154Chapter 58

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is an YAOI/MALE+MALE story. The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary Sue/Gary Stue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames. I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.



Hand Signing

A/N: Okay everyone, I just want to let you all know that Shippuden is drawing closer and what that means is that there may be a possible time skip, though not in this chapter. There are still a few more chapters to cover some things I want to answer, so please bare with me. This chapter may seem like more of a filler, but only because I want to get on with some of the action.


The second floor of the T.I. Department located underground was cast in a solid white and brightly lit, both used to intimidate and confuse those held for questioning. Only the T.I. workers new the true in and out working of the building, leaving anyone else with a great risk of getting turned around within the many narrow hallways. In one of the few rooms located within the second floor of the underground level, Kabuto was strapped to a steel chair with Ibiki as his interrogator. The only thing in the room other than the chair and two males was the two way mirror on the wall behind Ibiki. Behind the mirror stood Anko, who was informed that Jiraiya would soon be arriving with some kind of seal.

"Kuchiyose: Gomon Heya (Summoning: Torture Chamber)," Ibiki stated, finishing the hand seals for one of his famed jutsus.

Anko watched as her mentor and their prisoner were sucked into the world of Ibiki's jutsu, a large steel cage boxing in on them while razor sharp wires shot out and wrapped around Kabuto's limbs and body, thus forcing the younger male into the air. Kabuto's face betrayed nothing, not the uneasiness he felt at still being alive or the pair from the razors biting into his flesh.

"You will talk, Kabuto Yakushi. Konoha will get answers to her questions," Ibiki stated, more than sure of his words to be truth.

With a single hand seal and a small infusion of his chakra, Ibiki dropped Kabuto's pain tolerance below that of what a normal human could handle. The paper cut like wounds marring Kabuto's body started to throb before the small cuts began to feel as though he were split open in different places. Kabuto gritted his teeth, fighting back the scream of pain. A grunt escaped and had Ibiki's lips twisting into a sadistic snarl of glee. Ibiki Morino was the head of the T.I. Department and Kabuto was unlucky enough to be one of the many to find out why.

"While you are inside my jutsu, I have the power to make the smallest wounds on you wish for a quick death. Every time you refuse to answer my question or I sense you lying to me, I will drop your pain tolerance past the negative until your mind eventually succumbs to blocking everything out. As you know, your body will begin to shut down and eventually you will die," Ibiki stated, grinning widely at the medic. "Until then, I plan on having the time of my life breaking you."

Kabuto's eyes widened ever so slightly without his consent and Ibiki took the pleasure of lowering the male's pain tolerance another degree before starting the interrogation. Soon, Kabuto's pain-filled shouts filled the room, but not once did the medic let anything of value slip past his lips.


Meanwhile, as Ibiki worked on Kabuto, Yami and most of the available jonins and chunins were getting ready to leave on mission to rake up money to rebuild the damage caused during the invasion. Tucking his mission scroll into the inside of his black hanten, Yami turned to his three students. Kakashi had left an hour earlier, his carrier mission taking him to the Land of Tea while Yami was to deliver a scroll to the Land of Bears in the opposite direction.

"You three take care of the village and try not to get into too much trouble while Kakashi and I are gone," Yami voiced softly, thinking over the distance he has to cover and the speed in which he should travel in order to return to the village within a few days time.

"Don't worry about a thing, Yami-sensei," Naruto spoke up, hands tucked behind his head while he grinned cheekily up at his dark haired sensei. "We'll protect everyone, datebayo!"

Naruto's words had Sasuke smirking and Sakura smiling, both looking up at the older Uchiha who's smirk reflected in his pitch black orbs. Nodding, Yami gave a small wave to the three before vanishing from his spot at the front gate. It usually took four days to reach the Land of Bears, but Yami believed that he would reach his destination in half that time. As soon as Yami was out of sight, Naruto turned to his two teammates and friends.

"Come on, Teme, Sakura, there's this new jutsu I've want to try," Naruto voiced, starting to run towards their designated training ground.

"Hn, what kind of jutsu?" Sasuke asked, quickly following the blonde, his curiosity peaked.

Sakura was not far behind, wanting to see the new jutsu just as much as her raven-haired crush. Stopping in the center of training ground seven, Naruto began to focus his chakra into the palm of his hand. A familiar spiral of blue chakra began to form and Sasuke wanted nothing more than to activate his doujustu to see how the jutsu was created. Yami's warning on copying his friends' jutsus and the fact that he actually treasured the dobe's friendship were the only two reasons why he decided against the action; along with the slight possibility of Sakura hitting him. The blonde's brows furrowed, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his face as the chakra spiral began to grow in size. It fluctuated before the chakra became unstable and dispersed.

"Damn it…I almost had it," Naruto grumbled, about to start over.

"That is the same jutsu you used against Gaara," Sasuke stated, gaining Sakura's attention.

Naruto nodded.

"Yeah and I figured I can double the size and call it Odama Rasengan (Giant Rasengan)," Naruto huffed, scratching the side of his face. "But for some reason I can't seem to get it right."

"That's because your chakra control still sucks," Sakura voiced bluntly, earning a sweat drop from the blonde and a smirk from Sasuke.

"She's right, Dobe. You need to work on your control before you can even hope to increase the size of that jutsu," Sasuke told him. "Do you think you can teach me that?"

Sasuke's question caught Naruto off guard, the blonde gapping over at his male teammate and self-proclaimed best friend. Naruto blinked, giving the idea some thought.

"I'm not sure. Ero-Sennin (Pervy sage) said that I was only able to learn it, because of my futon (wind) nature chakra. I don't know what would happen if you attempted it," Naruto said, his honestly pulling a small smile out of Sasuke.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," the ravenette stated.

"Hey, don't think about leaving me in the dust. I want to try the Genjutsu Yami-sensei taught me and you two are the only ones currently around," Sakura told them, cracking her knuckles in preparation.

Naruto and Sasuke shared a look of horror as the pinkette took a step closer, the two males stepping back in response.

"Now, Sakura, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't place the dobe and I under anymore Genjutsu since the last time," Sasuke started, only to get a tilt of her head.

"When did we agree on that?" She wondered, her hands coming together in a seal.

"Sa—Sakura-chan, wait—ACK!"

Naruto cried out in horror as the scenery around him and Sasuke began to melt. The two made gross-out noises as their skin began to melt off of their bones. The Genjutsu was instantly dispelled to reveal a laughing Sakura and two twitching males.

"Do you like it? Yami-sensei said that it would help as a…distraction. Hold on you two," Sakura voiced, suddenly aware of the dark auras pouring out of her two teammates. "Okay, no more genjutsus."

"Futon (wind style)…"

"Katon (fire style)…"

"GAH!" Sakura's scream echoed the training grounds as the two downgraded jutsus made her braided pink locks frizz up to an extreme.

Once Sakura managed to calm down, the three began a three way spar that lead well into lunch time where the three found themselves eating at Ichiraku Ramen.

"Yami-Itoko is going to let me sign the arachnid contract," Sasuke spoke up after the three finished their ramen.

"Really? That's great, Sasuke-kun," Sakura voiced, excited.

Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Hell yeah, Teme! What do you think you'll have to do?" Naruto asked.

"What do you mean?" Sakura questioned, confused.

Sasuke shrugged.

"I'm not sure, but Yami-Itoko said that it will be up to them to choose me. What did you have to do?" Sasuke asked after a moment.

Naruto let out a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his head.

"When I summoned Gamabunta for the first time, he refused to believe it. After winning a bet with him, he had me seal the contract by sharing a drink with him," Naruto, face turning green at the memory.

"A drink?" Sakura asked. "That doesn't seem so bad."

"It was a house sized saké bowl filled to the rim with Mount Myoboku Fire Saké," Naruto forced out, not wanting to lose his ramen.

Sasuke blanched at the thought of having to consume such a large amount of saké.

"I should have asked Yami-Itoko about what he had to do," Sasuke muttered, the three leaving the ramen stand.

The three newly promoted chunin walked side by side with the pinkette in the middle. Unbeknownst to them, they were about to be pulled into their very first life or death mission without the presence of their senseis.