154Chapter 57

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is an YAOI/MALE+MALE story. The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary Sue/Gary Stue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames. I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.



Hand Signing

A/N: Hello! Hello! I am so, so sorry for the late update. Here is chapter fifty-sevenand I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It may start off a little...blah, but I was fighting off the cursed writer's block. Let's hope that this chain of events is pleasing and not altogether a disaster.


Somewhere on the outskirts of Konoha, Kabuto lay collapsed behind thick brush as his body fought to push out the lingering venom from Yami's spiders. His hair matted to his damp skin, loose from its ponytail from when his full-bodied chakra no mesu (chakra scalpel) cut through it. Kabuto's clothes sported crimson and black stains along with many slashes in the fabric. A single hairline crack marred the medic's glasses, but he was bordering on chakra exhaustion to be angry at that fact. Clutching his aching head, Kabuto formed a seal that he rarely found himself using.

It was only a matter of moments before the jutsu's purpose was accomplished, the brush that hid Kabuto from sight beginning to rustle. The familiar sound of a hiss reverberated from the brush before one of Orochimaru's snake summons slithered into sight. Its slit eyes racked over the medic's battered form, before drawing its head back and striking the young male. Kabuto gasped as the burning toxin flowed through his veins, but the effects were almost instantaneous. Steam sizzled from the wounds he was no longer capable of healing and the snake summon poofed from existence. It's job done.

"I need to inform Orochimaru-sama immediately," Kabuto huffed, carefully moving to a standing position.

The medic found himself kunai to neck and had to force back a swallow least his risk cutting his throat. His eyes moved to meet the spinning doujutsu the Uchiha were famed for, his jaw slacking in surprise at a very healthy Itachi Uchiha standing with none other than Konoha's leader of the T.I. Department.

"Kabuto Yakushi, you are hereby under arrest for…"

Kabuto droned out Ibiki Morino's words. He may have recovered from his wounds, but the toxin did not replenish his chakra. Without it, he lacked the ability to even put up a fighting chance of escaping. Taking another hesitating glance at Itachi, Kabuto knew that even if he did try to fight back, the attempt would be futile.


Deep within the confines of Otogakure (Village Hidden by Sound), Orochimaru was nudged from his light slumber by the absence of one of his snake summons. A frown pulled at the Hebi Sannin's (snake summoner) lips as realization hit him.

"Tsk!" Orochimaru tsked, biting the tip of his right thumb as rage filled him. "Kabuto, you were too careless."

Pushing his covers aside, Orochimaru stood shakily on his legs before moving out of his bed chamber and down one hall of his intricate hideout. Reaching one of his testing rooms, he entered to see his most loyal pawn.

"Kimimaro, I have one last mission for you," Orochimaru voiced, his tone harsh. "Gather the last members of the Sound Four, sneak into Konoha and retrieve Kabuto. Do whatever it takes, even if you all die."

At Orochimaru's order, the white haired male pushed his frail body into a sitting position. Bony hands reached up and began detaching the many tubes and wires attached to an equally bony body. Once the last tube was removed, Kimimaro forced his body into motion and left the room after Orochimaru to gather Kidomaru, Jirobo, Sakon and Ukon. The four had barely managed to escape the invasion with their injured leader, but were healed completely from the wound they sustained during their retreat from Konoha's ANBU squads. Half an hour passed before the selected five were moving quickly though the trees towards Konoha.


Pitch black orbs stared down at the right arm that once belonged to Danzo Shimura. Ten implanted Sharingan eyes decorated the limb, seemingly glaring up at nothing in particular. Soft movement came from behind Yami before Tsunade stopped to stand beside him. She took looked down at the arm with clear distaste showing on her face.

"Is he…?" Tsunade trailed off, teal eyes glancing at the ravenette who nodded. "I will call for a Council meeting tomorrow morning to inform the village of everything they need to know. For now, Ibiki and Itachi-kun have tracked down Kabuto and the T.I. Department is currently working on getting answers out of him. So far they are not successful, but it is only a matter of time."

Shoulders tense, a hand rose to weave through the shorter black locks on the back of the Uchiha's head and Yami sighed, letting his hand fall away.

"Orochimaru will want Kabuto back. It is without a doubt that I say that Kabuto needs to be monitored constantly and security increased," Yami voiced quietly, tone serious.

Tsunade's brow furrowed, but she nodded her agreement.

"Jiraiya is working on a seal that will make it easier for Ibiki to work around Kabuto's training. If there is one thing I will give Orochimaru, it is that he has trained his apprentice well in blocking out pain," Tsunade stated. "I'll do my best with removing the Sharingan and will have them returned to the Uchiha compound tomorrow by late evening. You should go rest. I'm sure being reversed summoned within Ne (root) is tiresome. Also, a certain young cousin of yours has been waiting outside the tower for you ever since you were summoned away during the meeting."

Tsunade smirked widely at the ravenette, enjoying the fact that Sasuke will be bombarding Yami with questions as soon as the oldest Uchiha leaves the tower. Bowing his head slightly, Yami took his leave and made his way outside the building. Just as Tsunade has said, Sasuke was indeed waiting for him; leaping up from his seat as soon as Yami came within sight.

"Yami-Itoko! Kakashi-sensei said that you were suddenly called away for a mission. Did it go well? Can you tell me about it? Did you know about my team being promoted to –" Sasuke's rambling stopped at Yami's lifted palm and soft chuckle.

"It was a successful mission, but is classified. Every jonin instructor is informed about their promoting genin before the official meetings and to answer your question from earlier," Yami's smiling face grew serious; something Sasuke could see from how the glow in Yami's pitch orbs became sharp. "I plan on letting you sign the summoning contract for the arachnids, but it will be up to you to prove yourself worthy of them as a summoner."

Sasuke straightened his stance and squared his shoulders, looking just as serious as any other Uchiha would. Despite the serious facade, Sasuke's lips twitched as the boy fought off his urge to smirk. Seeing this, Yami settled his left hand on top of Sasuke's long spiky locks and gave the boy a proud look.

"When will we begin training?" Sasuke questioned as the two made their way home.

Yami walked with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted back to look up at the dimming sky.

"Take a few days to relax, because when our training begins, there will be hardly any down time," Yami spoke calmly, taking pleasure in seeing the falter in Sasuke's steps. "Don't worry. I'll be sure to give you some free time in order to spend with Sakura-chan."

"Hn," Sasuke turned his suddenly flushed face away from Yami, quickening his walking with the compound came into view.

Yami's amused chuckle had the boy rush out of sight. A light thud from a pair of feet hitting the ground and Yami glanced over his shoulder to see an equally amused Kakashi reading Icha Icha Paradise. A single charcoal orb looked away from the pages to meet a pair of pitch.

"Did you tell him about Jiraiya wanting to take Naruto out of the village for a few years of training?" Kakashi asked and Yami sighed with a shake of his head.

"No. I figure that Naruto will want to tell him and Sakura," Yami replied.

Tucking his precious novel into his hip pouch, Kakashi chose to replace the emptiness by lacing his free hand with one of Yami's. By being within the Uchiha compound, they were free from prying eyes enough to not worry about any looks they would get from Kakashi pressing a masked kiss to the side of Yami's temple as the two continued walking.

"I believe the curse Team Seven holds is broken with our kids. They are great and they will continue being great, far surpassing us in the long run," Kakashi murmured, tugging Yami closer to his side.

Yami placed his head against Kakashi's shoulder, his fingers giving the other's a gentle squeeze.

"They'll be alright, Kashi," Yami murmured back the reassurance.

Everyone knew of the rumored curse that surrounded every single one of Konoha's Team Seven. Thinking back on it, Yami hoped Kakashi was right about their newly promoted kids will be the ones to break the acclaimed curse that haunted the number. Only time would tell.