Confrontation(3) ( Volume 6 Chapter 10) (FINALE)

Monster stampede?

Like the ones that happened in the games, But weren't they supposed to occur only in dungeons. Moreover the goddess said that the Royal Capital will be set ablazed due to invisible attackers but these monster were making a show which would put the likes of America's got talent to shame.

Sophia- " We will begin the monster extermination now."

"But captain we are not nearly enough "

" And that eyeless demon."

"The demon is scaring the dragons they won't approach the ground."

Well why wouldn't they. This eyeless monster is giving a last boss vibe.

Sophia-" Then let me take care of that, Ava."

Ava-" Gruuuuah."

Valor-" Personally I don't think it's a bright ideaaaaaa."

The dragon Ava nose-dived towards the eyeless monster with me and Sophia on it's back.

Sophia-" Light that devours the darkness. Help me smite evil spirits.[ Holy Smite]"

Sophia brandished a bastard sword which was coloured in golden light and was pretty uncomfortable to look at and was giving me a tingling feeling on my face.

{ Purification process has began. 3 hours left to being completely purified.}


This [Holy Smite] is pretty powerful if I don't do something this dragon will be my deathbed.

In the the time I was worried about my future, Sophia jumped from the dragon.

Valor-"Phew, I am safe now. "

Her sword clad in golden light pierced the lead of the eyeless demon.


That eyeless monster shrieked in pain before becoming particles of light and disappearing

Valor-" It was so anti-climatic.'

" The Captain killed the monster."

" Charge "

" Show them the might of the dragon knights

Knights riding wyvern started to descend on the

ground and started killing the nearby Wolves.


" Damn dogs taste my [ Inferno] "

Even [Fireball] has more firepower than that who named that inferno. It was only able to burn the fur of the Wolf.

" Kraak that damn dog bit me."

Looks like I have to step in


I formed a layer of fire on my sword and then charged at the burning wolf.

I swinged my sword to cut his neck but sensing my actions he jumped towards sideways to dodge my swing.

" Th-Thank you."

Valor-" Tch"

That damn dog was too fast.

" Hauuuuuu"

The wolf howled and before I knew it I was surrounded by four new wolves.

I checked my surrounding only to find that we have the despairing numerical disadvantage.

Packs of wolves had surrounded the wyverns.

Though Wyverns are known to be stronger than a wolf. They may win if it was 1v1 fight but when surrounded guarding themselves and this rider is the most they can do.

If they hadn't charged on the ground I don't think things will come to this

The only dragon that was on the offensive was that shitty dragon Ava but she could not come to the aid of others as Sophia was standing still on the spot she killed the eyeless monster.

One of the wolves leaps to attack my neck. I swing my sword in a circular monster to cut the leaping wolf but the wolf with the burnt fur slams my body causing me to lose my balance and cutting only one of the legs of the leaping wolf.


The wolf whimpers with the loss of one of his legs I put strength in my left foot and leap to finish the three-legged wolf.

The burnt wolf against tries to slam.

Valor-" The same trick won't work twice."

I immediately rotated my body by using my sword as a levarge and then kick the wolf.

The wolf being kicked get thrown backwards and without wasting any more time I activated my fastest skill.

Valor-"[Super Sonic]

I reduced the distance between me and the burnt wolf and then raise my sword to

" Kccchk"

Stab his heart.

It was enough for all the remaining wolves to go on rampage.

One of the wolf bit my wrist.

Valor- " Ouch that hurt, [Incinerate]."

The wolf body get reduced to ashes and that made the other wolves be warry of me and every wolf in the vicinity started to surround me.

Valor-" Some shitty luck I have."

" Now is the chance let's escape."

" What about Captain and that lad."

" The captain is not moving she is like a statue."

" Damn leave them our lives come first we will report them dead"

What dragon knights they were just cowards who got overwhelmed with some hundred wolves... Well even I would run from that but they shouldn't at least abandon their own allies and captain.

Valor-" Useless allies are more dangerous than powerful enemies."

But why is Sophia standing like a statue even that dragon Ava has a hard time defending her but wait that dragon could talk right.

Valor-" Ava, why is Sophia like a statue."

Ava-" It was the eyeless monster attack ,she is petrified."

Petrified did the monster had a ability like That I should have used my [ Appraisal] on that.

Valor-" If I grab her can you take us out?"

Ava-" Definitely but how do you plan on breaking out from here."

By a method I didn't wanted to use but the situation demands it.

Valor- " O who is eternal,

To incinerate my foolish enemies.

Grant me your flames

[Pheonix Drive] "

My whole body got covered in flames and wings of fire grew from my back. I missed this feeling. I didn't used this for a long time but this sensation of power running in my veins

Valor-"Is not bad at all."



Valor-" Stupid Mutts now it doesn't matter if you are in hundreds or even in millions because I am now going to kick each and everyone one of your sorry asses."

Packs and packs of wolves over my body and started to bite me.

Valor-" It fucking hurts but for you it would hurt much much more. [ Incinerate] "

The wolves sticking to my body get engulfed in my crimson flames they all leave my body but more attack me again.

If it was a war this strategy would be human wave but in this situation wolf wave suits more.

Valor-" [ Blaze] And for speed [ Super Sonic] "

My stamina was draining rapidly but if I could break the enticement now it would be never.

The flames covering my sword flared with the activation of [Blaze] I swinged my sword on all direction cutting many wolves.

Valor-" One"


Valor-" Two."

I move in circle like motion creating a waves of fire.

Valor-" Seven"

after doing that for some time. I was dead tored and breathing heavily


I didn't have much strength left but still, more than half of the wolves were remaining.

My [Pheonix Drive] also finished and exhaustion hit me.

I was about to fall down.

Ava-" Valor"

But listening to the dragon's words I stabbed my sword in the ground to support myself.

The remaining wolves were glaring me with blood in his eyes.

After fighting wyverns, I never thought I will for while fighting dogs.

I was laughing at my miserable end. One of the wolves leapt to attack me I tried to move my body but even after [ Hyper Regeneration] the continuous use of skills had drained my strength. I was too slow to block that attack that wolf opened his mouth to bite my face but an arrow from the forest pierced his head.