Training(2) (Volume 4 Chapter 6)

Goddess - "Now keeping the small things aside "

They should not be small things for you.

Goddess-" Let get to the main reason why I called you here"

Well I also want to know that but wait for a moment, wasn't I was still falling to the ground. don't tell me as soon as I go back I would be dead.

Goddess- "You don't have to worry about that time in this space is a thousand time slower than

that of the world you are currently falling."

But that means I would still continue to fall right when I go back. you are a goddess right and I am one of your followers can't you help me, give me one of your blessings or something

Goddess- " Oh, A blessing or something it is, you are taking me for someone easy, aren't you?"

That statement was heavy and I am not taking in an emotional sense of saying it was literally heavy.

it was like the wringing of the neck though I was a ball of fire. it felt like my very soul was being suppressed.

If I had to say it reminded me of something, about the time when I was stabbed by Elene and hoard of maniacs overrun me.

Goddess-"My arms hurt. My legs hurt. My entire body hurts. But, rather than my body, I can't bear the pain in my heart."

It hurts. It's agonizing. Despair is slowly killing my heart before my body.

Goddess- "My life's gonna end here."

Death is steadily approaching while making noises.

Goddess- "I don't want to die in a place like this."

No. No. I don't want to die.

Goddess- "Then, I thought."

That's right. I thought.

That was the beginning of my story. So, I would never forget no matter how much time passed. I only wished for one thing.

——Someone…please help me.

Goddess- " That's the whole reason I helped you because your call was pure and yet corrupted, it was desperate yet calm, none of your friends saw it at that time I wonder if you didn't notice it yourself"


Goddess- " That even at the door of your death"

Even at the door of my death?

Goddess-" You were smiling"

.... .....

I was smiling but I was dying wasn't I, the hell I would smile for?

Goddess- " That's something you have to find for yourself "

Do I have to find it by myself?

Goddess-" But it's time for your training now"


Goddess-" Yes training to become strong, didn't you had it when you played those online games"


Goddess- " Surpassing your limits"


What do you mean by surpassing you limits

Goddess- "Bye-bye♡"


I could feel my hands again I was no longer a ball of fire and there was blue sky instead of darkness.

Valor-"I am back "

I checked my body if something was strange but everything was normal if you exclude the part I was still falling with great speed.

I have to break the falling momentum now.


A roar stopped me from doing my task, And I began to feel weaker than before

Coercion, paralysis, petrification, panic, weakening (Medium),

curse disease, spiritual ailment (Medium)

curse disease, bodily function decrease,

magic power effectiveness decay…

there's still more, but the ones

the system has been able to identify

are already crazy.

Valor- "What an unbelievable roar."

My stats right now were reduced to that of the time I was a skeleton in the dungeon of the elven forest.

I was seeing a wing of bones flying between the clouds

Was I inside a illusion spell then how can there be a skeleton dragon in the skies of the Royal Capital of the the Linval kingdom.

{ Zombie Dragon}

Thanks for the info but that don't make any difference how can the royal knights and holy

knights miss this ten-meters huge skeleton zombie dragon.

What about the dragon knights that came here how can they miss something this unique.


Is this what the goddess meant by surpassing my limits

Man I want to ask her which game has this level of impossible difficu.

" GULP "

Hey who switched off the light?

What is this awful stench?

What is this wet feeling around my legs?

Where did the sky disappear to where are the two suns?

Was I called back to the goddess space but I could still feel my body then

Valor-" Then where am I? "

{In the mouth of the zombie dragon who is flying towards the Knights Academy}

Detailed my system is becoming too friendly is this the effect of the goddess?

Well anyway I have to defeat this thing here or I would be digested and if I wait for help someone would kill me along with this dragon.

I have to act fast or I am toast. for starter let light up the are

Valor-"[Flame Aura]"

There was something in the class I was taught that there is methane in the human body to digest the food but in chemistry classes we were taught.

Valor-" Methane is inflammable"


◇◇ Sasa's POV◇◇

That Valor was thrown quite high in the sky and about the time we could see him according to the dragon knights.

They are planning to save him when he gets close to the ground. they should honestly leave him alone

Oh there he is


What was that roar I feel very weak, how did a zombie dragon appear from thin air and he ate Valor. Well, he was a pain but death due to being eaten by a zombie dragon is a little sad.

I will at least remember you Valor

The zombie dragon is heading towards the Academy.

All the students are panicking and running towards the dorm.

What are they some top-class idiots its obvious dragon will destroy the building first and the barrier on the dorm can't defend against the attacks the C rank Zombie Dragon.

The dragon knights are getting ready to fly and the royal and holy knights will soon be deployed.

I could see the figure if Christina and Leona crying but Rachel contrary to he usual appearance was giving out a killing aura against that dragon she was like an innocent child whenever I met her but now looked liked a bloodthirsty predator.

Valor even though you were a scumbag you had people that loved you

The zombie dragon exploded it fell down on the ground and its big body was drifting on the ground towards me the huge dragon skull stopped in front of me and it opened its mouth.

Sweat ran down my cheek and I lost strength in my legs and fell down.

A man covered in flames was standing in front of me.

He looked liked a fire demon but there was no hostility in his eyes.

He was simply staring at something behind me.

There was no hostility in his eyes but it was not empty his eyes were filled with

Sasa - " Pain"