52Chapter 19

Ch. 19:

Harry Pov

Malfoy had left the library in a good mood earlier, so Harry was taken by surprise when he entered the Room of Requirements and had to duck out of the way of a book flying at his face. He heard the book hit the wall behind him with a thud and looked towards the blonde.

"What the fuck, Malfoy?"

Malfoy picks up another book and threw it by hand, no wand in sight, across the room. This time not aiming for Harry. "Stupid...bloody...books." He heard the blonde curse as he picked up yet another book and hurled it against a wall.

Then reached for another, Harry now more than a little worried, rushed across the room, snatched the current book being held by the slytherin, and slammed Malfoy against the shelves.

"Stop," he demanded. Only to be hit with the urge to back away, when Malfoy's glare met his. Something in the back of his mind told him to back down, he tried to ignore it.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice quieter then he wanted. That same voice in the back of his head warning him, not to challenge the angry dominant in front of him. He swallowed not sure how he felt about it all.

"It's bloody pointless, Potter." The blonde sneered. Then he shook Harry off, walked over and dropped onto the couch. Harry placed the book in his hand on the shelf and followed Malfoy to the couch.

"What is?" he asked, sitting next to him.

"The ritual." The blonde huffed, "I found all the pieces, even started a list of things we needed, only we can't perform it." Harry's pulse quickened.

"Why not?" he asked, trying not to panic. They couldn't really be stuck here? Could they?

Then the guilt hit him because maybe, just maybe, a small part of him didn't mind that. Not as much as he should.

"We need a tether," the blonde went on, oblivious to Harry's inward struggle. "Someone in our time needs to perform the same ritual with something to tie us to that place and time. That way when we perform the bloody spell we are pulled home," a deep breath, "instead of just another wrong time."

"Oh…" he said, because he couldn't find the words to say anything else.

He fell back against the couch and closed his eyes.

"Now are you going to tell me why we can't speak to the headmaster?" Malfoy asked. "We could ask him to be the tether or to set one up. After all we know he will be at Hogwarts in our time." He looked over to see Malfoy studying him.

He lowered his gaze to the floor. " We can't trust him," he muttered, then cleared his throat. "Before all this," he waved his hand and gestured around the room, "I got a note from someone I trust, telling me not to trust him. Then I found out that others have been lying to me too." He looked up, hoping the blonde would get it, and that he wouldn't have to go into anymore details.

Malfoy's eyes narrowed, "Weasel and Granger?" Harry nodded, "and the bindings?" Harry nodded again.

"Fuck." The blonde sighed,"Then we really are stuck."

Could they really? What the hell would they do? Could they change things? Should they? He sighed, as badly as he wanted to spare his family from their fate, and put a stop to Voldemort before he could kill more people or do anymore damage, he had no way of knowing the consequences. Some things he wouldn't mind changing, Sirius's years in Azkaban, Dumbledore's manipulations, Ron and Hermione lying to him, and his life with the Dursleys, but he couldn't chance that someone else died or faired worse just so he could save himself from pain and heartbreak.

He sighed again.

Thinking about the things he could and couldn't change made him think about home. He wondered what his old friends were up too. Where Ron and Hermione pretending to be worried about him? Was Ginny still trying to get Dean's attention? Had Seamus or Neville blown up anymore cauldron's in Snape's class? That one made him laugh. What about Remus? Or the twins? Where they still his friends? Or-

"The twins!" he shouted, jolting up right in his seat. Scaring the hell out of Malfoy who jumped to his feet, wand in hand, looking around for attackers.

"What the hell?" the blonde shouted looking down at him.

"The twins. I think they would help us, and they can get into the school unnoticed." Malfoy raised a perfect eyebrow at him.

"Trust me, they can get in." He grinned.

"You trust them?" Malfoy asked sitting back down. Harry swallowed, his gut told him yes. That he could trust them, but he was having a hard time trusting his gut after everything he had discovered lately.

"I think so," he mumbled. "They aren't like Ron, he wants to be famous, he craves the spotlight, but they just want to have fun, play pranks, and entertain people." He rubbed his slightly sweaty palms on his robes. "I gave them the winnings from the Triwizard Tournament." Malfoy made a low noise in his throat, probably disbelief. "I didn't want it. Not after everything that happened, and they had been planning on selling their stuff anyways. I figured that's what people needed right now, laughs and jokes." He looked at the blonde, "You know, stuff to make them smile."

Malfoy stared at him for a moment then nodded, "I get it."

"And not only did they do it, they made me their silent partner, they send me free samples all the time, and always ask how I'm doing." He took a breath, "I think they care and that they are my friends." He looked away, because if he was wrong, they would be stuck here.

"Alright," Malfoy said standing up. "What's your plan on asking them for help?"

He thought about if for a second.

"A letter," he said standing up. "We write a letter and have the goblins hang on to it until the right time. The twins will get it and hopefully be able to help." He exhaled, "We won't know for sure until we try it on our end though."

"It's a risk we will have to take," Malfoy told him. "However, I want to write a letter of my own."

Harry looked at him, "To?"

Malfoy sighed, "Severu-"

"No," Harry caught him off. "He hates me. He supports Voldemort." He saw Malfoy's hands tighten at the name. He didn't trust Snape, though he was starting to have some doubts about just how much the man supported Voldemort. After some of the things he learned about the people he had trusted, he started looking at other people in his life, and while the man was an arsehole, he had never hurt him. In fact he had saved his life a few times.

"He doesn't hate me," Malfoy said, crossing his arms over his chest.

He sighed, "There has to be someone else you trust. Someone who doesn't want to kill me or hand me over to my enemies." Malfoy's eyes narrowed, and Harry could actually feel the anger and frustration coming off him. The back of his neck tingled and he lowered his head, just a bit.

He heard a choked sound from Malfoy and he looked back up.

He was confused, because Malfoy's eyes had darkened and Harry could see that his breathing had sped up. Shivers ran down his spine, he gulped and took a step back. Not really understanding why, but doing it nonetheless.

Malfoy closed his eyes and took a couple slow deep breaths. The strange tingle dissipated but Harry still felt the need to drop his head. He didn't, not again.

"Blaise," the Slytherin said after a moment. Opening his still darkened eyes at Harry. He was so caught in them that it took a second for the blonde's word to process.

"Huh?" he asked.

"Someone who doesn't want you dead or hand you off to the Dark Lord." Oh…

"Umm...okay...sure." Fuck why was I stuttering, or worse why did he want to move closer to the damn blonde?

"I'm going," the blonde said, before grabbing his bag and rushing out the door.

Harry stood there, lost. What the hell just happened?

It took several minutes after the other boy was gone, for him to move from his spot. He dropped back down on the couch and pulled out some parchment and a quill.

"Now," he mumbled. "What the hell do I say?"