I will not die here( Volume 1 Chapter 4)

I gained quite a distance from the place where the battle of the Minotaur took place. I was under the impression that carrying Sam would slow my speed but his weight was not that much of an issue as he was very lightweight probably due to his size being slightly bigger than a football. As I was busy thinking that, Sam called out to me

Sam- ("You should check your stats after evolution, You might have gotten some good skills")

Sam was truly an RPG player even when we were running for our very lives, He was able to suggest something like that but I can't blame him for that as This being a somewhat dream like situation where we got transferred to some monster world was the only silver lining we had as being nearly killed every time is bound to break our spirit but taking the situation as some grand development in a game like fashion gives us the strength to continue forward and in some cases to maintain our sanity. if I didn't have the company of my friends I would have been too hanging up on my revenge or would have lost all hope and both cases would have caused me an early death for a second time without achieving anything or changing anything just a meaningless death once again.....

Sam- ("Are you in some flashback? hurry up and show me your status")

Valor-("Status ")

Name- Valor

Race- Skeleton Warrior

Grade- F+ Lvl 1/25

HP-65/65 MP-21/21 Inteligence-30

Attack -41 Defense-52 Speed-32

Skills- Tackle(H), Sprint(H)[new] ,Slash(E)[new],Appraisal(B),Swordplay(D)[new], Blade Aura(C)[new]

Info- these monster are warriors that serve as the vanguard for the monster army of the previous demon king, They can only be subjugated by a group of E rank adventurers.

I was brimming with happiness after seeing my stats, They were simply far better when I was a skeleton I was almost about to cry when Sam interrupted me

Sam-("What is Blade Aura it's rank is C? that is the highest rank I have seen for an attack")

I checked its description

[Blade Aura- A attack which envelops the user and temporarily doubles all the stats of the user and increases the reach of the weapon by 2 meters, It consumes 1 MP per second]

Sam- ("That's one hell of a move")

I could only nod my head in agreement as I was too shocked to speak it is a very impressive move as doubling my status and increasing my weapon's reach will help me greatly in fighting a melee battle and with my intelligence doubled I would be able to make quick and precise decisions. When I was busy in my bubble dreams Sam brought me back to reality

Sam- (" I am sensing seven small insects like objects surrounding us")

I quickly took a stance with my sword with my back towards Sam and soon saw the objects that he sensed It was a group of spiders, They were around the size of a small dog and had poison dripping out from their fangs. I quickly used my appraisal on the spider at the front.


Race-Small Poison Taratect

Grade- G Lvl 8/10

HP-48/48 MP- 25/25 Intelligence-26

Attack -42 Defense-21 Speed-44

Skills-Poison fang(E), Bite(H),Web(I),Poison Web(G),Acid Spray(F)

Info- small spider monster proficient in using poison have high speed and attack.

They are pretty strong, If it was the previous me I, without doubt, would have run but I am now a grade F+ monster and now have this pretty strong move. I quickly activated my Blade Auta skill and saw a red light outlining my whole body which was filling me with overflowing strength I used Sprint and quickly closed my distance. I then used Slash and killed the first spider It went down without any resistance as my sword was now enveloped in some red blazing aura and my sword which was originally around 1 meter had its length increased by 2 meters and now was looking long like a longsword. I turned towards the three spiders that were approaching from my back and were being dealt with Sam. He was continuously using the combination of Roll and Tackle to steamroll the spider I started charging towards the spiders which had formed a line and were using acid spray to attack me and poison web and web to slow me, I cut through all the web and killed one of the spiders which was quickly followed by killing the second The third spider used poison Fang and bit me but to my surprise, it only gave me the poison(very weak) staus and 12 HP decrease I quickly used the opportunity to Tackle it and killed the spider while stabbing it in the stomach, the spider shrieked and finally died. I turned my back to see Sam, I saw two flat spiders on the ground and the third one entangled Sam with a web. I was going to help him but halted as I felt the overwhelming power leaving me, I checked my status and saw that my MP is 0 so the power-up only lasts 21 seconds. Well, I knew it already but there is no danger now. I can easily defeat the last spider and Sam is also here so nothing can go wrong. It may look like I am raising a flag here but believe me nothing like that happens in reality or so I thought but fate had something different in the store for me.

Sam-("We are being surrounded there are 10..20

..30...40....50...no more than 100 objects surrounding us)

I saw an army of spiders filling the area it would not be a stretch to say it was like a sea of a spider crawling on the walls and covering the whole area. I thought it was my end and saw my whole life flashing in front of me and I have stuck under the fear of the death once again and after experiencing death once to experience it again was more frightening. I was unable to even move and just stood there seeing the wave-like motion of spiders with fear in my mind but Sam was not like that and he said

Sam-("Let's try to run away to the exit we can surely make it if we try")

It was hopeless to run away and I knew that quite well that they were faster than us and can walk on walls and ceiling but it was a better choice than just standing in fear and to wait for death. After taking a deep breath I decided

Valor- (" I will not die here")

I picked up Sam but the Last spider from before was struck on his shell and was not leaving Sam but to my wonder, he was also not attacking him but was just holding the white egg closing its eight eyes. Without wasting any more time I picked both of them and started running.