Independence (Volume 3 Chapter 4)

The way by which others would acknowledge my strength without me actually showing any strength...there was only one.

I activated my [Blade Aura] which doubled all my stats with my speed acceleration ability [Sprint]

My already fast speed was even faster now. I was not good at maths but my speed stat would be surely in four digits now.

As soon as I sprinted dust of cloud was created and after I reached the midpoint of the course I could hear a loud sound. ....

..... Hey, don't tell me did I just break the sound barrier because that would mean my speed must be in thousands and the total length of the course was around ten kilometres.

.... Would I be able to stop at the finish line . I won't crash into the forest right?

The totems fired their spells. Their spells packed quite the punch and their speed was decent fast any average warrior would have been easily defeated by them but I am not your everyday warrior and the spell was only decent fast but I was going supersonic here. The spells looked like in slow motion and you know what was the amazing thing, I didn't even have to dodge the spells as the vortex of air created by my speed was enough to deflect them.

I had never utilized [Sprint] and [Blade Aura ] together as I didn't want to experiment in a live battle where lives are at stake but I have to say I thought that the Alvon's skill [Invincible] was a cheat but boy I was wrong who needs invincibility when you are faster than the sound itself.

{By integrating the skill [Blade Aura] and [Sprint] the new skill [Super Sonic] has been obtained}

Long time no see system didn't hear your voice since the dungeon.

So my two skills have combined into one, huh so will my other skills also combine to become strong. Looks like I have lost the skills that combined but the name of this skill looks very cool. let use my [Appraisal] on it and if u didn't know the grade of this skill has increased to (A) now.

{ [Super Sonic(A)] - This skill increases all stats of the user by tenfold and also the speed of the user exceeds the speed of the sound. Users of this skill were known to be the fastest among the

Alzar continent. The duration of this skill is dependent on stamina and this skill doesn't require mana, Increase your stamina you will need it in battle and in bed.}

Has the system also evolved the last statement was a little personal. A girl talking about my stamina is a little embarrassing. I don't know if the system is a girl or boy but its voice is a high pitch one then let's assume that the system is a she or rather let me believe that.

The two golems appeared to intercept me but do you know what happens if something collides with an object moving faster than sound.

That something just becomes nothing and this was also true in this case. I blew away the two statutes of stone, they offered little or no resistance and I reached the finish line.

Everyone was simply staring at me as their eyes will roll out but the only thing I did was to run a little fast. Sasa and Christina dashed towards me and were congratulating me

Christina-" You never fail to surprise me"

Sasa-" You were awesome Valor. I couldn't even see you "

Well, I just took the one-tenth time of the previous best record for completing the course which was an hour made by none other than Alvon.

Behind them was blond and handsome Alvon.

He was making a troubled face until I went and talk to him

Valor-" Did I lived to your expectations"

Alvon -" You exceeded it "

He said so while showing a crooked smile and then brought his hand out for a shake

Alvon -" I look forward to your growth "

The hell he is acting all chummy now. Stay in your character man. I laughed a little and then while shaking his hand I said

Valor-" The feeling is mutual"

Everyone succeeded the test including those taking test for Magicia Academy. The performance of Sasa was the most memorable one though she god knows how activated every single trap on the course but was lucky enough to escape all of them. She then froze the ground instead of making a wall to stop the spells from the totem but she slipped on her own ice and went underneath the golems and was able to complete the course by outrunning those two golems.

◇◇ Author's POV◇◇

While Valor and his group were celebrating their acceptance to the Academy. There was a war going on far from the shores of Alzar continent.

Soldier -"Sire, rebellions have captured 3 forts we are the last standing forts "

Commander-" All soldiers arm the ballista, All mages get ready to fire long-range spells, Warriors prepare to intercept the enemies open the gates let us show those barbarians the might of the Britannia Empire."

As the gates opened armed man in saffron clothes rushed at the group of soldiers while yelling

"For freedom"

" We will take our independence back "

Clashing of swords could be heard in the whole area the ground became red the cry of the warriors echoed the fort but as the sky turned orange silence crept in the fort no more clashing of swords were heard as the war was now over.

The only sound one could hear was the fluttering of the saffron flag at the top of the fort.

Those who brushed off this incident as the rebel taking over a town didn't know at that time that the liberation of this town was not the end but just the beginning of the independence that will shake the very base of the Britannia Empire.

The Britannia empire which was deemed invincible as the empire where the sun never sets

but the empire unknown of this future was setting it's side on a newly found continent which was discovered when some shipwreck survivors were rescued.

"What was the name again"

"It's Alzar "