1: Info/backstory


Name: Kuro

Family name: ???????


Birthday: 7 February

appearance(as a kid): Black hair/red eyes/white skin


Kuro Pov: i lived in a small crap appartement with my parents for as long as i could remember every time my dad came home from work he was drunk and arguing with mom and getting into sometimes short and sometimes long psychical fights No it wasnt a fight it was more of a one sided beating since dad was stronger mom tried to fight back but she quickly gave up while all of this was happening i went outside or stayed in the corner with my arms around my legs. dad used to beat me up to because i tried to stop him from hurting mom but i learned to read my dads face to see in what mood he was in and to just stay silent since it wouldnt improve the situation he would only get more angry and take it out on her most of the times it was like i was a spectator to all of this i was like i wasnt even there for them they never looked at me or talked to me every morning and evening they would leave some bread on the wooden table so i wouldnt die of starvation it was always really hard so i dipped it into water so i was able to eat it it was disgusting but u just kinda get used to it after a while this went on everday untill one day

the police told us dad was getting arrested for having drugs on him but before they could arrest him he quickly took out a gun and shot himself in the head and falling dead to the ground after the police left mom sat down at the table with her forehead touching the table she sat there for a while i dindt feel anything in particular i understood that dad was gone but his death dindt really effect me i was looking at mom that was still sitting down in the same position then she said "THAT BASTARD!!!"

she stood up looking very angry got some money out of the counter and put it in my hands she calmed down a little bit and started crying she looked at me and then she talked to me for the first time in a long time she said "Kuro... ur a fast runner go to the train station and wait there oke mommy will catch up to u soon oke?" she put on a smile but i saw that it was a fake smile but i wasnt gonna disobey i dindt want to get hit again so i took the money and started running to the train station and sat down on a bench i waited. and waited.. and waited.... it was getting dark and i got here at 2pm i decided to go back to the apartment i opened the door and i saw 2 legs infront of me i slowly looked up and saw my mother hanging from the ceiling...

i said "mom?"


"why are up there thats dangerous u could fall u know..." i said with a bored face


She dindt answer

i decided to take her down but she immediately fell down to the ground face first

i said "Im sorry please forgive me mom!!! it was an accident I Swear.."

No answer

"mom we need to get to the station right right?" i asked with a bored face

i tried to carry her but i couldnt

"ur too heavy mom cant u walk yourself?" i asked with a slightly annoyed face

"well i cant carry u like this mom so..."

i walked up to the kitchen counter and took out a knife with a bored face

i walked back to mom and said "This might hurt a little bit okay?"

the next few minutes only thing that was heard in the apartment was the sound of a liquid leaking out of something and and something getting cut

i walked out of the apartment with a bag in my hand and started running to the train station sat down at the same bench sitting the bag down next to me as before and close my eyes because i was tired..

after around 8 hours i woke because..

i felt somebody poking me i slowly opened my eyes and saw a police officer standing infront of me he said "Young man could u tell me where ur parents are u cant be here alone so early in the morning" i looked with a bored face at the police officer and pointed at the bag next to me he said "i asked u where ur parents are not where ur bag is" i said officer My mom is right there and i pointed at the bag the officer said "a grown person cant fit in a bag kid stop joking around" i grabbed the bag and opened it and gave it to the police officer and said "look inside officer" after those words i could see that the legs of the officer were shaking a little bit as he slowly looked inside when he looked inside he saw a females head in a small puddle of blood in the bag he screamed and tossed the bag away and quickly called for another police officer i said "dont throw my mom away officer u might hurt her" the officer took some distance and waited and he threw up a couple of times after a while 2 police cars showed up and i was placed in the car while the officers took the bag carefully they took me to the police station and set me in a room after a little while a little bit overweighted man entered the room and started asked me questions i told him everything that happened and left

3rd pov: The overweighted man walked up to the officers who brought him and told them everything the officer that found him said "so he dindt know she was dead?" the overweighted man said He "knew but he doesnt understand it so he thought she was still alive" oke but then why did he have his moms head in his bag? the officer asked the overweighted man said "she commited suicide after her husband died and told the kid to go to the train station and she would come as soon as possible he came back saw his mom hanging from the ceiling took her down tried to carry her to the station but she was too heavy so he cut her head off so he was able to carry her" wow the officers said thats too much for someone to see and do at his age the overweighted man said "i checked to see if he has any relatives left but he doesnt so he is going to be set up for adoption and he is prob going to need therapy"


Kuro Pov: "apparently the one adopting me is gonna show up today im not really excited but they say he is a nice man" kuro said after letting out a big sigh a few minutes later a man entered my room and sat down infront of me

he stared at me for a few seconds and said

"Nice to meet you Kuro im the adopting u i heard everything that happened to you" after a few seconds of silence he said "Impressive well lets get going now shall we still need to sign the papers"

i followed him out of the room not saying anything and then he turned around and said to me "i almost forget to tell u my name my bad u can call me.. Professor Ayanokouji"

1300 words good for now i think