Into The Sky (2) ( Volume 4 Chapter 4)

◇◇Female Dragon Knight's POV◇◇

Eight wyverns have surrounded me. Wyverns though the lowest in the chain of flying dragons are still Rank F monsters. I can easily defeat a single wyvern, even two of them are manageable but defeating all of them is a task impossible for me. I have elementary mastery in Wind element but the wind element does not have high attack power but is more inclined towards movement increase. My fire element mastery is not good so I lack the firepower to disperse this group of wyverns.

The only thing I can do is to escape somehow

Female Dragon Knight- "[Flash]"

A blinding light appears before the group of wyverns and all of them shut their eyes and were now screaming in surprise.

I can't waste this opportunity.

Female Dragon Knight - " O Spirits of wind give speed to the body of mine [Mobile]"

I sight floated in the air and with the thurst of wind I broke through the group of wyverns.

I was running at quite a high speed but some of the wyverns regaining their composure back had started to chase me down.

According to what I know these wyverns have intelligence equivalent of that of wild beasts.

Negotiation was never an option so my only bet was losing them in the wilderness.

Even though I was faster they were steadily catching up to me. They were using tree and rock and leverage and were boosting up their speed while those trees and rocks were their leverage they were noting but obstacles for me.

If the trees weren't there I would have been dead as that would allow the wyverns to fly and no matter how fast I claim to be a person of the races can't outrun a flying dragon.

(Author- Our Valor can do it)

But those same trees and rocks were also slowing my down as though the speed of [Mobile] skill is high it's manoeuvrability is low so I had to slow my speed down to avoid crashing into any trees or hurdles.

As I was running for some time my already low stamina was coming down to a critical level.

I was already tired due to wandering aimlessly in the forest and even though the skill uses MP it also exhausts my stamina and willpower.

the only good thing was that I could see an open space at some distance.

I know that will allow those dragons to fly but there is a possibility of humans or someone of the races living there.

if it would have been a military outpost noting would be better than that but I had a fear in my heart what would happen if some villagers or non-combatants were living there as I would be guiding a group of wyverns to their settlements.

I thought for a moment to fight them here but then remembered someone can anyone living this close to death valley be weak?

How can they even survive if they can't fend off a group of Wyverns who are the lowest rank dragons?

As I entered the open space in front of me was a massive lake. and when I say it was massive I meant it the opposite side would be at least many kilometres away.

I didn't know any water spells so I can't swing that far but with my [Mobile] spell I could float above the water and at least reach that small island.

The wyverns may stop chasing me if I hide there.

Thinking that I poured all of my remaining Mana points into my skill and made a dash for the small island in the lake.

The wyverns were now flying to chase me and sometimes they were able to just grab me by their claws but I somehow managed to evade it t but One Wyvern attacked me and tore down my armour also wounding my right shoulder.

Blood was coming out of my wound. I was suppressing it with my hands but the blood was nonetheless coming out.

The island was close now just a little more, a little more and I would reach a little more and I will survive this, a little more and someone would help me.

I was now on the island and I could a sort of wooden cottage in front of me. I was losing my consciousness and before I know it I slammed on its wooden rails.

My wounded shoulder was in intense pain now but that intense pain was helping stay awake and form within a cottage came a young girl. she would be around my age in her early twenty perhaps she had fair skin and blue hair but the important thing was that she was unarmed.

In order to save my self, I have now endangered the life of an innocent. I couldn't move my jaws much but after gathering my strength I was somehow able to speak

Female Dragon knight - " Run..Wy.ver.ns ar...e be..hind me"

The girl instead of being terrified was calm and to my surprise asked me

Blue girl- " Is it what you truly desire?"

My true desire she asks. I wanted her to run away if I told her that it would be a lie. I want to survive this that also would be a lie. I need to become a dragon knight well that would also be a lie as being this close to death I have now understood my true desire, it was an extremely simple thing. What I desired was

Female dragon knight- " Strength "

blue girl - " Will you form a contract with me in order to acquire that strength"

A contract what is this girl talking about but why would anyone form a contract with a dying person like me.

Female dragon knight-" Why would you form a contract with someone like me"

Blue girl -" Because you are interesting and I think it would be interesting to be with you"

Female Dragon Knight - " I Sophia Arnest accepts this contract as soon as I said those words the blue-haired girl clasped my hands

Blue girl- " I Ava hereby confirm this contact with Sophia Arnest this pact will be only undone of one of us dies, let enjoy whatever this world offers us till death part us."

As soon as she is those words my wound started to close and the blood loss also stopped but that was not the thing that surprised me. the thing surprised me was a blue dragon standing in front of me it was slightly bigger than those 2 meters tall wyverns and was around 6 metres long it had beautiful Azure scale and when the wyverns approached it.

She simply flapped her huge wings to blow them away, then she dashed at an amazing speed and crushed the heads of the two wyverns in the front with her sharp blue claws. Seeing the Vanguard collapsed the nearby wyverns started to bite her but she bit the head of the wyvern biting her and then she used a skill which formed magic circles above and below the remaining Wyverns and sharp stone at great momentum pierced the body of the wyverns.

The only one who would be the strongest among the group of Wyverns remained, his body was around the same size as Ava but his colour was different unlike black all the other he was slightly brown.

The leader leapt on Ava and bit her chest. I wanted to help her but none of mine spells could reach that height they were but instead of removing him Ava just flew upwards at a great speed and before I knew the full Moon was at their background and the leader wyvern let go of her and fell down in the lake but never came up again perhaps no most definitely he was dead now.

The figure of a blue dragon with a white full moon in the background.

Sophia - " Beautiful"

Was the only words I could say

she flew down where I was

Ava- " Let's get you to your home"

I rode at her back and after 17 years my dream to ride a dragon was finally fulfilled but it was not the end just a beginning. We flew with a great speed very high into the sky.