i decided to try something i dindt try yet living in the wild i flew to a country with the best place for excitement and survival to test yourself so it had wild animals but i should be fine with my abilitys i decided to leave without kiyo and ayane since they just got out a month ago so they should still have alot to do in the normal outside world
Name: Kuro Miyazaki
Age: 16
Birthday: 3 june
appearance: beautiful Blue eyes, Snow White hair, almost completely white skin
Name: Ayane Miyazaki
Age: 16
Birthday: 13 october
appearance Red eyes, Long white hair, normal white skin
Name: Kiyotaka Ayanokouji
Age: 16
birthday: 20 october
appearance: Golden eyes, brown hair, normal white skin,
i lived for 5 months in the wild and went for 2 months to another country to take care of something and them came back to japan and came in 1 week after i arrived in japan
i was 16 now and was going to see kiyotaka and ayane for the first time in 7 months i walked into the house we were usually at before i left and saw ayane cleaning i walked up to the fridge because i was thirsty i opened the fridge and then ayane hugged me from behind pressing her breasts against my back
Ayane: "Welcome back dear! Would you like dinner? Or maybe a bath? Or maybe... me?"
Kuro: "i would first like my drink and let go of me"
Ayane puffed out her cheeks and looked a little angry
Ayane: "Do you know how long i practiced for that ahhh so embarrassing..."
Kuro: "how do you even come up with that"
Ayane: "your mom told me to do this when you got home"
Thats right i forgot that my parents came here 2 times a week to look after kiyo and ayane probably shouldnt have done that that woman...
Kuro: "hm oke wel anyway glad to see your okay how is kiyo?"
Ayane: " He is going to die.."
Kuro: "huh.. How why when where tell me!"
Ayane: "he is slowly dying from a disease"
Kuro: "what is it called?!"
Ayane: "Sniff its called... BOREDOM he has been going to to library almost every single day"
i let out a sigh and rolled my eyes
Ayane: "are you mad?"
Kuro: "No just angry at myself for actually believing you im going to my room"
Ayane: "want me to join you?"
Kuro: "No thanks"
Ayane: "why are you so serious relax a little"
Kuro: "i will im just not in the mood today i guess"
i jumped on my bed and smelled that somebody else had slept in it well whatever, im normally not so serious but today i wasnt in the mood for anything so i just started watching tv untill kiyo got home from the library after a few hours i heard the door open i stood up and walked out of the room snd saw kiyo standing there with alot of books
Kuro: "dude what are you doing with so many books"
Kiyo: "uhm.... imm.... going to read them?"
Kuro: "give me some of those books where do you want them"
Kiyo: "just set them on the table"
we sat the books on the table and i sat down
Kuro: "hey kiyo"
Kiyo: "yes?"
Kuro: "i wanna try going to school wanna come?"
Kiyo looked a little suprised but quickly went back to his bored look
Kiyo: "sure"
i highly doubt ayane would refuse but ill still als her
i walked to her room and opened the door
Kuro: "Ayane me and kiyo are gonna try going to that one school wanna come with us?"
Ayane: "O what are you going to miss me so much u want to bring me with you"
Kuro: "Ye sure you wanna go or not"
Ayane: "yeah thats fine"
kiyo and ayane were leaving the entrance exam building after taking the test i had to go to the toilet so i was falling behind when i was walking threw the halls i saw a woman in a suit with a ponytail she was looking at the students leaving the building threw the glass i stood next to her to see what she was looking at she dindt notice me for a while when she noticed me she looked at me with a confused expression
???: "what are you doing here kid"
Kuro: "nothing i just was about to go out of the building and was wondering what beautiful lady like u was doing here"
The woman let out a chuckle
Kuro: "whats ur name?"
???: "Sae Chabashira whats your name?"
Kuro: "Kuro Miyazaki"
Sae: "ye and i am the president"
Kuro: "what are you talking about?"
Sae: "i dont have time for your jokes kid"
and she walked away i still stood there looking out of the window
Kuro: "Well i guess i cant blame her if a kid walked up to me and said he was a famous billionaire that had never shown himself i would also think he was joking around"
i walked out of the building and saw kiyo and ayane waiting for me and we walked away a week later we got the results and we all got accepted i contacted the school and told them to place me in whatever class Kiyotaka was placed in i was able to do this because i was one of the biggest donator for the school
i woke up and rolled of my bed after laying on the ground for a couple minutes i stood up and put on the clothes i got from school in the mail i walked into the living room and ate a banana while waiting for the other 2 to be ready i called my parents and they wanted to ride us to the bus since they probably wouldnt see us for a while when we were at the bus stop my parents started crying while watching us go into the bus i sat down at the window with kiyo beside me and the bus drove away
i was looking at the window untill..
Kushida: "Um excuse me sir would you be willing to give up your seat that is priority seating after all so it would only be right for you to let that older woman sit there"
koenji: "My my your a pretty girl i understand that this is priority seating honey but theres no law forcing me to give it up Sure im younger than her but standing uses way more energy then sitting tell me why must i sacrifice my healt for this lady's sake"
Kushida: "You would be contributing to te greater good of humanity just look at her she has trouble standing up right"
I was kinda starting to get annoyed by their voices
Koenji: "i have zero interest in contributing to the greater good and anyway there are plenty of other jerks on this bus who could give up their seats furthermore i dont see much difference between a priority seat and a regular one so ask someone else to be a hero"
Kushida: "excuse me would anyone on this bus be willing to give up their seat to this sweet lady
i looked over at kiyo but he was looking at some girl i sighed and said
Kuro: "Excuse me lady but would you be willing to shut the fuck up"
almost everybody on the bus looked at me with a suprised expression kushida glared at me for a second but quickly went back to her normal look and decided to hold the old womans hand to help her stand up for the rest of the ride when we got out of the bus
Kiyo: "this is it huh our new school life"
Ayane: "I hope its fun!"
Kuro: "yeah"
we were about to walk up the stairs untill the lady that kiyo was looking at at the bus stopped us
Horikita: "hey wait a second you were looking at me a while ago why?"
Kuro: "if u wanna go on a date with kiyo u should just ask you know"
the girl glared at me for a second but then decided to ignore me
Kiyo: "sorry i was just a bit interested in why you dindt wanna give up your seat"
Horikita: "yeah i dindt wanna give up my seat whats wrong with that"
Kiyo: "no its just that i thought that like me u rather stay out of it"
horikita: "dont compare me to you i dindt give up my seat because i did not feel any sense in giving up my seat to an old woman"
kiyo: "doesnt that make you worse than me?"
horikita: "i dont know im just acting on my own beliefs its diffrent from people who avoid troublesome things like you, i dont want to spend time with people like you
Kiyo: " the feeling is mutual"
we were all standing in a building with our own classes me and kiyo were in class D and Ayane was in class B then the ceremony began
Manabu: Im Manabu Horikita Newcomers as a representative of the upperclassmen and your student council president i extend a warm welcome to you all as i am sure your aware this school boasts impeccable employment in college entry rates across the board we take pride in this in fact its our school's number one priority and we all work together to uphold this standard of excellence now you are a part of that too we expect greatness from all of you
i decided to stop listening since it was very boring kiyo decided to go ahead to the classroom an di walked ayane over to her class she gave me a hug and walked to her seat i went over to my class i was probably a little late but i dont rlly care not like they are gonna expel me for being a little latei walked over to my class the doors were closed sigh..
i went ahead of kuro and ayane to go to my classroom i walked into the classroom and sat down at my seat i looked over the class and already saw a group of girls talking to eachother and some boys talking about video games i thought that i should probably make some friends but the only real friend i ever made was kuro i decided to give up on talking to the other people for now i let out a sigh and closed my eyes then i heard a bag hit the ground behind me i looked over to see the same girl that stopped me earlier sit down at the table behind me
Horikita: "what a unpleasant coincidence"
Kiyo: " the feeling is mutual.. again.. since we are in the same class and this is our second meeting my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka what is yours"
Horikita: "a sudden self introduction?"
Kiyo: "even if you call it sudden this is our second time talking eachother isnt a introduction fine"
Horikita: "sigh.. its Horikita suzune"
Kiyo: "as in the student council president"
Horikita dindt respond after taking a good look at her.. she is actually very cute.. the class was filled with students only kuro wasnt here yet
Horikita: "is your ho- i mean friend in another class?"
Kiyo: "he should be coming here soon idk where he i-"
out of nowhere someone slammed the door open with alot of force alot of students were suprised because of the hard slam in the door opening was kuro just casually walking into the class he walked over to his seat and sat down directly behind me the students around us were saying that kuro had scary air around him or something but i dont think he does does he?
Kuro: "i see that your in the same class as you re girlfriend kiyo congratulations"
i felt a glare from the girl next to me and kiyo still had his usual bored expression on his face then the bell rang and almost at the same time a woman wearing a suit walked into the classroom she looks about 30 years old her long hair was tied back into a ponytail wait a minute thats the same woman i saw at the entrance exam
Sae: "Ahem good morning new students my name is Sae chabashira i am in charge of class D this year i teach japanese history this school doesn't rearrange the classes every year so over the next three years i hope to get to know all of you
* all students are required to live on campus
* ur not allowed to leave campus or have contact with anybody from outside even family
* there are karaokes theater rooms cafes and even boutiques everything u need is on campus
* student id works like a credit card however be careful of how many points u use
* there is nothing u cant buy at this school
* everyone gets 100.00 points
* this school measures the abilities of students the amount of money you get is a reflection of your skills use without holding back
* after graduating all the points will be taken back so no point in saving
* bullying people for points is prohibited the school is very strict on matters concering bullying
* this school judges its students based on their merit alone you've all shown immense value by just getting into this school we've alotted you what we think you are worth
Sae: "it looks like no one has any question please lead a good student life"
alot of the classmates cant hide their suprise with the amount of money they had been given
it isnt as a strict of a school i thought it would be everybody was already talking about going shopping and going to the pool
Hirata: "everyone can you guys listen to me for a bit"
a student who had the air of a young man raised his hand and spoke
Hirata: "starting from today we will be in the same class for the next three years so it would be great if all of us could introduce ourselves and become friends"
almost everyone agreed
Hirata: "my name is Hirata Yousuke because i was often called by my first name yousuke in middle school feel free to use my first name although i like all sports soccer in particular and also plan to play soccer at this school please take care of me"
needless to say his popularity just multiplied by 4 times all the girl near Hirata have hearts in their eyes
the next one who stood up was the annoying girl from the bus
Kushida: "hello my name is kikyou kushida my goal is to become friends with every single person in this school that obviously includes everyone here so if ur going out please consider inviting me"
she will have no problem with that she got that everyones friend vibe going on these introductions will determine everyone's standing in class should i try to crack a joke? i bet i could get a laugh if i acted very hyper but ill just end up freaking people out
Hirata: "next one is you"
hirata pointed at me well better muster up the energy to stand up and say something for the sake of my reputation, i stood up
Kiyo: "uhm.. so uhm.. i am Kiyotaka Ayanokouji uhh.. i cant wait to study with you uhh.. im not really good at anything in particular uhh.. ill work hard to get along with everyone"
Kuro started clapping which made everyone else start clapping.... i blew it
Hirata: "Ayanokouji well its nice to meet you and i cant wait to be friends
i looked behind me and saw horikita and kuro laughing a little bit sigh..
Hirata: "oke who is next"
Somebody kicked his desk and said
sudou: "introductions are for grade schoolers what are we a bunch of babys get to know eachother on your own time"
he walked out of the classroom and we just continued
Hirata: "next up is you"
he pointed at kuro behind me lets see how he will do kuro stood up and showed a kind of creepy smile but quickly turned into a bright one already some girls had hearts in their eyes
Kuro: "My name is kuro i want to keep my last name private for personal reasons i am very athletic and my academic ability is above average i like traveling and challenges nice to meet you all
kuro is probably as popular as hirata right now maybe even more popular the remaining students continued to go around and introduce themselves after self introductions everybody went out and everybody went with or without groups to diffrent ways
after introductions i went to the bathroom and then back to the classroom to get kiyo but he was gone i called him and he said he was going to the store to get the things he needed i went to walk to the store when i arrived i saw sudou screaming at 3 other students
sudou: "you think your better then me huh!"
boy1: "maybe you are in class 1D arent you"
sudou: "yeah what the hell does it matter to you guys!"
boy2: "hey now thats no way to talk to your elders you better learn some respect and fast
sudou: "shut up!"
boy2: "we'll let it slide this time"
boy3: "class D has already got it bad if we knock you down a peg you'd fall right off
they started walking away
sudou: "dont you run away from me!!!"
boy2: "class d is already in for a world of pain"
i heard that and it peaked my interest so i decided to stop them i walked infront of them
Kuro: "can i talk to you senpai's?"
Boy2: "from which class are u"
kuro: "class 1D"
Boy1: "hahaha look we got another class D loser here"
Kuro: "i suggest that u apologize senpai"
Boy1: "and why would i do that"
Kuro: "or else im gonna need to beat you senpai's up
Boy3: "what the hell did u just say kid"
Kuro: "that i am going to beat all of u up if you dont apologize"
They started laughing and then i said something which made them really mad they tried to punch me but i avoided it then one of them kicked me and i let it hit and fell on the ground on purpose
they started laughing and tried to walk away but then i grabbed 2 of them by the shoulder and whispered in their ear
"Your going to listen to me now or else ill get you suspended or maybe even expelled senpai"
i asked them what they meant by world pf pain and for 100k each and info on the point system here
after the conversation was done i went to the store and couldnt find kiyo looks like i missed him i bought the things i needed then i went to the dorms to take a look at my room room 400 i walked into the room that was gonna be called my home for the next three years it was about 8 yoga mats big its not my first time living alone but it is a rlly small room this whole room is as big as my bathroom back home i decided to lay down on my bed and started thinking this is my first time actually going to school the me that used this body before was homeschooled but i dindt rlly need it since i had all the whiteroom knowledge i looked at my points 290.000 i closed my eyes and fell asleep