Hatchling (Epilogue)

◇◇Sam's POV◇◇

Hey, remember me. Of course, you do who can't forget the strongest member of the group.

I am Sam and one day our school got transferred to the monster world and the one to summon us forced us to fight to the death and we were killed in that chaos of selection but don't worry I am not any ghost but a dragon and a strong one at that or that was what I used to believe until I met her.


The huge zombie dragon which was powerful enough to destroy towns by itself and which rendered my fairly powerful skill [Flame Breath] useless was defeated by this girl standing in front of me.

My pride as a Razor wing dragon and being the strongest in my group nose-dived.

Sam-" Wh-Who are you? no rather what at you?."

Beautiful lady-" Sixth in line to the throne, I am Tara Granfest."


but there shouldn't be any country in the death valley can any human country survive in Valley filled with dragon unless

Sam-" It's not a human country.'

Tara-" fufu you are rare hatchling, I am the heir to the nation of dragons and possibly lived for many years more than hatchling like you."

Hatchling this, hatchling that

I am pretty sure a 20-year-old man who got a confession for marriage can't be called a hatchling.

Sam -" I am no hatchling I am Sam a Razor Wing Dragon."

Tara-" Well your species is rare even in the kingdom you are the second Razor wing dragon I

have seen."

Second of my species is my species like super rare or were we being hunted to extinction but either way I could reach the nation of the dragons if I follow her.

Let's activate the gentleman mode

Sam-" I don't mean to be rude princess, but would you be kind enough to tell us the way of the nation of dragons or if possible guide us."

I copied how those noble greeted the royalty in anime and seeing the behaviour she gave out. a faint smile.

Tara-" You will be coming with me."

Sam-" To the kingdom right?"

Tara-" Yes but you would be SPECIFICALLY accompanying ME."

Why stress on specifically and me and why is she not looking at me when talking to me.

I believe I am big enough to be not missed then why is she looking above me.....

She is looking towards Asuka was she vary of Asuka who is an Arachne but why is Asuna repeatedly tapping her legs on my head. I couldn't feel it before die to the being engrossed in talking to Tara but now I can feel her pace increasing.

Either way, I want to quickly reach to the drake kingdom as I want to rest and eat something

Sam-" So princess where is the kingdom?."

Tara-" Just some Twenty kilometres in the east"

Twenty kilometres huh looks like we are really close to the kingdom. I could reach there before the sunset if I maintain my pace. Now to earn some points with the princess.

Sam-" Princess would you like to ride on me until we reach there."

Tara-" Then I would take up that offer."

Tara floats in the air and lands gracefully on my back with elegance befitting of a princess.

Tara-" I am Tara Granfest, you may already know it but I am the PRINCESS of the Drake kingdom of the death Valley."

Asuka-" Kuh."

This time the world princess was stressed must be to show her royal authority or something.

(Author - Relationship Sam had till now in his seventeen years of life was zero. he was only engrossed in games and animes but he was not a severe otaku who only believed in 2 d girls just he didn't have any relationship.

In short, he was oblivious to the matters of the heart)

Tara-" Won't you introduce yourself."

Asuka- " Oh I am sorry for my rude behaviour. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Asuka an Arachne and companion of Sam."

Tara- " Companion huh..what relationship to be exact."

The only thing I know about girls is that they love to chat.

I should get going now and thinking that I flapped my wings and elevated from the ground and was heading towards the kingdom when I heard the yelling of the princess.

Tara-" What? can you repeat it again I think I misheard you."

Their talk drew my interests so I activated my skill [ Presence] to eavesdrop on them."

Asuka-" It's embarrassing to repeat it again."


What was embarrassing to repeat?

Tara-" Don't go fidgeting like a maiden in love and answer my question."

Asuka-" Well if you insist so much then let me say it again. The relationship between me and Sam is that of a husband and wife."

Sam- "..."

.....Didn't I postpone her confession when were we married.

Asuka-" Dear you altitude, Your altitude."

Sam - " Yes I seriously think I need to change my attitude of doing things."

Asuka-" Not That attitude dear the other one."

Another attitude?

Tara-" Sam we are losing height."

Oh, she meant altitude I have to increase the height or I will crash at some tall tree.

I rose high in the sky

Tara-" Sam quickly descend. it's dangerous to fly this high."

Dangerous but I have flown higher than this I don't think this height is something I can't handle

Sam-" Your concern is unnecessary princess I

have flown at a greater height than this I assure you I can fly easily at this height."

Anyone after flying this far would have confidence in his skills and I am no exception

Tara-" But that's not what I meant."

Her voice still sounded worried so I was thinking of following her advice and descending

" Kdaaak KD kdkd"

A sound deafening sound filled my ears and before I knew it I had lost control of my body.

Why can't I move my body, I can't even move my fingers what happened and we are also quickly losing height.



" Thap"

Looks like I was caught by someone or rather something. I can't move my head or I would have checked my situation but for the least we were not falling.

???- "You are too bold intruder."