the the morning bell for the first school day of may rang. soon after chabashira walked in her face is always grim and serious
Sae: "alright morning homeroom is starting are there any questions before we start feel free to speak up
Yamauchi: "Um i checked my points balance this morning and no points were deposited"
Sae: "dindt i tell you points are wired to student accounts on the first day of the month. every month.
they were wired without any problems this month as well"
Yamauchi: "but i dindt get any points"
Sae: "are you guys really that stupid?"
Koenji: "haha i see it was like that teacher i've understood this riddle now. we dindt receive any points because we are class D"
Ike: "whats that supose to mean they said we would get 100.000 points every month"
Koenji: "i dont remember hearing that"
smirking koenji then put his legs on the table
Hirata: "sensei can i ask a question? i still dont understand
Hirata: "please tell me why we dindt get any points of that is possible"
Sae: "i will explain a total of—"
she was interrupted by none other than me
Kuro: "98 total absences and tardies. 391 incidences of talking or using cell phones in class our points are reflected in the amount of points received as a result of our class Ds behavior the 100.000 points we couldve gotten went up in flames" i said in a loud voice
everybody looked at me shocked even Chabashira after a minute of silence she continued
Sae: "i explained this all on the day of the entrance ceremony that this school messures the abilities of its students. this time around you guys were valued to be worth 0 points. there is nothing more then that"
All of the students were shocked some were even almost crying wait its not possible that almost all of them are out of points right? i let out a big smile that did not go unnoticed by Horikita and Chabashira. i decided to speak up again
Kuro: "Its common sense this is a elite school did you really think you would be able to graduate from this school just by sleeping or chatting threw the whole class they wouldnt even let u do that in a average school so what made you think it would go without consequences at a elite school. after getting 100.000 points that should have raised some suspicion"
Sae: "Kuro is right u know looks like not all of u are idiots"
all of my classmates dindt even look at me all of their faces were dark horikita and kiyotaka however were just watching this all play out like nothing interesting even happened. chabashira wrote something on the board
Class A 940 points
Class B 650 points
Class C 490 points
Class D 0 points
i decided to checked my points 265.000. Sae went on explaining and my classmate kept complaining i just looked out the window since i already knew everything she was going to say
she then showed the results of the test from a few days ago. the names of everyone in the class was listed with numbers next to it from looking at the numbers i came to understand how many idiots were in this class
3rd highest score was Horikita with 81 points
2rd highest score was koenji with 90 points
the highest score was Kuro with 100 points
the average was about 65 points
Chabashira then glanced back at the students and made eye contact with me for a couple second before going back to the other students
Sae: "these are the results of the test from a few days ago sensei was glad after seeing your wonderful results she said sarcastically
except for the top students in the class almost everyone got below a 60
i felt eyes on me from other students but i jut kept looking out of the window
she them started explaining about how if you got a very low score on a real test from now on you will be expelled i could almost feel everyone tense up and then they started complaining again *sigh* so childish
Sae walked out of the room and everyone started panicking and begging for points from other people
Hirata: "Kuro why dindt you tell is about this if you knew about it"
everyone looked at me with angry faces
Kuro: "like i said its common sense its all of your fault for not releasing something so simple"
nobody was realy able to argue with that so they started begging for points again. i then felt something entering my arm i dindt really feel anything so after a couple of seconds i looked and saw a compass in my arm from horikita i just looked at her with a bored expression she was suprised
Horikita: "how did you not even react from something sharp piercing your body"
Kuro: "i had worse"
Horikita: "forget that how did you get a perfect score there were 3 questions a college student wouldnt even be able to answer and u answered them right"
Kuro: "i got lucky i guess"
Horikita: "are you even interested in going to class A because you certainly dont look like you do"
kuro: "i dont care"
Horikita: "them why did you enter this school are you also here to get into college?"
Kuro: "i entered because i was bored and had nothing to do so one day i thought maybe i should try going to school"
Horikita looked very angry prob because she worked hard for a couple of years to get into this school and someone just said they joined this school because he was bored
Horikita: "arent you worried about your points or needing to eat free meals for the next 3 years
Kuro: "not really i still have more then enough points"
horikita gave up and sat back down i looked at the place where horikita stabbed me but it already healed but then a voice come over the loudspeakers that were connected to all the first year classes Class A B C And D
"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and Kuro Miyazaki from class D Chabashira-sensei is calling for u please come to the staff room"
the whole class went silent in seconds
everybody looked at me with shocked expression even horikita which was a rare sight.
i wanted to escape as soon as possible before people start asking question
Kuro: "Lets go kiyo"
We picked up our bags and walked out of class everyone was still staring at me
Kiyo: "that is one hell of a way to get exposed"
Kuro: "i wanted keep it hidden for a little longer but i guess i cant"
Kiyo: "Since all the first years know its probably going to spread all around the school and that you and ayane have the same last name"
Kuro: "i know i know..."
Kiyo and i reached the staff room and i opened the door looking around the room i dindt see Chabashira anywhere i called out to the teacher that was checking their own face in the mirror she had wavy shoulder length hair that gave off a adult like impression and she smelled like alcohol
Kuro: is chabashira here?
???: "Sae-chan? she was here a few minutes ago i am chie hoshinomiya i am responsible for class B just call me Chie
Chie: "do you want to wait on her here?"
Kuro: "sure"
i sat down on a staff chair while waiting
Chie: "why did Sae-chan call u 2 here?
Kuro: "i dont know"
kiyo just shrugged his shoulders
Chie: "i dont understand u were called out here without being given the reason?"
Kuro: "Yeah"
hoshinomiya started looking at me and kiyo up and down
Chie: "what are your names"
Kiyo: "Kiyotaka Ayanokouji"
Kuro: "Kuro Miyazaki"
Chie: "you two have cool names u must be popular"
Kuro: "i am he isnt"
Kiyo looked hurt by my words
Chie: "and Kuro are you by any chance related to Ayane Miyazaki?
Kuro: "no we just lived together for a couple years"
hoshinomiya eyes had stars in them
Chie: "Ayane is a married woman and she dindt even tell me sniff"
Kuro: "we just lived together we arent in love"
Hoshinomiya grinned
Chie: "Ye ofc u arent kukuku"
Hoshinomiya grabbed my shoulders with her slender beautiful hands
Chie: "do you two have girlfriends?"
Kiyo: "No"
Kuro: "No"
Chie: "Thats weird i totally wouldve gone for one of u as specially Kuro if only we were in the same class or is it because you two are to innocent or are you two tsuntsuns?"
Hoshinomiya then started poking my cheeks with her fingers i wasnt sure what to say so i turned my head and one of her fingers went into my mouth and i gave it a lick she quickly pulled it out
Kuro: "What happened Chie-Chan dont tell me your too innocent after saying all of that"
i smiled a little.
I looked around and chie was blushing a little while smiling while holding my shoulders
Sae: "what are you doing Chie-chan"
suddenly Sae hit Chie-chans head with a clipboard
Chie: "oww what did you do that for"
Sae: "Thats because u were doing weird things with one of my students"
Chie: "i was only talking to them while they were waiting for u"
Sae: "since when does talking involve having a finger in the mouth of the person ur talking to and kuro dont think i dindt see what you"
so she saw that huh i let out a small chuckle
Sae: "just leave it sorry for making u 2 wait
Kuro: "i dindt mind waiting on u Sae-Chan Because Chie kept me company"
i smiled at Hoshinomiya-sensei and she smiled back with a little blush
Sae: "ugh come with me"
we started walking after Chabashira-sensei suddenly Hoshinomiya-sensei grabbed my right arm and put it between her breasts. i smiled because of the situation i was in right now walking behind my homeroom teacher while flirting with another teacher kukuku
but then Sae-chan turned around and looked at her with the look of a demon
Sae: "Not you stay back"
Chie: "dont say it so codly its no big deal if i come with kuro right besides ur not the type to private teach 2 students also to take both of these students to the guidance room out of the blue by any chance are you looking for a younger man Sae-Chan"
Sae: "dont say stupid things thats impossible"
Chie: "fufu certainly not for u Sae-Chan"
hoshinomiya kept clinging to me
Sae: "how long are you going to keep following us this is a problem concerning class D"
Chie: "cant i go with you is that no good? i can give advice too"
as hoshinomiya followed us against Sae-chans will, a student suddenly walked up infront of us and blocked our way it was a beautiful girl with light pink hair. she looked at me and then the hoshinomiya attached to my arm she started blushing
???: "uhm.. Hoshinomiya-sensei d-do you have t-t-time right now... the student council p-president has matters to discuss"
she looked at me again and went completely red and then turned to hoshinomiya again and went even more red
Sae: "look she is looking for you hurry up and go"
Sae hit hoshinomiya's butt with her clipboard hoshinomiya let go of my arm sadly
Chie: "i think Sae-Chan will get mad if i stay any longer goodbye well lets go to the staff room ichinose"
Ichinose: "w-who was that"
Chie: "he is the guy that ranked first on the hot guys list from the first year girls"
ichinose: "so thats him oke"
Ichinose and hoshinomiya walked away while talking to eachother. then we walked into the guidance room then Sae showed us into the office kitchen
Sae: "stay here quietly untill i say its oke to come out if you dont you'll be expelled"
Kuro: "oke"
Its not like she can actually expell me but i decided to play along.
without a explanation she closed the office kitchen door. i looked out of the window it was about 25 meters above the ground i should be able to jump down without getting a injury but ill stay
after a few minutes of waiting i heard the sound of the guidance door room openening
Sae: "Here, come in well then what do you have to say to me horikita"
Horikita: "ill ask frankly why was i put into class D"
Sae: "are you really asking frankly"
Horikita: "today sensei said that the classes are devided by superiority and that class D was the lowest leftovers"
Sae: "I did indeed say that it looks like you consider urself as a superior person"
Horikita: "i believe that i solved nearly all the problems on the entrance exam and had no big mistakes during the interview at the very least i dont think i should be in class D"
Sae: "Solved nearly all the problems on the exam is it usually we cant show the results of the entrance exam but ill give you a special exeption i have your answer sheet here by chance"
Horikita: "you are thoroughly prepared i see... looks like you also knew i would come here to protest my placement"
Sae: "Im a teacher i understand some students to some degree at the very least. Horikita Suzune as you thought on the entrance exam you were 5th place among the incoming first-years your scores were behind the 4th and 3rd by only a small margin you did very well there were no particular problems that we observed during the interview rather you were highly rated"
Horikita: "thank you very much then why?
Sae: "Before that why are you dissatisfied with class D?"
Horikita: "there is no one that would be happy when they are incorrectly evaluated also the diffrence between classes also greatly affect future prospects its only natural that im unhappy"
Sae: "Correctly evaluated? hey hey your evaluation of yourself is too high. i recognize that your academic ability is high you are definitely smart. however who decided that smart people were the one to get into superior classes we never said that"
Horikita: "thats just common sense"
Sae: "Common sense? dindt that 'Common sense' create the broken japan we live in now. indeed we are used the seperate the inferior from the superior using the test scores as a result, incompetent people tried to make up the diffrence in desperation to defeat truly superior people in the end it led to a heredity system"
The heredity system means that all social status and honor and jobs are all passed on and inherited
Sae: "certainly you have the ability to study i wont deny that however this school's goal is to produce excellent people. it is a big mistake to think that you can be assigned to a superior class by only studying that was the very first thing we explained at the entrance ceremony besides think about it calmly do you think someone like sudou would make it if we only determined acceptance by intelligence"
Sae: "also it is rash to say that there is no one happy when they are incorrectly evaluated, Class A for example receives a lot of pressure from the school and alot of envy from the lower classes competing under heavy pressure is harder than you think there are students that are fine with being evaluated lower than they actually are"
Horikita: "Thats a joke right i cant understand those kind of people"
Sae: "really i think there are a few in class D. Oddball students that stay in a low level class with pleasure"
Horikita: "you still havent explained clearly is my placement in class D the truth and was there no mistake in my evaluation please double check"
Sae: "Its too bad but your placement in Class D was no mistake your a student at that level"
Horikita: "ill ask someone else"
Sae: "you will get the same results if you try to talk to someone in a higher position"
Horikita was ready to leave
Sae: "oh right i called some others to the guidance room they are people relevant to you"
Horikita: "relevant to me...? no way... Niisa—"
Sae: "You two can come out now"
i exited the office kitchen with kiyo and into the guidance room Naturally horikita was suprised
Horikita: "were you both listening to us?
Kuro: "Sure was"
kiyo nodded
Horikita: "sensei why would you do that"
horikita immediately noticed it was a setup
Sae: "if you listen to me you will get a hint on how to get into class A"
Horikita: "please keep it short"
Chabashira look down at her clipboard looked at us and laughed
Sae: "you two are interesting students lets start with ayankouji"
Sae: "after your entrance exam results i was thinking about potential individual teaching methods but after seeing your test results my interest was piqued i was suprised at first"
Sae: "50 points in Japanese,Math,english,history,science and the result of the modt recent test was also 50 do you know what this means horikita?
horikita looked at kiyo his test form and then look at him
Kiyo: "what a creepy coincidence"
Sae: "your going to claim that your results are a coincidence to the very end its clearly intentional"
Kiyo: "its a coincidence you have no proof anyway what would o get from manipulating my own test scores"
Sae: "honestly you are a really weird student, math problem #5 was only solved by 3% of all first years but you solved it using a complex formula and used it flawlessly on the other hand the correct answer rate of #10 was 76% did you make a mistake or is that normal"
Kiyo: "its a coincidence"
Sae: "then Kuro Miyazaki when i saw your entrance exam results i was truly shocked, You placed First in all subjects with a score of 100 u scored the highest results of all students that ever came into this school and had no problems in the interview but u were still placed in class D so i decided to do some research to find out why"
Horikita looked at me shocked
Sae: "Kuro Miyazaki This child genius that cured cancer and became the youngest billionaire this world has ever seen however he has never shown himself to the public the only picture they have of him is a school photo at the age of 9 He has White hair and Blue eyes however he has never been seen since, his score is the highest that had ever been obtained in terms of IQ, His score was 310 at age of 14, He has about 31.4B in his account. then i looked into things you did legally for the last couple years a few years ago your parents became the legal guardian of 2 kids named Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and Ayane Miyazaki and you lived with them in the same house for a couple years and they both entered this school the same time as you and ayane scored 2nd highest in the entrance exam so tell me how does someone like you get placed into class D"
Kuro: "where did you even get that information and i dont need to answer that question"
Sae: "i called your parents"
I face palmed hard
Sae: "what do you think horikita he is by far more superior than you"
Horikita visibly flinched
Sae: "im gonna leave a staff meeting is gonna start soon"
she pushed us out of the guidance room i started walking away
Horikita: "Wait"
I ignored her and walked back to my room
if you want me to do something with a scene or something else in the future feel free to comment it ill consider it