuke and Sakura replied at the same time, furthering the pinkette's blush.

'Like you would ever grow tired of me,' Sakura repeated Sasuke's hushed words inside her head.

The group parted ways, all having something to do later on. Naruto left the training grounds with Team Eight, before he and Hinata split off to go to Ichiraku for some lunch. Shikamaru and Choji went back to the Nara compound while Ino went to take her shift at her parents' flower shop. Sakura went to head home, but Sasuke grabbed the girl's hand. Emeralds widened as they searched obsidian in question. Instead of saying anything, Sasuke began to walk, giving Sakura no choice but to keep up. She soon found herself being walked home and smiled.

A/N to bunnyguest: Thank you so much for your unwavering support! It really does mean a lot to me that you continue to comment. Also, I enjoy your reviews in the same sense that you do with my replies. I like how your comments are more than just a "great chapter" and such. So, thank you :) I LOVE RABBITS! I actually had three pet rabbits, not all at once mind you, but they passed away with old age. I do believe that my oldest one was eleven and I considered it to be immortal. I assumed that it's temper was the cause of its long life. I am glad my decision with the Rookie Nine is okay, I was unsure to begin with. I wanted them to know...of course I needed them to know, but I was not sure how to go about actually letting them know. It all seemed to work out in the end. I have a plan as to how I am going to take care of one problem...actually two? Three?...Yes, three. I'll let you think on what those three things might be. If you have a cemented idea of what you think they are...don't comment them. Lmao! Just say that you have an idea of what those three may be, just stay shhhh. :D Haha, because I have a feeling you will know two of those three things. One most definitely. ~Reena