Summary 8

{I forgot to explain one part in the last chapter. In the Demon Islands while training with the demons after their tests, a strong eruption of Life and Destruccion occurs. This one is much stronger than canon and threaten to destroy everything. The Old Demons sacrifice themselves to save the new generation, protecting them from the aftermath to not swallowed by it. In the end, Shrek group finds themselves over the last remaining small land over the sea, all the islands having disappeared under the sea without any trace of any Life or Destruction energy, making all seems a dream.

It has already been updated.}

Ya Li treats Weilan, stating that she would be awake herself in some days.

After some time, Wulin and an amnesic Gu Yue will join the group. Like in canon they would meet Zhen Hua who had been greatly injured and is healed by Ya Li. They would also meet the head and vice head of the Tang Sect, the Fire Dragon Douluo and the Amouruous Sword Douluo. The Fire Dragon Douluo is a beautiful woman with fiery red hair.

Even if the Tang Sect's movements are greatly restringed over the douluo continent due to the Dawn Church's influence, they continue secretly operating, having very important resources over it.

Over them, Wulin, Xie Xie, Xu Yiaoyan and Lizhi are the only ones that are part of the Tang Sect because the main cultivation method, the Mysterious Heaven Skill, is not complementary with the Inner Sword Valley's cultivation, the Infinite Chaotic Slices. This made that most of the Inner Valley swordmasters decides to not join the Tang Sect as they would not be able to learn most of its secret techniques. Amorous sword is an exemption because his heavy hate over the Holy Church, joining the Tang Sect to fight against them because the Dawn Church methods were too static.

Even when most of the Shrek's members aren't part of the Tang Sect, the heads of it offers to help them out with the reconstruction of Shrek Academy. Amorous Sword was part of Shrek with the Fire Dragon Douluo and the Fire Dragon Douluo is even a long descendant of the two founders of the Shrek Academy, Flender and Liu Erlong.

They offer them the opportunity to go to the Ice and Fire Ying Yang Well (Not directly saying the place). Everyone accepts their offer but being sensitive Guangying negates. She knows that to be able to reconstruct the Shrek Academy, they would need to become very influential and she had already decided her next step. Instead of joining the military, she would join the Dawn Church.

Ya Li with her power was part of the Dawn Church. She was only let stay over Shrek as a show of respect for Yun Ming's strength. Now that Yun Ming is no longer alive, she would be returning to the Dawn Church and in her broken state due to her lover's death, Guanying and Na'er become her pillar to keep on. So Na'er, Guangying and Ya Li don't follow the Tang Sect for the bad relationship with the Dawn Church, the three of them going to the Dawn Church.

Before leaving for the well, they had a talk about the future. Most of them decides to join the military to gain influence.

Weilan's interrupts the conversation, stating her leave. Just as she had woken up from the coma, she had made some calls over to the Spirit Pagoda's head and she decided to go to the second headquarters over the Heaven Dou Continent. She also informs Xueqin that she has no longer uses for his services and now that she would be the head of the Nine Treasure Clan, she fires him of being her guardian. She also turns towards Lizhi and says that there's nothing between them, that how could she like someone so weak and fat. Then, without saying anymore, she leaves the place before anyone is able to stop her but a tear fell over her eyes, unrealized by everyone.

Xueqin is left doubtful, not knowing what exactly was on Weilan's mind. The attack over the Spirit Pagoda was too easy, with most of its defense down and only Xiaoran of the upper positions. The Qiangu family all outside of the headquarters. In the end, he decided that he will continue over the Spirit Pagoda, carefully increasing his rank while trying to learn the truth. Wuhua would also join with Xueqin, trying to increase her influence over the Spirit Pagoda.

The night before leaving for the Fire and Ice Well, Wuhua enters Xueqin's room and tells him her worries. She is worried about her speed cultivation. She had always been one of the strongest and the fastest at cultivation but over the last years, her speed had been lowering, now only at rank 57 while the others are mostly Spirit Emperors. While she is sure of becoming a Spirit Emperor, the later ranks are an unknown. In the end, her spirit came from the Blue Silver Grass that is considered a trash spirit and it could show in her in the future. Even with her special ability of stacking support, she is scared of not being able to follow the others and letting behind of them.

Xueqin tries to calm and cheer her, saying that there's no trash spirits and that everyone will be there for her, helping her.

At that moment, Guangying who had eavesdropped the conversation appears. She is with Xueqin's opinion. Moreover, she tells Wuhua that there's no way that her spirit is trash, retelling the case of her spirit suppressing others. One spirit capable of surprising a Wood Element, couldn't be trash. She leaves after recommending her to be careful with her cultivation, that the problem might be related with her way to cultivate and spirit souls. That he next spirit soul or ring should be let to be chosen by her own instinct.

The next morning, Guangying, Na'er and Ya Li left for the Dawn Church while the others go towards the Ice Fire Well.

In the Well, the plants will try to attack them, negating to cooperate with them, using the Ice and Fire Dragon Kings Souls. The Fire Dragon Douluo would show that her spirit is indeed the same Fire Dragon King and would face the soul of it while Amorous Sword face the Ice one, but with the support of the plants they are being pushed.

Like moved by instinct, Wuhua and Wulin step forwards. Wulin suppressed the dragon souls that shivered in fright while Wuhua's aura starts suppressing all the plants, making them unable to move.

The plants had no way to face them and are forced to cooperate and become their spirit souls. THe plants discovers that Wulin and Wuhua are the Childs of Nature and the future of the plants of the world, becoming very eager to fuse with them.

Like in canon, everyone had their own plant for a future spirit soul. Xueqin chooses the Beautiful Silk Tulip, that was used in the pass by Rongrong and its effect over Bai and Renxue, sensing it very compatible with him. Without anyone realizing, it becomes his spirit soul to his Seraphim spirit, adquiring an orange spirit ring for it.

Against the other's recommendations, Wuhua chooses the Infernal Delicate Apricot. The Apricot is a fire based herb that would be too great for her but she decides to follow her instinct as she remember Guangying's words about her spirit. Taking it, she immediately breakthrough rank 60 and forms her spirit ring and a tint of red appears over her eyes.

After this, everyone separates. Lizhi and Yehui goes to the westsea military, Wulin and Gu Yue to the Blood God Army, Xinglan with Skyfrost to the eastsea military, Xie xie and Xiaoyan to the air forces and Wuhua and Xueqin to the Spirit Pagoda.