Bandit Attack (Volume 2 Chapter 1)

I am currently on way to the royal capital of the Linval kingdom. I am not travelling alone accompanying me is the princess of the elven kingdom Christina, she is a high elf with divine beauty, she has emerald eyes and golden hairs which are braided and reaches her waist she is a bit on the flat side but that is also one of her charms and the most important thing is that she loves me, don't take me for a loser who will cry because that his ex-girlfriend betrayed her.

Allow me to introduce once again for the people who are new or just forgot about me. I am Valor William, one day my whole school got transferred to the monster world And I died that day it was my ex-girlfriend who killed me. Though I say ex we never officially broke up as you don't think about a breakup when you have a hole in your back made by a knife. so long story short, we became monsters but I became a skeleton, It honestly sucked at first as I was pretty weak but I got strong met new friends and I am now a monster resembling a human with a brownish skin and small horns on my head which are covered by my hair.

(Author- Honestly if you want more info than this go read the previous volume)

Well, we were heading to the royal academy to enter the knight's Academy as I desire more strength and wanted to become a dragon knight.

As we were walking through the path surrounded by the trees I saw a carriage passing by us at a great speed

It would take us 9 days to reach the royal capital

the journey could be reduced to mere 3 days by a carriage, but the main problem was that the money that was supposed to be of Christina was in the hands of her escorts and they were supposedly lost in action. So we didn't have a single penny on us. Christina had said that we would do some adventurer jobs to earn some money in the Post town that is the way to the royal capital and earn enough money for us to ride the carriage to the royal capital but it would still take 3 days to reach that Postal town.

As we were walking on the road we saw the carriage that passed us before was standing still on the road. Christina hastened her speed and rushed towards the wagon. I was dumbfounded by her actions but still chased after her trusting in her judgement, As we approached the wagon we saw a group of armed men surrounding the carriage.

Valor-("They don't look so friendly")

Christina-("Friendly? They are clearly bandits.")

How I miss if she was just a little more carefree, I have no complaints but she is just too serious.

If it was my friends they would be laughing at this joke but I got a straight forward answer instead. As I was thinking about useless things like that Christina started to chant

Christina-("Spirits of water, heed my call, freeze my enemies in slumber colder than death")

Ice spikes emerging from ground punctured the three bandits in the front, rest of the seven bandits prepared their swords for the attack. I charged at the two bandits that were approaching Christina. After evolution, this was my first fight so I was pretty excited to test my skills out. I used to sprint, after the evolution the rank of sprint ha increased and my burst of speed was so fast that it couldn't be followed by a normal person I slashed the first bandit and shoved my sword down in the chest of the second blood started to spurt out and the bandits leaked out a scream but I was careful to not kill them so they were just unconscious

Christina-("Watch out")

I heard the worried voice of Christina and before I could understand what was the thing I had to watch out for, A bandit appeared from my shadow that trick could be one of his skill and by the looks, it was the skill of an Assassin or a Thief, I moved my sword to intercept the bandit but he stabbed me with a knife using of his skills. Blood started to come out from my wound it was the second time after transferring to this world blood was spilling from my torso. When I was a skeleton I felt pain but blood coming out from the body was never a case as skeleton don't have blood. The blood reminded me of the time I was killed and I hesitated to move and the bandit with the greatest build whom I assumed was the leader of the group also pierced my body with his two grunts but to their surprise, the wound made by the thief grunt had already healed and the fresh wound was also healing rapidly. It startled the leader and he ran to the forest while shouting monster I activated my blade aura to kill the three grunts stabbing me and used my new attack shock wave to paralyse the running leader the lone bandit who was using support magic on the bandits resigned to his fate and surrender on his own and thus the fight came to an end.

The merchant travelling in the wagon come down to thank us

Merchant -("Thank you brave adventures for protecting the carriage from these bandits")

The merchant when met us face to face was surprised to see us and said

Merchant-("A couple of an elf and a sub lord how unusual")

I knew that elves hated the monsters on a whole but was our pair so uncommon that the merchant had to make that face and Christina why are you fidgeting while blushing if you don't settle the reward for this bandit attack I don't even know what is even a reward for this task, I do think the reward is money but I simply don't know how much money. I simply rested my hand on the fidgeting Christina to calm her down she looked at me with her wet eyes while muttering something that sounded like a couple she honestly looked pretty cute but we couldn't make the merchant any more so I said

Valor-("Can you talk to the merchant about the bandits")

Hearing my words Christina reverted back to her serious self and talked with such a vigour which made her previous flustered state as something that never happened. After some talk, the merchant agreed to give us a ride till the post town and also gave us 10 gold coin as a reward for rescuing him and also promised to give us a referral in the Adventurer Guild of the post town. He was shocked to know that we were not adventurers with our fighting prowess but Christina handled the situation by saying that we were mercenaries who had come to this country after participating in a war. On hearing that the merchant made a satisfied face and said

Merchant-( "I am Rushal I deal in Monster parts and furs and this is my daughter Rachel ")

Sitting beside the middle-aged man who was around my shoulder was her daughter with the same height and brown hair as his which made to think me that the hair of the guards was also brown so was my black hair a rare colour and all of the humans in the Linval kingdom were pretty fair-skinned not as fair as Christina but my brownish skin stood out like the time on earth where I was surrounded by people with fair complexion when I had a dark complexion.

Rachel was scared by me at first but after seeing her father talking to me without any restraint she finally opened up to us. She was talking with Christina and thinking I should not interrupt them I sat beside Rushal who was driving the carriage.

Valor-(" Did you know what happened in the war between the elven and Linval kingdom?")

Rushal without being bothered by us question said

Rushal("Your partner also asked me the very same question")

Christina asking this was very much bound to happen as it was the fate of her family and kingdom she wanted to know about but I was worried that the death of her family will break her heart and I wanted to ask this question before her if it was possible.

Rushal- ("The holy army burned the capital but all of the Woodgreen royal family was able to escape to the Backwood kingdom of the dark elves")

All of the royalty escaped to the dark elf kingdom but Christina was still here did they made a rumour so her safety is guaranteed and The Linval kingdom does not search for her as she is with the rest of the royalty in the backwood kingdom.

Valor("Along with the princess?")

Rushal-(The Woodgreen royal family does not have a princess")