A Ship Log (Prologue)

◇◇ Sam POV◇◇

I was flying within the direction of rising suns as Christina told me that if I fly east from the dungeon I would reach the death valley where the nation of the dragon is located, looks like the cardinal direction and the rising and setting of the sun is the same in this world like Earth. While I was flying after some time the forest and the greenery ended and the wasteland started. I sat near a puddle of water around which trees were growing the place felt like a natural resting place but it being in the middle of wasteland seemed suspicious and as I was thinking the Ground shifted and I fell inside a hole where an earthworm loke creature was waiting for me but Unfortunately for him I immediately used Wind Blade to cut him in pieces and landed in the cave-like structure the worm had formed

[Sam lvl up 15 to 25]

Was he a pretty high-grade monster. I was checking out the cave when I saw something, I thought I can never see in this monster world. It was a goddamn battleship. The battleship was rusted and all but I could figure that it was A American destroyer by the flag of US painted on it of course. If Lester or Valor were with me they would have told more about it as I was More of sky person than a sea person

My attack had caused the ship to split from the

middle. A ship that had rusted so much and still survived to this day was cut open my me I was feeling guilty for doing that when suddenly a notebook on the ground caught my eye. I picked up the notebook with great care and tried to read it by turning the pages from the tip of my very nails. The first few pages were unreadable but after turning some pages I could read the content.

The captain has died in suppressing the rebellion and I am writing the ship log in place of him, We don't know how we came to this place but we were previously doing patrol in the Pacific It was the 50th eve of the end of World War 2 it was our last sortie before we can land again when we heard a loud sound and found ourselves on land. We were instated of a daze when the monsters attacked us they were able to take one of us by surprise but their knives were no match for our guns. The captain knew that the food will never last and by gunning down people with rebellious nature we were already down to half the numbers we came with. On of the sailors has explored aboveground and confirmed that we were not on Earth as there was not one sun but two of them. To explore outside was a great risk but they had to eat and shutting themselves inside ship meant more rebellion to happen. The captain leads some sailors and I was also among them we reached a human settlement with high ramparts supporting the walls. We approached the walls where both the guards and sailors on the wall can see each other with naked eyes. One of the guards fired an arrow which stuck one of the sailors, one of the panicked sailors returned fire and killed some the guard. We were clearly hostile to them and the captain knew that and ordered us to retreat several of our men were injured. We returned to our ship but the situation turned tenser. Purge to keep order changed the atmosphere inside the ship. Of course, it was for the worse.

Those who oppose the captain will be killed. Such recognition was spreading. The gloomy atmosphere lingered, leading to a straining feeling. Those who sold flattery flocked to the captain, those who took distance, those who snitched on people whom they didn't like about signs of betrayal. It was various. The situation took a turn for the worse when the Captain was killed by one of the rebels. Losing the head of the chain of command only chaos followed people started blaming each other and even killed each other. I ran from that place and were fortunate enough to find a group of travelling priests. They suspected me but following the policy of their God of refusing no one. They helped me to get into a town of Linval kingdom. I came to know about other people like us who were known as drifters but unlike us, they were summoned. I started my new life in that town by opening a shop after selling my clothes and weapons to a collector as they were of no use to me now. I came to know intelligent races other than humans like elves and cat or dog eared people also live in this world and even have their own country. I married a cat ear girl slave who I bought from the slave trader as I didn't know how to read or write their language except for the crash course the priest gave me. Strange enough many people knew how to speak English due to many heroes wo were also drifters spoke that language. My family and business grew, I used my knowledge from the fomer world to make a big profit as the other drifter who took only big positions like generals or heroes, heck some even founded their own countries. After living a fulfilling life for 50 years. I came back to pray tribute to my dead sailors and am writing all that happened, In hope that some other drifter can do better than us with that knowledge.

The story can pass for a novel but leaving all of that aside it was the 50 the world war 2 end anniversary so according to that he was transferred to this world in 1995 and Then he spends 50 years living in this world an wrote the things in this ship log so when he was writing the ship log it was 2045 and the writing looks pretty old too but we were transferred in 2020 and even taking consideration to the 3 years we were technically dead it would be still 2023 on Earth but the sailor wrote the log in 2045. Is the flow on time here and on earth are different or arr people from different timelines are being transferred to this world. As I was busy thinking that I felt something approaching me I turned around to find half human half spider smiling at me.