5: Joining a club

after i woke up i took a shower drank some coffee got my bag and walked to school

i decided its best to hide what i can do for the first month to observe people and to see if they will act diffrent when they know who i am, i slso got information anout the school and some points i should prob contact Kiyo and ayane about this but to be honest im feeling very lazy right now so ill do it later.

in class alot of people were on their phones sleeping and even talking to eachother but the hot teacher dindt say anything if those 3 students dindt tell me about how this school works i would probably call my parents and tell them to stop donating to this school i am able to contact them because my phone can contact the outside world since i am a big donator to this school and i have alot of things to to care of outside from this school so they make some exceptions for me.

during class i noticed the teacher trying to make eye contact with me a couple times but i just ignored it since i thought it would prob be akward to just stare at eachother.

when class was over i was watching all the students walk out of class after kiyo left i decided to follow him since he was going towards the cafeteria i walked out of class and saw the annoying girl from the bus talk to kiyo i came closer to hear their conversations kiyo obviously already noticed me but she dindt.

Kushida: "Ayanokouji-kun right?"

Kiyo: "Im suprised u remember

Kushide: "im kushida in the same class as you will you remember my name?"

Kiyo: "Sure i guess i can. what do you need from me"

Kushida: "Actually... i would like to ask you something but Ayanakouji-kun by any chance are you on good terms with Horikita and kuro"

Kiyo: "me and horikita are not particularly close just neighbours me and kuro however are friends when i was young he basically sort of adopted me not literally but he let me life in his house and we became friends did they do something?"

i could see kiyo his disappointment when kushida asked about me and horikita he prob expected her to invite him to something

Kushida: "i see... i was asking for everyone contact info but horikita and kuro refused to tell me"

Kushida: "what kind of personalities do horikita and kuro have?"

Kiyo: "i dont think horikita is very good or even wants to interact with other people and since kuro took me into his home he was almost gone all the time but when he was home he wss nice to me and made me feel like i can trust him even though i dont know alot about him sometimes he acts very different its almost like he has mutiple personalities sometimes"

kushida: "can you give me Horikita's and kuro's contact information?.. please"

she held kiyo his hands close to her breast and made a cute face

i walked up to kushida and put my hand or her shoulder and said

Kuro: "if someone already refused to tell you their contact information which means they dont wanna talk to u what makes you think they are gonna want to talk to you if someone else gives you their contact information"

kushida looked suprised for a second amd then let go of kiyos hand

kushida: "but i only want to be friends with you two"

Kuro: "yeah but i dont want to be friends with you and if the feeling is not mutual you should stop trying"

i started walking away and kiyo followed we went to the cafeteria me kiyo and ayane sat at a table and i explained everything i heard from the 3 students

Ayane: "well i guess thats only to be expect from a elite school how many points do u guys have now i still have 93.000

Kiyo: "i have 80.000"

Kuro: "288.000"

they both looked at me and i explained what i did to the students that i got the information from

Ayane: "can you give me your beloved ayane some extra points"

Kuro: "get your own"

she puffed out her cheeks and said

Ayane: "Meanie"

sometimes its really hard to believe that she is actually a genius since she acts so stupid all the time.

then a sound came from the speakers (today at at 5pm in gymnasium 1, there will be a club fair for those of you interested in clubs, please come to the gymnasium number 1)

i have never really played sports before besides from the white room training maybe it would be fun but i would prob have to fill out my whole name on a paper and they will prob see it ig im just gonna need to hope they dont know me or realise that im famous since i do wanna try to join a club me kiyo ayane agreed to go after school.

After school we met up near the gymnasium almost everyone there were first years around 100 people were waiting nearby. we were waiting for the club fair to start. as we entered the gym. pamphlets with details about club activities were passed out

Kiyo: "i wonder if there are martial art clubs"

alot of clubs here seemed to be high-leveled. there are alot of members in alot of clubs that are nationally known. even tough this school isn't particularly known for their sports like basball or volleyball it isnt like the club activities are the "hobbyist" level the facilities are also high quality they even have oxygen capsules all the equipment put pro's equipment to shame

Tachibana: "thank you for waiting first year students a representative from each club wil explain their activities and how to join i am tachibana the secretary of the student coucil and the chairman responsible for the clubs.

after her greeting the student coucil president said some words and then looked over the firdt yesrs for a couple seconds and then he looked me in the eyes i just looked at him with a bored expression

'does he know who i am?' i thought

Manabu: "My name is horikita manabu and i am the student coucil president. the student council is also looking for first years to replace the graduating third years. there are no strict requirements to apply for the position but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. generally we do not accept any candidates involved in other clubs"

his tone was soft but the mood was still tense he alone silenced the whole gym.

Manabu: "Also we the student council are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. not only will that kind of person fail to get elected they will inevitably become a stain to this school"

after that unwavering speech he walked of the stage and exited the building

tachibana: "everyone thank you for coming with that the club fair is over"

after that me and ayane signed up for a club and walked out of the gymnasium

Ayane: "im trying to join the student council what club did you guys join"

Kiyo: "none"

Kuro: "Soccerclub"

Ayane: "i see"

after that we went back to our own rooms

i sat down on my bed and decided to check the internet

Reporter: "46 dead bodys found in a moutain building where they were doing a secret expirement called The white room all the victims have been stabbed with the same sort of knife so we think this is a 1 person job the bodys that were found seemed to be dead for a few weeks truly a terrifying sight"

then a list of all the names of the dead people came but there was no name that said Ayanokouji

when i came back to japan i was thinking about the money i gave proffesor ayankouji it bothered me so i decided to pay him a visit

i let out a creepy smile after seeing this but it soon disappeared after i couldnt find the name ayanokouji


i fell down on my bed and fell asleep

while arriving at school 2 perverts were talking about swimming lessons and the girls in swimsuits and how much skin they will see and ranking their boobs they dindt notice the girl looking at them with disgust do they kept talking i was still sitting in my chair seeing all of this happen then i saw kiyotaka joining them i face palmed snd decided to look out of the window

Ike: "we are going to rank the girls sizes"

doctor took out a tablet snd opened a excel sheet all of the names of the girls were listed bets were also attached im not interested in betting but this is probably my only chance to make friend beside Kuro and ayane

at the pool the perverts were obviously looking at the girls chests i noticed it and backed away from them then kushida came and the perverts had obvious had a bulge in their pants

i put on my swimming clothes and looked at my body and let out a big sigh and decided to put a shirt on and walked into the pool area and sat down on a bench looking up at the ceiling

Horikita: "Ayanokouji do you exercise?"

Kiyo: "no im part of the go home club"

Horikita: "you clearly look like you exercise"

Kiyo: "inherited good genes i guess"

Horikita: "i dont think thats the case"

i was sitting on a bench behind them listening to their conversation and decided to say something

Kuro: "do you have a muscle fetish horikita?

Horikita: "No"

Kuro: "since you denied it so fast ill believe you"

then kushida approached horikita again but she just walked away. then a group of girls approached me

Karuizawa: "Kuro why are you wearing a shirt?"

Sato: "you look like your fit why dont show it off" she said with a smile

Kuro: "i have my personal reasons so i rather not"

Sato: "i see.."

they walked away whispering to eachother. well better muster up the energy to swim atleast

3 weeks have passed and ike yamauchi and sudou were given the name the stupid trio

Kiyo somewhat became friends with them but most of the time he keeps his distance

people have tried to invite me but i just said i was busy i lied since i did not want to do anything for now just observe i hid my last name so i can see if people will act diffrent around me when they know its me.

everyone was still sleeping threw class talking to eachother or going on their phones while observing other people and listening in on conversations appr Hirata and kei started dating ever since i heard that i keep noticing kei and hirata sending eachother love gazes it was very cringe but whatever

3rd period history

Sae: "everyone be quiet todays class wil be more serious

Ike: "what do you mean sae-chan-sensei"

Sae: "its the end of the math we have a short test pass these to the back"

she handed out papers to the first row eventually the test reached my desk the test had easy question to be honest it was hard to make a mistake on this but i cant rlly tell the diffrence between easy and hard so i guess i cant rlly give my opinion on this

Sae: "Calm down this test is only for future reference it will not be reflected on your report card theres no risk so be at ease however naturally cheating is prohibited"

everything on here is too simple the question on this were 2 levels helow the entrance exam question but about 3 question were harder than the other the last math problem probably cant be solved without using a complicated formula i mean i can but for a average smart person prob couldnt i finished the test in a couple minutes but decided to wait for a bit

after the test i followed kiyo and the three idiots because i was bored

ike put his srm over kiyo his shoulder and said

Ike: "hey if you tell me honestly ill forgive you oke?"

Kiyo: "what do you mean?"

Ike: "we're friends right? buddies that wil stick together for the next three years"

Kiyo: "yeah thats right bu—"

ike: "then you will tell us when you get a girlfriend right?"

Kiyo: "a girlfriend huh,, if that ever happens i will"

ike: "your dating horikita arent you"

i was actually curious about that too since they have been spending alot of time talking to eachother however never rlly saw horikita looking at anyone with love eyes so i dont think so.

the three idiots were all looking at kiyo with suspicious eyes

Kiyo: "we arent dating at all we arent even friends"

then they started talking about who they liked no they dindt even really talk about who they liked they were basically just talking about what Boobs they like not who they belong to and i just stood there with kiyo listening in on their conversation

sudou: "Ayanokouji who do you like"

they all looked at kiyo i was 90% sure kiyotaka has never felt love yet not that i ever felt it

Kiyo: "i dont like anybody at the moment"

Sudou: "i can respect that atleast you dont fall in love with every girl that has curvy body"

The other 2 idiots looked at Kiyo with suspicious eyes but then looked at me

Yamauchi: "Kuro has been very quiet you definitely like someone dont you"

everybody looked at me even kiyo i sighed

Sudou: "Cmon You cant just listen to our conversation about who we like and dont say who you like"

Kuro: "the leaders of class B arent bad"

Ike: "Wow so you like 2 girls?"

Yamagod: "who are the leaders of class B?"

Sudou: "Ichinose Honami and Ayane Miyazaki"

Kiyo looked at me with a small that went unnoticed by the three idiots

ike: "They are so cute how can you not know them by now prob the third years know them"

Sudou: "Ayane Miyazaki is just a first year and i already on the student council as a secretary"

Yamauchi: "wow really i would like to see this Ayane then i hope shes hot"

ike: "she is and really nice as well BUT my kushida is better"

Sudou: "ofc you would say that kushida has bigger boobs"

while they started their boob conversation again me and kiyo slipped away

the vote results were

Kiyo x kei


kuro x harem (Hiyori, sakayanagi, Ichinose


kuro x ayane

had a draw so ill just do

Kuro x harem (Ayane, Hiyori, sakayanagi, and ichinose)