Summary 9

Xueqin and Wuhua start doing missions for the Spirit Pagoda over the douluo continent. The Spirit Pagoda over Heaven Dou Continent had become the new headquarter and Xueqin prefers to not directly go there. Even without Xiaoran's backing, thanks to their great talent they quickly climb over the ranks.

Xueqin discovers Weilan's situation. In little time, Weilan had successfully become the head of the Nine Treasure Clan over the branch elders that tried to take her position. The decision was quick and one-sided and it was mostly due to the backing of the Spirit Pagoda's head. She had also become even become one of the 4 Great Spiritiers candidates, only lower than the pagoda's master and vice masters. All of this was accomplished with a marriage proposal, Weilan becoming the Pagoda's master's grandson's fiance, with Qiangu Zhangting.

To show their cooperation, the Ning and Qiangu families had betrothed each other numerous times, but that custom was finished by Xiaoran who since she became the head, had kept a distance from the Qiangu family.

Xueqin thinks that Weilan had abandoned them to keep the strength of the clan and not letting it be destroyed by outsiders.

Some time passes and there's another attack from the Holy Church. This time is over a little city without much importance that is completely destroyed.

Due to this attack, every force from the Douluo Continent send their people to investigate them, Xueqin going from the Spirit Pagoda, Wuhua being busy with another mission,

The mission is a join investigation over the place from the Spirit Pagoda and the Dawn Church, Xueqin having been informed that he will join with a new bishop and her people.

When it's time for the mission, he discovers that the new bishop is in truth Na'er. She explains that her quick promotion was thanks to Ya Li and that Guangying's position is even higher, having become a cardinal. Once the three went to the Dawn Church, Ya li recovered her previous position, the 3rd Wing of the Dawn Church. As one of higher rankings, only lower than the Pope, it had been easy for them to be promoted. Ya Li is now trying to make new contacts and increasing her influence at the level of the other Wings, to help to rebuild Shrek.

During the mission, they investigate the ruins of the city and find that the city wasn't as unimportant as they had thought. In truth, it had been one of the main bases of the Tang Sect over the Douluo Continent, this attack becoming one of the Holy Church to the Tang Sect.

Even finding the motive, they are unable to learn about the perpetrors' whereabouts. Then, they went to the nearest Dawn Church branch to ask them for some information about the place.

Arriving at the Church, all seems normal and the people working them gives them information about the surroundings and when they detected the near city being attacked, but that they don't really have more information.

Xueqin's quickly reacts and immobilize two priest working there under the shock of everyone in there, even Na'er. Xueqin had sensed the essence of them, learning that they are evil spirit masters. Thanks to his Seraphim spirit, Xueqin is very sensible to them and he easily discovers them.

Xueqin approaches the altar with the Angel Goddess and destroys it revealing a secret passage. What it seemed a normal church of the Dawn Church was in truth a base of the Holy Church.

Xueqin and Na'er with the people from the Dawn Church and the Spirit Pagoda enters the passage and investigate it, discovering a big underground laboratory. Over it, countless of torn bodies of human and even beasts can be found with some metals pieces over it, seemingly to have been investigating them.

They are attacked by some Holy Church's evil masters as they cross over the base. In the end of the base, Na'er and Xueqin reach it alone as they don't want to let anyone escape. They find a big laboratory with what it seemed to be mecha's pieces tainted with blood with two statues at the back of it.

In there, a hooded woman with long black hair that is dissecting a human: She stops her wor and smiles at Xueqin and Na'er, welcoming there with a mocking tone.

Xueqin is a little doubt with her because while he is able to sense dark in her, he can't feel evilness, meaning that she isn't an evil spirit master. It is like Yehui that she had a dark spirit but she isn't an evil spirit master.

The woman calls herself Yu Bibi, her name in honor of the two statues at her back, being the statues of the Evil Gods, Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong. She is surprised at having been found by them.

Yu Bibi calls herself a researcher cooperating with the Holy Church for her own aim. She also complained about how idiotic were the Holy Church to attack such a city so near her base, causing a lot of problems for her.

Knowing that she is in fact part of the Holy Church, Xueqin and Na'er attack her, but under their shock, they are both stopped by black claws, crawling over Yu Bibi's shadow. Na'er reacts a little frightened about them.

Just as Xueqin was about to attack again, using his Sword Heart, over 10 mechas appears around the room with Yu Bibi manically laughing about being time to play. The mechas seemed to be yellow ones but the are a little strange, their strength is far stronger, reaching the level of black ones.

The mechas target Na'er who seems in shock due to Yu Bibi. Xueqin saves her unleashing his 6th skill, boosting his speed at his limit.

Na'er recovers from her shock, seeing Xueqin saving he and with Xueqin, they try cross the encircle to attack Yu Bibi, but she starts disappearing over darkness while letting a "Have fun playing with my toys".

Once Yu Bibi disappears, they quickly beat every mecha but they don't have time to rest as they discover a timing boom ready to explode.

Without enough time to do more, they quickly escape, bringing their subordinates outside just as booms all over the secret base exploded, destroying any evidence of them being there.

Xueqin is angry about not being able to capture Yu Bibi who seemed to play with life like her toys, not having worried about even her subordinates' death to hide her trail.

Na'er calms down Xueqin while drinking something at a bar and warn him about Yu Bibi, saying that she can feel that she is very dangerous.

They say goodbye to each other, promising to meet again later, Na'er making a longing look as Xueqin leaves while she remembers as he had saved her.

Over the Star Duo Forest, the spirit lineage are reunited again, the same hooded black-haired woman appearing again in front of them. Ignoring the anger of Di Tian, Yu Bibi shows them new images, they are images of how Gu Yue sacrificed to protect Wulin, about his interactions and now there's even more images about Na'er and Xueqin together.

Yu Bibi laughs at them for trusting their 'Lords' who blinded by love are sacrificing, giving their back to the spirit beasts. And again offers them, her help.

Di Tian ask angrily why they would trust a human like her and what she gains with it. She answers that is it for her own objective and that she trust beast's words far more than human's one that is worth nothing. She explains a plan and tells about them returning to rule over the continent as it's the only way to be able to create a coexistence between humans and beasts. While humans with their greed push the beasts to extinction now that humans are stronger, beasts can keep their cool, letting humans leave even if they are weaker.

Yu Bibi finishes her talk by saying that she will let her be observed permanently by them to gain their trust that she doesn't mind, offering to accept a spirit beast as her spirit soul, letting it observe him.

After a talk between the beast lineage, they accept Yu Bibi's deal, causing a big smile from her. Moreover, the one who offers to become her spirit soul and observe her is non-other than Zi Ji, making sure that is not tricked. Bibi's smile becomes even greater answering that she couldn't ask for a better option.