Maverick (Volume 1 Chapter 5)


faster...more....more... faster....

These words were the only things going on my mind when I heard a new voice.

???-("Turn left")

I had no time To hesitate I slammed my body to the wall of the cave and made a sharp left. Why I believed the voice you ask, When you have a sea of spiders chasing you and you don't know what to do or rather where to go. I will take any help whether it is a god or the devil himself because I have decided that I will not die and surely survive this hell of a place by pushing through it.

???-("Turn left again ")

This time I traced the source of the voice and found that the spider was speaking and the more weird fact was that it was the voice of a girl but as I was analyzing all that information in my head.


I regained my focus and saw that It was a cliff before me and beyond that cliff was a trench. It was no ordinary trench it was bottomless It was that deep that I thought it was a gateway to hell.

Spider-("Cross that bridge")

I looked around and found a thin bridge enough for one person at a time to pass.

I started running on the bridge in order to cross it as I reached midway a web caught my body I struggled to be free from it but the web was very strong and even my iron sword was barely cutting it.

I was running out of time and moves, if it was a game this would be a near-impossible difficulty as I was thinking that a message I previously missed caught my was the message of my levelling up. now I think that would be the only reason that would be the reason that the spider was not able to catch us as my speed increased due to my lvl up but it did not matter much as I was still not strong g enough to face that sea of monster which was trying to pull me towards themselves I was wondering what to do next when a strange order startled me much more.

Sam-("Throw me down")

I was not able to answer him, I was not able to understand that the person who gave me hope was giving up on life.

Valor-("don't be a fool we will surely find a way to survive")

Sam-("This is the only way to survive.....don't waste my time and GODDAMN JUST THROW ME")

startled by his loud voice I loosened my grip on him and he without wasting even a second jumped down in the bottomless pit. I was angry, angry at myself allowing him to jump, allowing him to die and more than anything I was angry on my powerlessness. After the evolution I thought I had finally become strong, I will not have to lose someone close to me once again but I was wrong


In my rage I started cutting the spider that was coming toward me by the bridge one, two, three and just I was about to cut down the fourth spider. It pushed me off the cliff. the friendly spider caught me by a web and now I was hanging by a web on top of a bottomless pit. The other spider will surely kill the friendly spider and after that, I will die once again but this time alone but as I had lost all hope a deafening roar filled the cave.

◇◇ Sam POV◇◇(Flashback)

If you didn't know me I am Sam Green my family what you would call respect and strict I was told that my ancestors were knights serving the queen and later we held High positions in the East India Company where my Great grandfather married a princess which was the reason for my slightly dark complexion though My father was white l looked different so I was treated as a black sheep in my family and my cousins and other family members shunned me only my parents were kind to me as the children in the school also shunned me I started gaming and fell in love with it. No one was bothered by my colour no one was asking a question that if I was mixed-blood but they genuinely enjoyed talkinh with me. Fastforward to high school It was a normal day at school the teacher announced that a new student is r

transferring to our class. I wasn't interested but it was pretty early for a transfer as its only a month from the start of the session, it was more like a late admission than a transfer

As I was thinking that he introduced himself as Valor William. His intro was pretty normal but the only abnormal thing was that he was dark-skinned like me but was fit unlike me, he was 17 years old like me but look pretty mature by his talk. In the recess, the group of predators surrounded him(a group of curious boys and girls)

He had a pretty handsome face, slightly better than mine If I were to say but after some time the group disappeared he was eating his lunch alone. Should I go to him I thought, Honestly I had no reason to do so but sitting silently and eating his lunch alone he was looking just like me in middle school but not approaching people first was my rule, after some thought, I approached him

Sam-(" Can I sit here")

Valor- ("sure")

Sam- ("My name is Sam ")

Valor- ("Nice to meet you I am Valor")

Sam- ("Will you be my friend")

I broked my rule but it was not that I couldn't break rules although I came from a family of knights. I didn't have honour they said and that was fine with me because if they were knights I was a maverick. It wasn't a name given to me by family but the gaming community I spend my time enjoying. They said that my gaming style was unorthodox that didn't follow the rules but they didn't dislike that but in fact, encouraged me to do what I wanted to do and give wings to my untamed ambitions and gave me a name Maverick. If there is no path that leads to victory than I will have one myself. It didn't matter to me what other thought of me I will do whatever I wanted to de and will surely win. I am currently falling but don't count that as my suicide did you think a person who loved winning more than anything will lose just die like that. I had seen the message on my screen after defeating the two spider.

[Sam lvl up 3 to 5]

{Conditions for evolution have been met}

1-Young Fire Dragon- A dragon highly proficient in using fire, have known to burn several villages, a platoon of knights are required to kill it

2-armoured Earth Dragon- A dragon plated in heavy armour uses earth magic and are known to be neutral and pacifists. They have an almost impregnable defence, heavy weaponry are required to kill it.

The armoured dragon looked tempting but I doubt any defence can withstand that number of spiders and the young fire dragon didn't look like he could burn everything here ether so I decided to see what happens and asked Valor to escape. The last spider that I was fighting was not letting me go and I thought it was a nuisance but to my surprise, it can speak and be even guiding us. I thought luck was on our side but when Valor was caught in the web. I knew the situation has turned deadly If I didn't do something, Valor sooner or later would be overwhelmed. I thought myself what to do and remembered about the special evolution that occurred when some conditions were met. what we needed now was mobility or even flight. In the game to get a flight, the player had to jump from a cliff. I didn't know if it would work in real life or not but I had to do something and I was MAVERICK I make my own paths and will never die without trying something. I aksed Valor to throw me down but as he was hesitating so I jumped down myself, I saw the face of Valor whose face was like the time when he was killed by Elene a face of anger and disbelief.

I was now falling down without doing anything

I thought in my mind( fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly .....)


I shouted using Telepathy some nearby monster heard my sound and one earthworm like monster grabbed me in his mouth. But I was happy because I saw a message which said

{Conditions for special evolution have been met. Would you like to evolve into Razor wing dragon}

I simply said yes and a white light enveloped me.

I saw the egg cracking and my body expanding I burst open that worms mouth and I now had black clawed hands and large wings and also a spiky tail I didn't waste any time and flew upward while giving out a deafening roar