Stop time

"Yes," Lila answered.

"No-" Haruka paused when he heard his wife's reply. He should know more about Sophia's powers more than anybody else. How can Lila say that so confidently? Then again, the stuff he knew about Sophia is most likely a lie. "Did you discover something?"

"I noticed when I was battling the infected. They have a small stop-like watch attached to their necks like a collar. This is not visible for regular people and only those with pure hanyou blood like me, brother, Lila-chan, and her parents."

A small stop like a watch on their necks? What if those clocks stop working- Haruka already knew the answer to his question even without asking it. So, the infected are doomed to die anyway, even if they find the cure? Sophia can simply stop their time as long as they have those collars.

This is going to be difficult. He knew how much his wife wanted to save the infected. But, if Sophia truly can mess with time, it will be difficult for them to do anything.

"All we have to do is get the collars off!" Lila exclaimed with a determined look on her face.

Takehiro nodded. "Right, it's that simple! Let's have a race Lila-chan and see how many we can take off."

"I will win!"

Haruka looked at the two, speechless. Where on earth are they getting this bundle of energy from? Moreover, that conclusion is far too careless. He looked over at the other two, who were sighing.

"Kouta-san, you should stop them."

"That is even more of a bother. I'd rather watch over them, so they don't go too crazy."

"I see, then I will prepare to scold Lila-san if she gets hurt."

'It seems they are forcing themselves to go along with it.' Indeed, taking off the collars does seem like a good idea. But, the problem is they do not know how many collars there are. It seems like only purebred hanyous can see the collars.

Yamasaki just became a hanyou; however, perhaps he will see it.

First, they need to find out how many collars there are; he can leave that sort of work to Nobuhiko. That guy is strangely good with stuff like that. Then, his thoughts broke off when Lila suddenly clung to his arm cutely.

What is she doing now? She keeps doing these things that make him want to attack her. No good, if he is left alone with her, he will do something. Haruka was about to suggest getting a tour of the tower when Lila beat him to it and said they looked around the area.

'This girl, why is she so eager to have him to herself today?' Now that she knows her friends are safe from harm, she is all over him. He felt a light sensation in his heart.

It wasn't like this before, even though they spent a lot of time together. She would always rush over to her friends whenever she got the chance. Even when they were alone together, she spent more time on them than him.

Lila quickly dragged him outside when they were further away from the tower. She pinned him against the tree. His lips curved to a smile as he caressed her cheeks. "I am not going to get mad."

"But you want to stop me, right?"

"Of course I do. But Lila, that was my mistake before. I did many things behind your back and kept secrets from you. I acted selfishly just to keep you from discovering the truth. Even though you are far stronger than me, I still wanted to protect you from harm."

"You only did that because you love me so much," Lila mumbled. "But you know Haruka. I have always wanted to fight alongside you."

"Then, that is what we will do. We will fight alongside each other."


"Mm, so don't worry. However," Haruka switched their positions, so she was the one pinned against the tree. He brought his lips to her ear, and she shuddered. "-are you sulking because I haven't paid much attention to you recently?"

"That's not true. It's just you look tired; lately, I am worried about your health."

Haruka started to nibble and suck on her earlobe, and Lia moaned softly. He did that for a few minutes before Lila pushed him away.

"D-don't change the topic." Lila coughed. Her entire face is still red. "I-I know you are working hard for my sake. But please don't forget about your own health." She took out a small lunchbox and placed it in his hands.

Haruka looked at the lunchbox, puzzled. Moreover, he could tell how heavy it was despite the small size. What on earth-? When did she do something like this?

There wasn't much time to prepare this already. They more or less headed out after they decided on it. Did she make this yesterday? The food still smells fresh.

He turned to Lila and licked and sucked on her neck, creating a large mark.

"Thank you, my wife."

"You don't have to thank me like this."

Haruka only laughed as a reply; they found a small bench nearby. Although it didn't look very nice to sit on, he placed his jacket on the area Lila was about to sit on.

Lila laughed softly. "It's okay."

"No," Haruka paused. "Maybe you should sit on my lap instead?"

At that comment, Lila was on his lap in a matter of seconds. Haruka could only laugh at her eagerness. She is truly overwhelming him today. His thoughts broke off when she extended the chopsticks with food on them towards him.

"Say ah."

She is going to regret this later on. Haruka bent down and ate, only for some food to land on her fingers. He did not hesitate to lick and suck the remaining food. He thought she would push him away. But instead, she allowed him. Light moans escaped Lila's lips, and it took all his willpower to stop him from doing anything to her then.

She truly is very pretty. Isn't it fine for him to kiss her for a bit? His thoughts broke off when he felt Lila's lips on his. Her trembling hands clearly showed that she was nervous, but she must have understood what he wanted.

Before he drew back from her, they continued to kiss for a good few minutes. Lila slumped her face in his shoulders, and he ran his hands through her hair.

Neither of them say a word, and he waits until Lila catches her breath back. 'Just now, I felt weird when I kissed her.'

"It's different," Lila mumbled.

"Hm? What is?"

She looked at him with rosy red cheeks. "It's different kissing you. Wh-why?" She seemed very shy as she asked this question.