52Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Harry's POV

He had just written Fred and George's names, because it was all he could think of, when Malfoy came stomping back into the room.

"A truth circle," the blonde said in a flat cool tone. Harry looked up at him, "huh?"

The tall blonde rolled his eyes. "It's a spell that goblin's can perform that insures all those inside have to tell the truth. It only works for those in the circle and once the circle is broken so is the spell. It isn't regulated or watched like veritaserum. Plus add in a simple binding spell and they can have who ever is in the circle swear they will not talk to or tell anyone outside of those in the circle about what they learned."

Harry sighed, "This is about Snape."

"Yes," Malfoy said. "I know we can trust him, and this spell is complicated. I know you believe your Weasleys will be able to pull it off, but I believe having Severus there will insure it."

"Malfoy, I don't trust h-"

"Then trust me!" the blonde snapped.

Harry stopped. He took in the blonde, who was looking at him with a desperate look in his eyes, and he understood. While he trusted the twins, Malfoy didn't. He needed someone he trusted involved in the spell, a small comfort found in this messed up situation. Harry closed his eyes and leaned back against the couch.

"Okay," he said, because he couldn't deny the blonde that. Not after everything the blonde had done. If it hadn't been for Malfoy, Harry would probably still be hiding in a room at the Leaky Cauldron, scared and confused. He owed the Slytherin this much, at least.

"Really?" Malfoy sounded surprised. Harry snorted and opened his eyes. He looked over at Malfoy.

"Yeah, but you have to write the spell, and promise me that he won't be able to tell anyone other than the Twins and Blaise about what is happening. I know you trust him, but I need to know he can't tell Voldemort or Dumbledore."

Malfoy grinned at him. "I will."

Then he looked back and forth between the entrance to the room and Harry. "So, how's your letter coming?" Then he was moving across the room and dropping down on the couch next to Harry.

"It's not," he muttered as he moved up so that he could reach the table and his parchment. "I haven't a clue what to say to them. How to I explain, why they can't trust the headmaster, or their own brother? How do I explain time travel? Or you?" he glare at the parchment and rubbed a hand through his hair.

"Me?" Malfoy asked.

"Yeah you," he said, looking over at him. "You know the rumors and theories around the school must be going mad. We disappear together, everyone thinks your a dark wizard and evil. They have to believe you took me to Voldemort or killed me," he stopped, his eyes widening, "Malfoy…" he took a deep breath. "What do you think Voldemort thinks? I mean everyone else would think you took me to him, but he wouldn't?"

Harry looked at the blonde, who's blood drained from his face. Making him even more pale.

"He would think, I've betrayed him. Even if I don't wear his mark, my father does. They…" He saw the blonde swallow, "They would both see it as a betrayal."

The blonde shot to his feet," Fuck Potter."

Harry didn't know what to do as the blonde paced angrily around the room. It took a while before Malfoy seemed to calm down. When he turned to look at Harry, he felt his stomach knot. The dark worried look causing the tiny hairs on the back of his neck to stand.

"We have to tell my father."

Harry choked. "We have to what?" he asked, because he couldn't have heard that right.

"Potter, he can't think I betrayed him. I could give a rat's arse about the Dark Lord, but I can not have my father think I would betray him." The Slytherin looked determined, and Harry was a little sure he was imagining the pleading look hidden in the blondes grey eyes.

"Fucking hell, Malfoy," he said standing up. "I understand telling Snape, but your father?"

"Even if we can't trust him," the blonde said, catching Harry by surprise, "the circle would bind him, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone."

"You don't trust him?" Harry asked.

Malfoy glared at him, "I trust him to help me. To save me. To protect me, but you are right. he follows the Dark Lord, so I don't trust him with you." Harry swallowed hard as a wave of something close to happiness washed over him. Malfoy cared, and wasn't that a fucking bombshell. His one time rival now friend? Actually cared about what happened to him. Fucking hell. He kind of wanted to hug the angry blonde. It had been a long while since he felt cared for. Not since Sirius came into his life, and with his godfather on the run, he didn't get to experience this almost gleeful feeling often. He let out a breath.

"So…" he cleared his throat, "we tell your father." Malfoy's eyes narrowed and the blonde took a step towards him. Looking a little conflicted, but he stopped moving.

"I swear Potter, the spell will keep him from telling anyone."

Harry lowered his head. "Promise me," he whispered slowly looking back up. "Promise me that him and Snape won't be able to tell anyone. Promise me, I'm not making a mistake in trusting them?" The in trusting you, went unsaid.

He couldn't see the Slytherin but he heard him walk over to him and he could see his shoes when he stopped in front of him. Still the cool hand surprised him when it gently took a hold of his chin and moved his head upwards.

He met the blonde's grey eyes, and shivered.

"I promise," Malfoy said, confident and calm.

He nodded, still feeling the fingers on his chin. "Okay," he said, "we tell them."

Malfoy smiled at him, it was genuine and caused Harry's breath to catch.

"It will be alright,P-Harry. I promise." Then the fingers disappeared and Harry felt their loss deep inside. He stood there for a moment, trying to clear his mind, because what the hell? Why was he missing Malfoy's touch? Then he turned and joined the blonde on the couch. Both of them pulling out parchment and starting their letters.