after i signed the adoption papers we walked to the car together and started driving towards a building. since the kid dindt know his last name his name from now on is Kuro Ayanokouji I want him in the white room because he was able to cut of his own mothers head she was already dead but still for a kids that is impressive nevertheless i they said he was calm so i came to take a look at him he dindt really talk but he listened and nodded and dindt look traumatized or anything else he just looks like a gloomy kid. if he was able to cut of his own mothers head means he dindt really care for her like normal kids do to normal kids their parents are deity's this kid isnt even a little bit shocked or sad that hoth of his parents died and he cut of his own mothers head so i doubt he would care for others which is exactly what i need in the white room.
We stepped out of the car and went into the building i was told to close my eyes and i felt a needle going into my arm a few seconds later i went unconscious...
When i slowly started regaining my consciousness i was on a cold floor in i think i hospital outfit? im not sure nevermind that it was freezing here all i saw was white the first thought that came to me was "did i die?" i decided to walk around the room for a little while everything was really white the bed ceiling walls floor and a... uhm door? i think it looks like a door atleast i tried to open it but it was locked in the cornee of the room i saw a white camera and a white speaker i think? after looking around i sat down on the bed trying to fall asleep when i almost fell asleep i heard a voice coming from the speaker thing in the corner i slowly opened my eyes and walked towards it i couldnt reach it because it was too high so i was just staring at it.
i heard a mans voice "oh you are awake" after that it went silent again and a few seconds later i heard my door open it was someone in a white coat he said "follow me" i nodded and ran towards him to not fall behind after a minute of walking we walked into another white room it was full of kids behind desks they all looked sad gloomy bored some even angry the man walked me to a empty desk and told me to sit down after a few minutes they laid upside down papers on the desks i decided to look around around the room.
next to me was a brown haired boy with gold looking eyes. to the other side there was a girl with long white hair and red eyes unlike the other kids the girl was resting her head on her arms while smiling was she maybe... sleeping? i poked her with a pen she opened her eyes immediately and said "I WASNT SLEEPING I SWEAR" a couple of kids looked at her weird while the others kept looking forward. when everyone got the papers they told us to flip it around and put ur name on it and start answering the questions i started answering the question they werent very had but is still needed a little time to come up with the asnwer i sneaked a peek at the boy besides me he was going threw the papers like he was just drawing horizontal lines from one side of the papers to the other side. when we were done we were all walked back to the other white rooms and were told to sleep i jumped on the bed while thinking about what the fuck i am doing here and what even is this place is this death or something?
next day the speaker woke us up again i started stretching cus i dindt rlly have anything else to do in the morning i did have to go to the toilet but that can wait for now ig its not like i can open the door and walk to one. then my door openeded and the man from before walked in with a very decent looking meal idk whats average since i almost only ate bread but it looks better then hard bread he sat it down and told me to start eating i sat down on the cold floor and started eating it dindt have a taste but it dindt matter and he started talking he told me this is something called the white room snd i have to overcome every test whatever it takes he told me to remember these words .all people are nothing but tools. it doesnt matter how its done. it doesnt matter what needs to be sacrificed. in this world winning is everything. as long as u win in the end. that's all that matters. i expect great things from u Kuro he said as he took my hand and walked me towards the other room again this time we started with psychical test then the mathematics test etc etc and alot of other test and every day they would get harder and harder.
after some time they put kids against eachother with martial arts till the other goes unconscious or dies i had to fight against 3 opponents i killed every single one of them before the timer even reached 10 seconds it felt good and excited for the first time in a long time after killing the last enemy i laid down on the dead body using it as a pillow since it always took a while for the the white coat people to come he door opened the only one that came threw was The professor he looked at me laying on top of the dead body of someone i killed and said "Kuro Ayanokouji... truly Magnificent a total monster" while he said a big grin formed on his face that night i had a meal that actually tasted like something good i laid down on the bed again and before i closed my eyes i said "a monster huh" and fell asleep.
after a very long time i dindt know how much times had passed but my body looked bigger then the day i came here the only one left in the room are me the white haired girl and the legendary kiyotaka that produced the best results of all of us me and kiyotaka become somewhat closer over the years its not like u can really become friends in a place like this so we kind of just talked after the test were done or we were taking a short break he asked be about the outside world i told him about the stuff i saw and did when i told him about the real world his emotionless face he usually had showed some emotion. one day we promised eachother to see the outside world and for me again and for him for the first time ofcours.
one day after the test were done one of the white coat people left the door open me and kiyo saw this and rushed to door and put our ear against it to hear if somebody was coming or not we dindt hear someone so we ran down the hallways we couldnt find a exit untill we found a open door with light shining threw it we ran towards it but were stopped by 5 guards and the proffesor the proffesor said "did u really think i was gonna let so many years of work just walk right out of the door?" he narrowed his eyes while looking at us scared and dindt kmow what to do he them told the guards "bring them back to their rooms" we heard this and started panicking before i knew it kiyo jumped on top of the gusrd bringing him down with him and said "QUICK RUN KURO ILL HOLD HIM DOWN" i jumped over them and ran towards the exit i looked back at kiyotaka being held back by another guard and the professor screaming on the top of his lungs "DONT LET HIM ESCAPE" the guards ran towards me and i yelled "SORRY KIYOTAKA!!" and started running away when i was outside i was on a big moutain looking down on a big city i was a little shocked at seeing this but kept running i thought i lost them but then i heard a gunshot.... i fell down to the ground and looked at the left side of my chest and started hyperventilating there was a big stain of blood on it and a open piece of flesh i dindt feel any pain i thought "right threw the heart huh thats not good" i saw the professor running towards me screaming i dindt hear anything he said i slowly closed my eyes and my last words were "sorry kiyo" i couldnt finish his name before i died
i ran towards kuro and checked his pulse.. but it was gone i started cursing after i kicked his dead body i carried him towards the building on the moutain and told the guard to clean up the bloody mess he made i walked towards a room called the crematorium where all the other dead kids went placed his body inside and cremated it i let out a big sigh.
i opened my eyes and saw nothing but white i thought im back in the white room huh...
then a voice called out to me "Kuro i want you to answer my question" i said uhm Oke.. the voice said "do you want a second chance at life"