8: Fights and Videos

I came by kiyo his room to hang out

Kuro: "About the other day when horikita asked you to come lunch with her how did it go"

Kiyo: "she made me eat a expensive meal and then said i had to help her get the three idiots to join her study group"

Kiyo: "And we all know how good at socializing u are but why would she ask u is she some kind of idiot too?"

My words clearly hurt kiyo

Kiyo: "i dont know"

Kuro: "u shouldve expected that it is horikita we are talking about and here did u ask them already"

Kiyo: " i did..."

Kuro: "let me guess they refused huh"

Kiyo: "i got kushida to get them and they agreed then they started studying but then horikita started

insulting them for being idiots and they left and kushids told me there is a rumor that me and horikita are dating

Kuro: "i thought you two were dating but theres not much i have to do besides soccer so ill give it a try if you want me to"

Kiyo: "its not like i can do it so it would be foolish to refuse"

<1 hour later>

Kuro: "They all joined the study group"

Kiyo: "How were u able to make those idiots join again"

Kuro: "it was really easy with ike i just said if i got a higher score maybe kushida will like him more, with yamauchi i just said if he gets expelled he wouldnt see the hot girls here again, and with sudou i told him if he would get expelled he wouldnt be able to play basketball here anymore and i challenged him to a basketball duel if he won i would give him 50.000 points and if i lost he would join the study group and he wouldnt leave it and i won so he joined. it was kinda boring but it was better then sitting in my room all day since i kinda wanna wait a week before going in public alot since its a huge pain talking to so many people at the same time"

Kiyo: "i guess you would be able to do something like that without much effort ill call horikita and say its done thank you for helping me"

Kuro: "i was just killing time"

to be honest i could really care less of they got expelled its not like it would make a big diffrence i already know about the special exams they would prob only drag us down but i also know what we lose something if someone gets expelled from our class its not that much of a loss but it would a pain if the class starts making a big deal about it again and drag me into their dumb ideas to save them from getting expelled maybe it would be fun but after a little bit it would prob bore me who knows the most fun thing to do right now maybe going up to class A but what would i do after that the school?

Im at the library right now to look how the last couple minutes of the study group is going kushida is still there i dont understand why Kiyo needs to be present since he isnt even doing anything.

after the studying was over kushida and kiyo left i followed them because im curious after a little bit of tailing kiyo i saw him hiding

Kushida: "Ah- so annoying. Its really annoying it'd be fine if she just died. i hate those kind of stuck up girls that think they're cute. why is she such a bitch."

i feel like the image of the class most popular girl has been burned to the ground it was a figure that she dindt want seen by anyone else my brain told me it was dangerous to stay her— bzzt bzzt i took at my phone a call from kuro now?

Kushida: ".. what are you... doing here?"

Kiyo: "i lost my way my bad my bad ill leave now"

Kushida: "did you hear?

Kiyo: "would you believe me if i said i dindt?"

Kushida: "i see... what you heard just now if i speak a word of it to anyone i wont forgive u"

Kiyo: "and what if i did"

Kushida: "then ill spread a rumor that you raped me up here"

Kiyo: "thats a false charge u know"

Kushida: "thats ok since its not a false charge"

there was a strong impact to her words kushida then grabbed my left wrist and opened my hand and py my palm on her breast the feeling of her soft breast was transmitted threw my whole palm

Kiyo: "... what are you doing?"

at her unexpected behavior i tried to pull away but she pushed back on my hands

Kushida: "your finger prints are on my clothes there is evidence im being serious get it?"

Kiyo: "... i understand. i got it so let go of my hand"

Kushida: "im going to leave this uniform in my room without washing it if you tell anyone im going to give this to the police... dont forget"

making sure that i understood kushida stepped away i somehow couldnt remember the feeling even though it was my first time touching a breast

well lets take a look at the video

Kushida: "Ah- so annoying. Its really annoying it'd be fine if she just died. i hate those kind of stuck up girls that think they're cute. why is she such a bitch."

When i saw kiyo hiding while looking at the raging kushida i called kiyo so kushida would notice him after i called kiyo i took out my phone and started recording everything now i have two choices if i need her i can just blackmail her via text or approach her and show her both i guess i will make that decision when i actually need her

after checking everything in the video to make sure i dindt miss anything i got thirsty i opened the fridge there was nothing i should drop by the store tommorow i guess for now ill get some from the vending machine when i was at the vending machine i saw kiyotaka looking sroumd the corner i tapped him on his shoulder to let him know i was there and also looked

Manabu: "Suzune im amazed u had the brains to track me down"

Horikita: "Listen brother im not failure i was in the past i followed u because i want to proof that i have changed"

Manabu: "proof u have changed hardly after all this time u have clearly have not come to terms with your own short comings your foolish to think you can succeed here leave now"

Horikita: "Your wrong! im gonna be in class a soon then u will see"

Manabu: "dont bother"

Horikita: "i promise i know i can make it"

Manabu: "your a irrational little brat"

he turned around and held horikita her arms against the wall was the student council president huh sure dindt expect him to be like that to his own little sister i gave my phone to kiyotaka

Manabu: "do you ever stop to think of the shame u bring this family my own little sister in class D pathetic withdraw from school if u know whats good for u"

Horikita: "Brother please! just listen"

Manabu: "you dont have the right to better urself nor do u have the ability to do so someday u will learn"

Manabu punched horikita in the stomache and she fell down then he was about to kick her but as much as i am enjoying this i should probably stop him before he permanently hurts kiyo his little girlfriend

i ran behind manabu and threw him of his feet and he fell to the ground

Kuro: "u oke Suzune?"

Horikita: "please kuro stop just go away this doesnt concern you"

Manabu got up tried to kick me i jumped to the side and avoided it then he tried to punch me but i catch his fist and started to squeeze he fell down to his knees because of the pain and i stopped squeezing i dont wanna break his hand after all he got up and cleaned his pants

Manabu: "Kuro Miyazaki u got quite a grip there which of the arts do you practice?"

Kuro: "i dont remember a couple i guess"

Manabu: "i see... how long is your friend gonna hide"

Kiyo walked out from his hiding spot with my phone

Manabu: "i see Kiyotaka Ayankouji delete the video now"

Kiyo: "what video"

Manabu: "i saw u now delete it"

he tried to take it by force but kiyo tossed the phone to me

Kuro: "6 million points"

Manabu: "what are you trying to make a deal"

Kuro: "well since you are a 3rd year and the student council president i bet you have a very good reputation but this video could ruin all of it so i think 6 million points is a reasonable price to pay"

Manabu: "i see.. suzune quite a interesting friend u made here"

Horikita: "your wrong he is just a classmate.. i dont need any friends.. u know that"

Manabu: "As usual, you've mistaken isolation for independence... suzune if you want to ascend to a higher class ur gonna have to work alot harder"

i deleted the video and manabu transferred me the points and then walked away

horikita was still silent i made eye contact with kiyo and he took her to the vending machine to get a drink and i went home because i wanted to sleep

i was invited by kushida to the girls cafe to talk

Kushida: "Ayanokouji-kun do you like someone like horikita-san?"

Kiyo: "why'd you bring up horikita"

Kushida: "your always with her isnt she cute"

Kiyo: "well i do think she is cute only on the outside though"

Kushida: "did you know you have been drawing attention from the girls for a while now you were even on the ranking list that the first year girls created"

Kiyo: "attention me? and what kind of ranking"

It looks like i was rated by the girls without being aware is it the same type of ranking that the boys did with the girl's breats?

Kushida: "how many diffrent kind of rankings would there be? the ikeman ranking the wealth ranking and the grossness ranking and the—"

Kiyo: "stop i dont want to know anymore"

Kushida: "its fine its fine you were ranked fifth on the ikemen ranking congratulations! by the way first place was ur friend Kuro-kun he was also first in the wealth second was hirata and third and fourth were boys from class A i feel like hirata got alot of points because of his looks and character as one would expect from one of the stars from class D he was noticed by girls from other classes too"

ofcoure kuro got first but i think him being a billionaire also had something to do with it

Kiyo: "is it oke for me to be happy about this?

Kushida: "ofcourse but you were also pretty high on the gloominess ranking too"

Kiyo: "lets see"

i looked at the phone and there were several list of coutless of boys there was also a disturbing ranking titled of boys who should die lets say i dindt see that

Kushida: "arent you happy you are ranked fifth"

Kiyo: "it would be different if i cared about being popular but i dont really feel anything"

in fact i dont remember ever getting a letter with a heart sealed on it from a girl"

Kiyo: "are alot of people participating?"

Kushida: "yea there are alot of people who participated but i dont know the total vote tally the people who vote are also anonymous"

in other words its not very reliable

Kushida: "anyway i think your at a disadvantage i think you are definitely someone worthy of being a ikemen but you dont stand out like hirata your not particularly smart or athletic or well spoken so your missing something u know?

Kiyo: "that hurt"

thats just saying i have nothing appealing about me

Kushida: "sorry i probably shouldve held back"

kushida reflected on her harsh words

Kushida: "um during middle school did you have a girlfriend"

Kiyo: "is it bad if i dindt?"

Kushida: "so you dindt ahaha its not particularly bad"

Kiyo: "rankings huh if boys did the same thing what would the girls think"

Kushida: "think of them as horrible human beings"

even though she was smiling her eyes werent

Kiyo: "you dont have to force yourself to talk to me you know"

Kushida: "no i like talking to you really"

Even though she said that i can see that she doesnt mean it and i dont know why but it hurts...

wh then went to the study group

after a while sudou was about to get into a fight with some class c students

sudou drew back his arm ah man is he really going to knock him out i should really stop him i pushed back my chair to get up

Ichinose: "ok stop stop"

sudou stopped at the unexpected new character

Sudou: "hey your not part of this dont interfere!"

ichinose: "not a part of this? im trying to use the library i just cant overlook disturbances if you really wanted to hit him cant you do that outside"

at the blonde girl's reasonable words sudou let go of the class c students apologized and went back to studying

Few days ago i went to the psychiatrist because i have been using antidepressants for 3 years now but the ones i used stopped working well so i just started using diffrent once and there is a chance you will get headache and stomache pain for a week or 2 as unlucky as i am i got both so i wouldnt expect long or much updates for now i apologize