106. The search

Lycaon snatched the book from her and began to flip over the pages. The girl gazed at him with a fearful expression. She then sniffed. Lycoan looked at her by the sound. The moment he did, she burst into tears. Lycaon widened his eyes at the girl and quickly threw the book on the ground. He moved back and looked around. Her mother was not there in the room. He then stepped forward towards the girl.

"Shh.. Quiet." Lycaon said.

The girl cried louder at his words.

"Shut up." Lycaon raised his voice. The girl closed his mouth and gazed at Lycaon. He inhaled a deep breath and stooped forward to pick up the book. He stood straight and opened the book to read. The girl gazed at him continuously as he flipped the papers. Slowly, Lycoan raised his eyes and glanced at the girl. When his eyes met with the gaze of the girl she again burst into tears and this time louder than before.

"What do you want?" Lycoan said in a louder voice and shut the book close.