7: Miyazaki

next morning i woke up and decided to look on the internet i had a good idea what was gonna be all over the school Websites and the rest of the worlds news but decided to take a look anyway. after a few minuted of scrolling i saw pictures of me walking around on school grounds on the school websites and outside of the school were also pictures of me which meant somebody else had acces to the outside world well whatever i guess i started stretching and i drank some coffee and took a shower and put on my school uniform I dont think it looks good but if i asked if i could wear my normal clothes they would prob let me and i would stick out like a sore thumb not like i dont already but i dont need even more people looking at me i walked out of the dormitory and started walking to school i saw alot of people looking at me and right after whispering to their friends their whispering is obviously about me since they keep shooting glances at me i walked threw the school halls and the same thing happened again i arrived at Late my classroom on purpose because i dont wanna deal with a 100 questions in the morning i started mentally preparing myself for the question or trying to find a way out

Before we went to school for the first time Kuro asked me to not make too much contact with him since he wanted to stay low for a little while he said that having a good looking girl talk to him will attract too much attention a month later his last name got revealed so i think now i can talk to him i went to school as usual i arrived at my classroom and a few of my classmates stared at me for a few seconds and then started asking questions

Mako: "Ayane about the other day are you and that guy related?"

Ayane: "We arent blood related"

kanzaki: "So the same last name is a coincidence?

Ayane: "No"

Kanzaki: "uhm..? can you explain"

Ayane: "His parents adopted me when i was 14 years old and they gave me their last name along with another kid and we lived in the same house for 2 years"

All my classmates look suprised because i was adopted by a billionaire

Shibata: "are you sure your not lying"

Shibata took out his phone and took out a picture of Kuro on campus

Shibata: "You two look like ur related u both have white hair and ur both very intelligent"

Hoshinomiya: "And they are both good looking"

everybody gathered around Shibata and ayane were suprised by their sensei coming into their conversation out of nowhere

Shibata: "Sensei dont scare me like that!"

Hoshinomiya: "i wouldnt mind having a piece of him"

Tetsuya: "Sensei He is still a student u know!"

Honami: "Ayane what is he like?"

Ayane: "Hmm lets see He is very smart good with conversations sometimes he can be very gloomy

he keeps things to himself he is sarcastic alot and he can be very nice sometimes for the rest i dont see him much in the 2 years we lived together he was only home for about half a year"

Honami: "where did he go?"

Ayane: "out of the country more i dont know"

Hoshinomiya: "Ayane do you like him"

Ayane: "Yes ofcourse"

Hoshinomiya started smiling

Hoshinomiya: "i mean do you like him as do you like like him"

Ayane turned red

Ayane: "uh uh-m i don-t know"

My classmates all looked at me with suspicious eyes since i turned completely red

Hoshinomiya: "class is starting get to your seats class"

Hoshinomiya saved me there

after class ended Horikita invited Kiyotaka to lunch are they dating now? well i guess that isnt my buisiness besides i have other problems to deal with maybe if i just walk out they will let me leave or not notice me i stood up and started walking towards the door untill

Hirata: "Hey Kuro Can we talk for a second?"

Hirata approached me with a group of girls

Kuro: "Sigh.. Oke"

Hirata: "well im trying to start a study group to get more points and i was wondering if u could help since u got 100 points on the last test"

Kuro: "No thanks"

The girls were kinda shocked that i refused to help

Hirata: "well oke then cya.."

the rest of the day i mostly avoided people it will prob die down a little in about a week i never reslly felt tired since i got reincarnated but for some reason i dindt rlly wanna do anything today i wish i could just put a out of order stick on my head and call it a day.

This time its a very short one because i had to go to my psychiatrist and some other stuff but i thought i would just put this out this is as far as i was able to get my bad