Parting ways(Epilogue)

I opened my eyes to see the familiar ceiling, I saw when I died once it was that cave-like ceiling of the Dungeon. Even though the view was some but something was different....alright many things were different. my body felt way heavy from before and I felt something heavy on my chest. I raised my head and saw Christina sleeping on my chest with dried up tears on her face. Was she worried for me and even cried I guessed that she has forgiven me and her worry could be interpreted as that she didn't hate me but rather liked me, but wait she is lying on my chest but skeletons have a rib cage, not chest.

I closed my eyes thinking that I am seeing a dream I opened them again and saw my body has changed. There was muscles on my body and I had a brownish skin but more than that I missed the feeling of muscles. my dear muscled I missed you so much. After checking my upper body I moved towards the lower half. I am still a man right, I don't want the author to play the gender-bender crap on me( Author- there is no such tag) After confirming my most important is there and more so upgraded, I breathed a sigh in relief. I am not a skeleton anymore I now have a body there were some disadvantages as hunger and exhaustion, but you can not say you are alive if you don't feel those. I slowly placed Christina beside me and got up. Everyone else except beside Sam was sleeping around me and we were just near the exit of the dungeon. I went outside and saw Sam laying outside the grass he was not sleeping but was in deep thought. It was a very rare scene as Sam was hardly ever like that I said

Valor-(" lost in thoughts")

Sam-("Oh you woke up, feeling alive in this new body")

Valor-("Yes now we can leave for Linval kingdom as soon as the sun rises")

Sam-("That would be a little difficult")

It should be fairly easy now how can it be difficult")

Sam-(You see monsters like Alex and Lester are not counted as the part of the races")


Sam-("It refers to the beings intelligent enough to learn the language of humans, did you know dragon have their own country in the death valley and monster have their own countries under the leadership of powerful, monster like Lamia queen and other demon kings")

It may be valuable information but why was he telling me all this

Sam-(While you were asleep we came to know more about the world, You know people of the races are measured by ranks instead of grade")

Valor-("Ya I saw something like Silver rank on her stats ")

Sam-(" Do you think she is strong")

Valor-("Holding her own against the evolved Alex no doubt she is surely strong")

Sam-("Above silver is gold above that is platinum but your ex-girlfriend is even stronger than that. her rank is diamond the third-highest rank among the races. In simpler terms, she is equal to Rank B monster which is capable of destroying entire countries")

I had an idea that Elene has become strong in the span of three years as she led the holy army but to think she could even destroy an entire nation. I thought I became strong but I was just a frog inside a well

Sam-("I want to be strong, so I will go to the death valley to increase my strength and makes some connections. Christina said you will be in Knights academy for three years so you should also become strong and When we meet again after you become a dragon knight I will be worthy to be your partner.")

Valor(" I will wait for sure to come back being a dragon I can be proud to call a partner")

Sam silently nodded and flapped his wings to alleviate from the ground

Valor-("Will you not even say goodbye to everyone else")

Sam-("I already did that I was just waiting for yooooou")

Saying that Sam flew towards the rising sun and after some time I was not able to see him he Vanished in the sky. Three years was a long time but we have to be strong If we wanted revenge or even wanted to protect our dear ones we need strength and after three years I am sure that he will be the strongest dragon as he is a maverick and he always keeps his words.

I returned to the dungeon to see everyone was awake now. Christina hugged me tightly but honestly, her grip was starting to hurt me. After some time we were standing at a diversion. Lester and Alex along with Clara were going to the monster nations to become stronger while I was going with Christina to the Linval kingdom in order to become dragon knights. We were going in opposite directions but no was sad or crying because we knew that after three years we will meet again and when we meet again we would have grown stronger in order to achieve what we desire and to find a place, a place to belong.

We were moving on the highways we had already seen some guard posts here and there, seeing humans after a long time was refreshing, to be honest. we got ourselves checked at the border of Linval kingdom

The guard-("What is your name")

Valor-( "I am Valor")

Christina made a surprised face that I register with my original name

Valor-(" Aren't You dead according to your ex-girlfriend and the others, Would not using your original name be dangerous")

Logically I should have used a fake name register myself but I couldn't because even I had taken my revenge and they even didn't know I was the one to do so, everything would have been pointless and I don't think they will even find out if I were even to stand in front of them as I am now a monster. lord and sub lord class monsters are considered to be part of races but they are discriminated. Elene could not even imagine her wildest dreams that I am still alive and am now a monster.We finally entered the Linval kingdom, our destination was the royal capital where the knight academy is situated.

It's time for the kingdom arc to commence.