am i dead? i thought
"kuro do you want a second chance at life"
i heard a voice and and looked around but couldnt see anybody so i asnwered his or her? question im not sure i said
I heard the voice again and it told me
"The life u had was not even worth being called a life so i want to give you a chance to have a normal life"
i said "uhm oke i guess"
then it asked me another question
"since ur last life was a complete failure do you wish to have something in ur next life"
i thought for a couple minutes to myself and said
"A nice family would be a nice change uhm.. a complete photographic memory would be helpfull uhm.. and since i was unlucky since the day i was born i would like to have more luck if that is possible"
the voice said "Hahaha not holding back i see well u will have a different body ill give you the same name as u had before but just a diffrent family name so u wont have to get used to people calling u another name well ill send u away then it will take a couple minutes so dont panic when you are just floating around for a little while"
i just nodded and waited for a couple minutes and went unconscious
when i woke up i was laying in a bed i turned my head and saw a room i had never seen before i felt diffent like i was a little taller? i think atleast i started thinking and the voice said i would have a diffrent body when i thought about what he said i closed my eyes and started sweating a little bit and thought to myself 'Im still a boy... right?' i started to panic a little i opened my eyes and blushed a little and i looked down at my underwear its man underwear but maybe... i opened my underwear a little and said out loud "Holy f that is.. oke" after making sure my gender was still the same i walked up to a door and opened it and it was a bathroom i walked inside and walked up to the mirror and looked at myself i had Beautiful blue eyes snow white hair and almost complete white skin after checking my teeth to make sure i wasnt vampire or something since my skin was almost completely white i thought i would sit down for a bit to process what just happened i noticed that i had alot of memorys that were not mine i started checking them to see where i was who i was and all of that stuff
Name: Kuro Miyazaki
Age: 13
Birthday: 3 june
Appearance: Beautiful Blue eyes, Snow White hair, and almost completely white skin
My parents were really nice appr just liked i asked for
after checking the memorys i thought to myself the one who used this body before me or me? i dont know he was hiding his abilitys from his family and everybody else because he wanted a normal childhood he was really really smart for his age but he just acted like a average kid i thought that was kinda weird since the professor told us only fools hide their true power and even though he disgust me it was hard to disagree with him on that appr his parents were pritty rich his dad was a buisiness man and his mom just stayed at home taking care of me with the maids the one who used the body before me saw the maids like family although it would be hard for me to think that way of them for me my mom was a beautiful woman in her 30s my looks clearly took after he she had long white hair blue eyes and white skin aswell and my dad had black hair and red eyes it was kinda hard to believe that i was actually his son since i dont rlly look like him much both of them were rlly excited everytime i did something pretty amazing like making a drawing or running fast and for a 13 year old my body doesnt look bad at all even though the one who used this body before rarely worked out i guess he just has good genes after checking all of that out i walked around the house it was amazing i went into the backyard and sat down on a bench and looked at the blue sky and thought a new life hu.. i wonder how kiyo is doing i sat there for 30 minutes and decided to go outside for the first time in years i walked into the city and was amazed by the big buildings and all the people since i dindt see this much people in 1 place in a long time after 1 hour of walking around i went back home and sat on my bed and thought what i should do with this new life i have been given maybe save kiyotaka? i laid down and closed my eyes and fell asleep.
by the time i turned 14 i got bored of trying out the things i was never able to because of the white room like trying foods vacations games movies and much more i thought i would show the world what i can do i first tested this bodys psychical abilitys and then mental abilitys they were both abnormally high without even training them so i started the exact same training as i did in the white room and raised the bar higher and higher like they did in no time i surpassed my original bodys limits and with the photographic memory every thing i learned stayed with me for the rest of my life which made everything alot more easy
when i got to the age of 15 i found the cure for cancer which me me one of the richest and most famous people on the planet and bought 2 kids of the white room for 200 million us dollars i dindt like supporting that man his project i still wanted kiyotaka out of there after some human trading me kiyotaka and the white haired girl walked out of the white room kiyotaka looked suspicious of me but that dindt last long since he was amazed at looking at the outside world for the first time the white haired girl looked excited we got into the car and went to my house i gave them rooms and went to get some food from the fridge and started eating while thinking if i need to be honestly i thought kiyotaka would make a run for it as soon as he placed his first step outside of the building but he dindt and that suprised me for the redt of the day they dindt come out of their rooms so i locked the doors and went to sleep when i woke up i put on some clothes and went to get food because i was hungry when i got to the living room i saw something hilarious i saw kiyotaka trying to turn on a tv he was trying to find a button on it and everything i took the tv remote and turned the tv on when the tv turned kiyotaka jumped back out of suprise which i had never seen him do before u could compare kiyotaka trying to turn on a tv to a puppy trying to jump on a couch but cant because its to small
i decided to talk to kiyotaka for the first time in years
Kuro: "if want me to teach u you can just ask you know"
kiyotaka turned around
Kiyo: "uhm oke"
i walked to the fridge to get out some food and sat down at the table looking at kiyotaka doing stupid stuff because it was his first time being outside of the whiteroom after a while of doing stupid things kiyotaka noticed me looking at him
Kiyo: "is there something wrong?"
Kuro: "no no everything is alright"
Kiyo: "how did u get me out of the there"
Kuro: "money"
Kiyo: "How much"
Kuro: "100 million us dollars for 1 person"
Kiyotaka his eyes widened a little
Kiyo: "You are around the same age as me so u couldnt have made that much money yourslef are your parents rich or something?"
Kuro: "they were already above average but not that high above average i found the cure for cancer which made me one of the richest people on the planet"
Kiyotaka looked suprised after hearing my words
Kiyo: "i read about a Genius kid named Kuro Miyazaki that found the cure for a disease that killed millions every year that must be you huh"
Kuro: "i dindt know they knowledge about me in the white room but yeah thats me"
Kiyo: "why did u get me out of the white room?"
well this is a problem i never rlly thought about that should prob come up with some lie
Kuro: "i needed a friend and a bodyguard and u 2 are very well trained and smart"
Kiyo: "a friend and a bodyguard? like do i need to follow u everywhere or something"
Kuro: "u can do whatever u want i dont really care"
Kiyo: "... really?"
Kiyo tried to hide his excitement after hearing my words but it was clearly showing
Kuro: "ofc why would i lie here some money go do whatever u want"
i threw him 15k he caught it i told him not to get lost he told me he wont and walked out the door i should probably also give the girl some money i dont rlly know here but she prob wants to do stuff 2 i put some money on the table and went to her room i knocked on the door
???: "Whaaat"
Kuro: "can i talk to you"
???: "Sure!"
i came into her room
Kuro: "you like your room?"
???: "its better then a white room"
Kuro: " thats true u know how to use the tv?"
???: "yes im not stupid"
Kuro: "wow oke"
i sat down on a chair and crossed my legs
Kuro: "so whats your name"
Ayane: "Ayane"
Kuro: "you got a last name?"
Ayane: "i had one i just dont remember it"
Kuro: "want me to give you a new one?"
Ayane: "Im gonna need one when i go outside so yeah what is your last name?"
Kuro: "Miyazaki"
Ayane: "Oke then now i am Ayane Miyazaki!"
Kuro: "Oh uhm Ye thats oke i think"
Ayane: "what is your first name?"
Kuro: "It is Kuro"
Ayane: "Kuro Miyazaki huh so u are that smart rich kid there was also once a boy in the whiteroom with the same name as you what a coincidence"
Kuro: "wow what a coincidence Anyway there i some money on the table if u wanna go do something fun outside and if ur hungry there is more then enough food in the fridge im gonna nap"
i quickly changed the subject since i can not explain what that i am the same kid as in the white room i went to bed to take a nap and before i closed my eyes i thought
"how was she able to stay so positive when she grew up in the white room all the other kids always looked so depressed kinda weird" and i closed my eyes and fell asleep
i dindt update in a while because i was moving houses my bad