Promise (Volume 3 Chapter 3)(Side Story)

So what should I. I challenged him in the heat of the moment but how should I complete the test.

I know for sure that I can complete the test easily if I used all my power but I don't want to show all of my cards but I can't also show an average performance after talking to that Avlon like that,

I would be reduced to a joke.

I have to hide my powers but I want to see,

see the face of that Avlon who proposed to my girl in disbelief.

Well, I am now on the starting line so let the show begin.

◇◇ Alvon POV◇◇ (Flashback)

I am Alvon von Artemis the first son of the Count Artemis. Our family has been a noble family for a generation. We are one of the oldest noble family in the kingdom and we are famous for our military deeds. My father had only one wife which was my mother but after she fell ill after giving birth to me. He started neglecting her and spent his days drinking and attending parties.

The me who was a child at that time couldn't understand the problem between them and could only conclude that there was no love between them.

One day after four months had passed from my debut as a Nobel, Father brought two people to our mansion with him.

One of them was a girl in her early twenty and the other one was a frail-looking boy who would be a year or two younger than me but he had hair similar to mine.

Mother was angry on seeing them she glared hatefully at my father before leaving the hall and locking herself in her room.

The little kid me at that time couldn't understand at that time that my father had brought a concubine.

I only felt happy when my father told me that the child was my younger brother. I didn't try to ask the reason behind it as I was happy getting a sibling because I always wanted one.

The anxiety I felt with the strange relationship of my parents disappeared after I took care of my younger brother, I was told his name was Sasa he was someone I wanted to protect, I always felt happy when he called me nee-san because it made me feel like I was older and someone looks up to me.

A year passed like that and it was finally time for Sasa's Nobel debut. It made me remember about my debut I was nervous but I easily held me own there the son of the Margrave was acting haughty against me and was even ganging up on me but he ran with tail between his legs when I showed him my lightning magic . I still laugh after remember that teared eyes face of his when I summoned sparks from my hands without using a chant.

Sasa was very nervous in his debut

he was even stammering in his introduction and that shit son of the Margrave was laughing with his group.

Alvon-" Some people don't learn or now do they"

His group had surrounded Sasa and they were giggling and smirking until Father announcement drew everyone's attention towards him.

Count-"Ladies and Gentleman as you may know today is the debut of my second son in the Noble society, I would like to make an announcement that Both my son would have an equal chance to become the next heir."


Everyone turned their heads towards the source of the sound.

Mother had dropped a vase and it was broken but no one was looking towards the vase but towards the face of my mother blood was in her eyes.

My father was glaring her but the anger soon turned into worry when my mother collapsed on the floor.

Alvon -"MOTHER"

I yelled and dashed towards her so did my father

She was carried back to her room the party was halted all the Nobel went back and a doctor was called.

I was sitting in the dining hall thinking about what would happen to my mother.

Sasha was with me and was trying to console me.

I was glad that he was trying to cheer me up but honestly, I wanted to be alone and more so I wanted to meet my mother.

The doctor came out from the room and now was talking to my father even though they were far I could hear their talk as I used my skill

[Static] on them it allows me to hear all sounds and see everything in the radius of hundred meters.

Doctor-"The Countess has not much time left I am afraid she may not see the sun tomorrow "

Count-"Is it her chronic disease?"

Doctor -" I am afraid so"

Did my mother had chronic illness why didn't she told me

With tear in my eyes, I ran towards the room my mother was resting. I didn't knock forgetting all the etiquette I had learned until now I rushed and hugged my smiling mother.

I who was always strong was now crying like a little girl on the bosom of my mother.

my mother though in pain was simply smiling at me.

Then she said

Countess-" Alvon would you promise me something"

Alvon -"... sob...sob.....Yes, Mother..."

Countess-" Become strong, stronger than your father but don't become like him, you have to become a man mama can be proud of"

Saying this she closed her eyes

Alvon - " Mother....MOTHER OPEN YOUR EYES....MOTHER"

Hearing my voice father and the servants rushed in the room after some time the doctor came again but there was no hope in the eyes of his.

I was crying beside my sleeping mother when Sasa came

Sasa-" Don't cry nee-san, cheer up"

Alvon -"Shut up and leave me and mother alone

I want my mother to live"

I brushed him off and he started crying like me

but after some time he stopped.

I moved my head to see if he had left but he was just standing and some blue aura was emitting from him his hair and eyes had turned blue she was silently staring at us

Alvon -" Sasa what's wrong with you"

He didn't replied to me but after some time open her mouth

Sasa-" [Ice Coffin]

Ice began to cover the whole room my mother began to freeze I continually used my strongest attack [Lightning ] to free my mother but it all was useless the strength of that magic was on another level.

The servants and the guards rushed in the room hearing the sounds of my lightning attack they retrieved me and Sasha but my mother was already frozen with the major part of the room

When Sasa regained his composure he looked at me and said

Sasa-" Brother I am sorry"

He called me brother again but I only felt anger towards him

Alvon -" Don't call me brother a commoner like you is no sibling of mine"

His eyes turned dead on hearing my response.

Sasa was sent to a branch house and I also move to a different mansion in capital as that house reminded me of that incident.

The doctor told us that the spell Sasa used was a high-rank ice spell [Ice Coffin] but Sasa had no memory of using it or even knowing it in the first place. My mother was alive but to melt the ice the flames of hell were needed and no one in the Linval kingdom knew it. Sasa pushed my mother in eternal slumber and I hated him for that.

To fulfil my promise I became strong and to become more strong I decided to become a dragon knight where I met Sasa again.

(End of Flashback)

The arrogant guy was doing some strange exercises on the starting point and suddenly dust of cloud appeared where he stood but he was not in the cloud he simply vanished from that spot.

( End of POV)