Strategic Retreat(Volume 1 Chapter 3)

I asked Alex

Valor- ("Why did you attack me? Are you out of your mind")

Sam- ("Got too frustrated without your gf or something ")

Valor- ("Why are you just staring, gonna confess to me, Sorry to break your heart I have a gf")

Sam-(" Ya and not any gf, She alone managed to kill us off)

Alex was not responding to our provocation, Insult, Jokes or questions well the first three were not necessary but at least he should have responded to the last one, We have been friends for a long time and I also trusted him deeply as he was the only other person the group with a girlfriend, but a person who had a cool and friendly personality to attack me just like that without any reason didn't seem plausible.

As I was observing Alex, I saw that he wasn't even looking at me and facing his head towards the ground So I used my most proud skill, an appraisal on him.



Grade- H+ lvl 3/5

HP -20/20 MP-17/29. Intelligence- 34

Attack-25. Defense-29 Speed-36

Skills- Slash(G),Stab(I),Fireball(D) ,Swordplay(H)

Valor-("Why is he charmed or the bigger question is, by whom")

◇◇Clara's POV◇◇(Flashback)

I was roaming in the cave trying to find the exit, Many of you would ask why I was in a cave, well I Want the answer too you know. If you didn't know me, let me enlighten you. I am Clara Springer the daughter of the CEO of well known

Aston industries. I am an honour student and was the top beauty of my school till some Elene girl replaced me but it didn't bother me for long as she started going out with some loser after I sent some delinquents to scare her. They didn't mange to scare her but I still got what I wanted, I was the beauty queen of the school again. Now as the self-introduction is over let's get to the point and I promise to keep it short I was in school we got transferred to some jungle a girl told us to kill each other, panic struck and I was somehow killed, When I opened my eyes again I saw I was in a cave and some screen showing in front of me telling that I have now become a monster while most of the girls will start crying to get home but I am not some girl I am Clara Springer so I took a deep breath, cleared my mind and decided what to do next. I knew the first thing I need to do was to level up fortunately I was a not some low-grade monster(Valor-I don't know why but it stings) I also was able to use magic, when I was scouting the cave I saw a group of spider These spider were small but had sharp fangs, I didn't know how powerful they were but I had a body of a snake and pretty good stats but I still decided to play it safe by using Fireball, My spell struck a perfect hit on the group causing them to catch fire but to my surprise instead of running away they started charging towards me. I got a little creeped out and started using one Fireball after another until my Mana points got depleted, They used some kind of green liquid to put out the fire probably acid or poison but I was in no position to worry about that when I was thinking about what to do I remember of another spell in my possession and to my surprise it didn't use mana but rather my will power and concentration as a fuel. So I used it on the charging spider(Author-I don't like insects) All of them immediately stopped when my spell hit them and started looking towards the ground, seeing no signs of movement I used Wrap on the spider and squeezed the life out of them(Author-That sound's gross) After they died I saw this message

[ Clara lvl up 1 to 3]

Were the three spiders some small fry I only levelled up to 3, as I was walking thinking about the levelling system and my possible evolution which I wanted to be something human, I came across a strange group of monsters that were talking to an egg I thought they have a screw loose but how could I understand what they were speaking, I proposed a theory that me being a monster made me understand their words and if they are fool I can use them to grind up some level So I used the Fireball spell on the weakest looking monster the skeleton, but to my surprise, he immediately used the egg as his shield but can a mere egg stop my grand magic. The Fireball didn't even leave a spot on the egg, Thats one hell of a tough egg I think it is better than an Iron shield(Sam- I AM NOT SOME FREAKING SHEILD) after seeing that the goblin and the undead were chanting spell I quickly retreated, Well you can't blame me they had a shield that can block my spells and were capable of range attacks I could try my luck by using Charm spell but they were pretty far away and I just couldn't take that risk of them surrounding me. As I was retreating while observing back to check if anyone was chasing me, I crashed into something or rather someone. I met eye to eyes with a half bull half man monster it was fairly large with a build of 5m I immediately used my Charm spell but it didn't work then I gained some distance from it and started using my Fireball spells one after the another it was doing damage but my MP was depleting just when I thought that the things were getting tough I heard a voice asking that whether I liked cola flustered by the out of the world question I simply said yes and then the strange group of monster that I attacked previously joined with me in the fight, their teamwork was impressive and we quickly dealt with that monster as they were checking their stats so deeply I assumed it is the first time they have levelled up but now as I attacked them first I was clearly hostile to them and I such a beautiful girl with four barbaric boys, God know what will they to do me after they finish checking their status. So I used this opportunity to use the Charm spell. The goblin and undead dropped their head after the spell but the skeleton and egg were unaffected when suddenly the skeleton started glowing and after the light was gone he was looking stronger and had an iron sword and armour on him as he was busy inspecting the new gear I used this chance by quietly instructing the goblin to fire a spell on him but he was saved by that damn egg and started question the goblin, As they were trying their best to talk to the goblin I started to feel pity for them as they were talking to my new servants. I said with a smile

Clara-(" fufu don't waste your breath they are my servants and only answer to me")

Hearing my words the skeleton blankly stared at me.

◇◇end of Clara's POV◇◇

Sam-("What do you mean by your servant ")

Clara- ("The egg can speak")

I pointed my sword towards Clara and asked

Valor- ("What do you do to my friends your snake")

Clara- ("Nothing much as you can see they were charmed by my beautiful self)

Valor- ("Charmed by your beauty or your spell")

Clara-("Ara ara how did you knew about it")

Sam- ("return them to normal ")

Clara- ("fufu I can't comply to that")

I started attacking with my sword but was pushed back by Sam, I saw that Alex was chanting a spell while Lester was guarding Clara

Sam-("Let's have a strategic retreat ")

I nodded and escaped while carrying Sam using sprint. The Fireball did follow me but I was able to dodge it and escape.