Training(1)(Volume 4 Chapter 5)

The hell he blew me so high into the sky, I don't have my armour now but still, I am no twig that would get blown away from the wing flap of a dragon. He is definitely using some skill of his but if that's how you want to play then that's fine.

I unsheathed my sword in the air and after covering the sword in [Flame aura], I concentrated my attacks on the vortex of wind which is keeping me in air and was able to forcefully dissipate it.

Shit my landing. I was now falling on the ground from the height of several meters. I won't die but who likes to fall with their head, defiantly not me.

Should I activate my [Phoenix Drive] but I want to hide that attack as long as I can.

That attack is like my hidden trump card and I don't like playing all my cards early not for some meters high fall which can break my bones if not handled correctly.

Valor- ( ● _ ●)

Should I use some kind of attack to cushion my fall or should I activate my [Pheonix Drive] because even I am starting to doubt I could handle a fall from this high without any grave injury but I moreover have never used

[Pheonix Drive ] to fly at this altitude.

Will the skill even help in flying or a crash landing is my only fate.

I could now see the Academy and the students. the Academy is looking like a dollhouse but the students look like dots on the ground.

How much high that shitty dragon has blown me.

I don't make enemy easily but shitty dragon I have decided that if I survive this you are on my takedown list for sure.

As I was thinking of what to do, my head started to ache awfully was it altitude sickness or lack of oxygen but why it is happening this late was due to I am a sub lord different from a moment.

Before I knew it, I was floating in darkness.

My surroundings were pitch black and suffocating, as if I'd sunk into a deep sea.

I couldn't see anything, nor could I feel anything.

Because, in the first place, even my own body didn't exist right now. Since my body didn't exist, there was no way I could see, and I couldn't reach out to anything either.

But, that was a bit troubling.

I hadn't gone astray here. I'd come to find something. So, it made no sense if I couldn't see anything anyway.

I tried to somehow perceive within the deep darkness.

That was the equivalent of turning myself into a light and illuminating the darkness.

Before I knew it, I'd become a bluish-white flame, floating in the darkness.

The human-sized fireball shook, scattering sparks in all directions.

Only then did I notice that there were several fireballs floating nearby.

A red flame burning peacefully, a smaller but energetic flame, a dichromatic red-blue colored flame, and a large, white flame....

There were signs of countless other lights floating in the darkness, but unfortunately, I couldn't see or feel as far as where they were shining. The point was, this light—me—had a sense of vision and a sense of touch in this place.

Valor-"What a weird place"

As I tried to stretch out both my hands, sparks scattered with a *good*, and flames reached out towards the darkness.

I could see that my hands were there twice as if they were in double exposure.

It felt strange, but it wasn't like it was caught by my two eyes that'd existed from the start, either. Even though they were like that, it wasn't strange.

Which was why when I tilted my head

Valor- "What the?"

, it wasn't because I was doubting the strangeness of my double perception. It was because I found a concerning part in the image of myself that I saw.

——There was a tiny crack in my left hand.

No. When I took a closer look, there were several minute cracks running on my body that I wouldn't have noticed had I not looked closely.

And while I stared at my existence, I realized that the blue flame—me—was mixed with a different red flame.

...What did this mean?

I hadn't wondered about it, but only because I'd make no progress even if I brooded over it. If I started to say such things, I didn't even know what this place was.

But even if I didn't know what this place was, I knew that I needed to come here for a goal. So, that was enough. I didn't know how long I could stay in this place. I didn't have the time to be speculating carefreely.

Switching over my feelings, I started moving.

Where I had to go was a deeper level. I slowly dived to the bottom of the darkness.

This space was too big. So big that I couldn't even imagine how long it went on for. ...Maybe the concept of "an end" didn't exist.

???- ""

A faint broken voice was calling me and I don't know why but I was strangely attracted to it or more like I was already moving in its direction.

A faint purple light was eroding the never-ending darkness.

It was a small purple flame as I was moving towards it the flame I was becoming smaller no that's not it the flame was becoming larger and when I was near it.

I felt what a match light will feel in front of the sun.

The feeling I was feeling if put into words would be


Yes, absolutely correct....the purple sun spoke?.

???-"How rude to call a lady, with something like Sun"

How can I know she is a lady she looks a sun to me do even suns have gender in this world as expected of a parallel world.

???-" I am not a sun I am a goddess'

A goddess but when you think like that many religions worshipped the Sun as gods.

In many civilisations, Sun was also denoted as the symbol of absolute strength and authority.

Goddess-" Do people tell you that you think too much."

Almost everyone but how did she know what I was thinking I am a ball of fire so I can't saw any facial feature showing I was thinking.... is she reading my mind.

Goddess-" Correct Answer"

Talk about zero privacy what about human rights

Goddess -" But you aren't a human"

You are technically correct but I feel like I am one so let's say I am a human but leave that where I Am I?

Goddess -" You are in my private space"

Why I am I here

Goddess-" Because you are my follower"

when did that happen?

Goddess -" You forgot? Even though helped you so much"

Oh when you say it some message about the goddess of calamity did occur.

(Author -" For those who don't know or don't remember it refer to volume 1 chapter 10)

Well, I ignored it at that time due to the situation but did I became a follower of some evil god without realizing about it.

Will she now ask me to prepare sacrifices or destroy this world?

Goddess - " I am a kind goddess why does everyone think I want to destroy this world"

Well, your name has calamity in which usually means destruction.

By the way, I am curious now how many followers does she have?

Goddess- " I have 6666 followers excluding you "

Let me guess are they a cult?

Goddess - " How did you know it?"

You don't need to know Rocket Science to guess something that obvious

Goddess-" But I never order them to do evil deeds"

What do you order them?

Goddess-" Spread my name

Do task befitting my name

Help fellow living understand the true truth

Offer me prayer and offering"


Goddess -" I don't know why they do evil tasks even after my orders"

Do you personally talk to them like me?

Goddess -" Thats impossible the only reason I am able to talk to you like this is because you are an otherworlder and have a strong soul. I usually give my followers an oracle"

Mom, Dad I am sorry. your son has joined an evil cult.