154Chapter 55

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is an YAOI/MALE+MALE story. The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary Sue/Gary Stue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames. I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.



Hand Signing

A/N: I am so, so sorry for the late update. I have been so swamped with my classes and midterm week was hectic. I do apologize. I want to thank all of my readers, even the ones who only comment to negate some of my chosen words within this story. All I have to say is that it is no skin off my bones even if it is a little...upsetting that one would only comment to point out their dislike of a single word that I use to address one character based on their hair color. Besides, what is a fictional story without a little bit of made-up words? Of course I am not the only one to use this particular word. Where in the world do you think I got it? From other fan-fictions of course. Again...no skin off my bones.


Inside the Hokage's office, a privacy seal glowed in activation. Itachi Uchiha sat in the center of the room with Yami standing beside him. Tsunade sat behind her desk, going over some notes with Jiraiya. Hiruzen sat beside Tsunade, appearing calm while inside was a storm of possibilities on what this meeting might entail concerning the lives and reputations of a couple of Konoha's residents.

"Remember to stay as calm as possible when Inoichi and Ibiki arrive, Itachi-kun. The two of them will be informed of the matters pertaining to you and the massacre along with Shimura Danzo's involvement. Inoichi will then access your mind for the evidence we will need to prove your innocence and Danzo's betrayal along with any other unspoken secrets," Tsunade explained. "Ibiki will be here to witness this meeting as he is the head of Konoha's T.I. Department (Torture & Interrogation). Itachi-kun, after this meeting is over with, I will give you the proper dosage of the remedy I was able to create using the plant Jiraiya found. The effects are known, but the time limit in which the effects last is unknown. Whether this is a cure for good, or only a temporary fix to your illness is unknown."

Itachi nodded in understanding, not questioning but all the same wondering about the lack of the woman's famous henge. A knock on the office door sounded before Shizune opened the door to introduce Inoichi Yamanaka and Ibiki Morino into the room. At the sight of Itachi, both men tensed up while Tsunade waved the two of them in.

"Ease up you two. This meeting is S-rank and your presence here is dire," Tsunade spoke up before informing the two men all of what was happening.


The meeting took an hour to fill Inoichi and Ibiki in on the action and another hour and a half for Inoichi to dive into Itachi's mind and recount every single detail about the night of the massacre and the events leading up to it. Ibiki remained silent, standing motionless in his spot against the wall. His eyes missed nothing as they stayed fixed on the seventeen years old Uchiha in the room. Then the situation concerning Danzo was brought up.

"Tsunade-sama, if you allow me, I can have Shimura Danzo dealt with by tonight," Yami stated seriously.

Tsunade stared at Yami. She knew the Uchiha well enough that whether she agreed for him to take care of Danzo or not, Yami would do so.

"Shimura-san may be a retired shinobi, but he gained his reputation much like you did, Uchiha-san," Ibiki spoke up, analyzing Yami. "He is not an easy person to eliminate."

Yami nodded in agreement.

"I would have to agree with you, Morino-san, but I personally will not be doing the killing. Danzo's Ne (Root) members pose a major problem. Chisana was able to gain access to Danzo's Ne section and discovered a scroll containing the seal he uses on the members to keep his secrets. I hold trust in her to get through Ne again and find Danzo-san," Yami told them, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's right. I forgot about you having a contract with the arachnids. This Chisana you speak of, is she the rumored Black Plague you used in your earlier ANBU years?" Ibiki questioned, his brow raised.

Yami shook his head, his smirk reflecting in his dark gaze.

"No, but she is able to summon Akumu's clusther, Kokushibyo no kurasuta (Cluster of Black Death). He will see to the demise of Danzo," Yami voiced surely.

"If you summon can get me that scroll on the Ne seals, I see about removing them from the known members," Jiraiya stated.

"There is something you all should know," Itachi said softly, gaining everyone's attention. "After the massacre…Danzo desecrated the graves of the Uchiha who activated their dojutsu. Not only does he have one of Shisui's eyes, but he had Orochimaru implant ten others in his right arm."

"What?!" Tsunade shouted, jerking up from her seat while slamming her fist onto the desk's surface.

Yami glanced away from his young cousin, choosing to stare out of the window that lined the wall behind the Hokage's desk. The muscle in his jaw tightened and for a moment Yami was lost to the others in the room. His focus faded back to reality when a hand squeezed his shoulder. It was then Yami realized that he had been releasing a steady amount of his K.I. within the room. His pitch black orbs met the teal eyes belonging to Konoha's Godaime Hokage.

"Retrieve that right arm and I'll be sure to save those eyes for the Uchiha Clan," Tsunade promised, her voice steady.

Taking that as the permission he required, Yami's hands flew into the all too familiar seals of summon an arachnid.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Chisana (Summoning Technique)."

A small puff of smoke appeared on the palm of Yami's left hand, dissipating to reveal the tiny gray spider. Everyone seemed to move closer to get a better look at the female arachnid.

'Yami-sama, it's great to see you again!' The high pitched feminine voice spoke inside Yami's head.

"Chisana," Yami started, choosing to speak out loud instead of the telepathic connection he had with her in order for the others to hear. "I have a mission for you. It is time to rid Konoha of Shimura Danzo."

The tiny gray spider seemed to glow a startling bright yellow, but it was too fast for anyone not knowing the arachnid to be sure.

'I'll do my best, Yami-sama. I'll summon Akumu just like old times,' Chisana spoke, her voice quick within Yami's mind. 'Do you wish for anyone else to perish within the cluster?'

Yami shook his head 'no'. Chisana's tiny body shifted up and down before she shot her invisible web at the window and disappeared through the crack.

"What did she say?" Hiruzen wondered everyone's thoughts out loud.

"She wanted to know if there were others to die besides Danzo," Yami replied calmly.

"Did she glow for a second there?" Jiraiya questioned, scratching the side of his neck in thought.

Yami nodded.

"The arachnids are very loyal to their summoner. They know of Danzo and are not particularly fond of the man," Yami told them.

Seeing the looks being exchanged by Inoichi and Ibiki, Yami spoke up again.

"My loyalty is to Konoha, do not mistake what I just said as a threat," Yami reassured the two men.

Inoichi nodded after a few moments of thought, but Ibiki remained still. The man continued to stare at the two Uchihas, contemplating the information.

"Very well, I will place my trust in the knowledge of this meeting. I'll have my department run through all of the shinobi and civilians alike to find those involved in the Ne program. We'll secure them until Jiraiya-san can remove their seals," Ibiki finally said.

"I'll deal with Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane," Tsunade said, pulling a corked test tube from the inside sleeve of her sage green haori.

At the sight of the glowing clear violet liquid, Itachi stilled. The pig-tailed wearing blonde moved to kneel in front of the young Uchiha before uncorking the tube.

"I'm going to infuse this liquid into your muscles and your lungs. Remove your shirt and try not to move," Tsunade voice gently, her right hand glowing green before using the chakra to draw the liquid out.

Doing as she told, Itachi let his shirt fall limply around his waist before remaining as still as possible. He watched as Tsunade separated the violet liquid equally between her two glowing hands. She moved her hands over Itachi's chest, using her chakra to soak through the Uchiha's pale skin and spread to every place in his body. Itachi winced at the burning he felt from Tsunade forcing the foreign liquid through his cells, but other than the twitch of his facial muscles, he remained still. Five minutes passed before Tsunade was satisfied enough to stand up. She wobbled to the side, but Jiraiya's hand gripping her elbow steadied her.

"Yami-kun, keep an eye on Itachi-kun for the next seventy-two hours. I want to be sure nothing…extravagant happens," Tsunade voiced after gaining her balance and brushing Jiraiya's hand away.

Nodding, Yami helped Itachi stand once the seventeen years old fixed his shirt and the two moved towards the door of the office to leave.


At Inoichi calling out to him, Itachi turned to acknowledge the head of the Yamanaka clan.

"Welcome home."

Itachi's lips pulled up in a small smile and he nodded his thanks to the blonde male before exiting the Hokage's office with Yami. Right outside the office, Team Seven stood up from their spot on the hallway floor.

"You four waited?" Itachi asked, surprised as he looked at the four.

"Of course, Nii-san. Where else would we have been at this time?" Sasuke questioned with the famous Uchiha smirk marring his face.

"Training," Itachi stated dully and had the three genin sweat dropping.

"Well, Tsunade-Baa-chan also wanted to see us and Shikamaru, but the lazy ass is still a no-show," Naruto stated, grinning widely at the two ravenettes.

"Only because it's too troublesome for him at this time of day," Sakura muttered, her hands resting on her hips.

A sigh from down the hall was heard and the six of them turned to see Shikamaru being dragged down the hall towards them by Ino who was currently waving at them. The blonde turned to glare at her lazy teammate for a second.

"Stop dragging your feet, Shikamaru," Ino hissed, before smiling back at the others.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes at her in response; probably thinking that speaking up would be too much of an effort for him. The door to Tsunade's office opened and Inoichi and Ibiki stepped out. At the sight of his daughter, Inoichi smiled.

"Ino, what brings you here?" Inoichi asked once Ino stopped dragging Shikaku's son.

"This lazy bum is late meeting Tsunade-sama, so I dragged him all the way here," Ino stated, bopping Shikamaru on the head for her troubles.

The brunette glared lazily at the girl, but remained silent as he rubbed the sore spot. Inoichi's eyes widened for a second before smiling.

I see. Well then, you should hurry on inside," Inoichi stated, moving out of the way.

Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and Shikamaru entered the office while Ino glanced around at the others standing in the hall.

"So…what's everyone up to?" She asked, earning herself a chuckle and a pat on the head from her father.

A/N to bunnyguest: Oh no, you're not being banned from asking what's coming next per say. Lol. You can ask, I will just no long give you the idea of whether you are hot or cold in your guessing. Imagine away. I will agree with you on the Tsunade and Jiraiya scene. I can't wait to see how that pair develops or not. Yes, I decided to show off Naruto and Sasuke's very first jutsu they developed under the tutelage of Yami and Kakashi. I wanted to let everyone know how far they came with two senseis that actually teach them instead of how it ended up in the anime/manga. Also, they will be the incentive the other rookies need to get a move on with their own training. This development will hopefully be within the next few chapters or so. Maybe.

A/N to silly60: Yes, I wanted Team Seven's genin to be more advance than if they only had one sensei, like how they ended up in the anime/manga. I wanted to show how much having two senseis that actually teach them, could make them develop into functioning characters. For the plant, I wanted something that did actually bloom during the night and found a cacti flower that blooms once a year at night. I thought it was pretty cool and that is basically what the healing plant is based off of. Though the healing properties of that real life plant is questionable, because I did not research in depth about it.