Summary 13

Just as the war finishes, Gu Yue disappears again leaving a heartbroken Wulin. This time, she goes to the Spirit Pagoda's headquarters of Star Luo Continent to continue with her plans.

After recovering from the loses and injuries of the war against the abysm, the Shrek's group wants to discover what happened to Wuhua's change and the why behind her leaving with Yu BiBi, everyone thinks about it.

With the clue of being called God's son by Yu Bibi and Wuhua, Xueqin decides to investigate more about it, going to a place heavily related to gods so he goes to the Sword Valley in search for answers.

Over the Sword Valley, he asks to Aria, the actual Sword Douluo about the Sword God. After some fight between both as for Aria's request wanting to know the level that Mucheng's disciple had reach, Aria informs Xueqin that if he wants to know the truth about the Sword God and the Sword Valley, he will need to pass the Monarch Trial. To become a Monarch, there's a need to pass a special trial said to be made by the Sword God itself. There, he will receive some answers.

Xueqin goes to the center of the Inner Valley and starts the trial, all of them made in an imaginary realm. The first trial is to face a group of 100 spirit douluo like people with them and Xueqin's himself without being able to use any spirit skill or even sword intent (A representation of the Slaughter Arena).

The second trial is to cross over a path with an incredibly strong wind that becomes stronger as he approaches the end (A representation of Tao Yi's wind trial and Bai's 4th trial).

The third trial is about refining his own body with countless burning swords, fusing with it (A representation of Bai's 5th trial).

The fourth trial is to face against a plague of ants, needing to beat the one controlling them in the middle (Bai's fight against Mayi).

The fifth trial is fighting a 1vs1 against a Sword Soul manifestation only using sword arts (A representation of Bai's fight against the Dragon Swordmaster, Hei Qi).

Finally, the 6th and last trial is being accepted by the 6 sword souls that are in charge of the Sword Valley. These ones usually attacking the one trying to pass.

Xueqin passes all the tests in a time record, his 6th test even immediately being finished as he is accepted by the sword souls.

The sword souls present themselves as the left parts of Bai's divine weapon, left behind over the continent for a motive that not even they know.

They give a God Sword piece, a condensation of sword energy and divinity of the God Sword, to Xueqin. They inform Xueqin that the fragment is the first step of divinity, it becomes the 10th spirit ring of the user, giving him access to the peak of the sword, the Divine Soul Sword and the title of Monarch. If later on, they are able to pass the last test of the Sword God and refine their fragment, their 10th ring will become real and they will become gods.

However, the sword souls inform Xueqin that there's no need for it for him, that is better for him to not directly use it because Xueqin has enough divinity inside him because of his spirits, they especially make focus on the sword one, telling him that it's not a true spirit, in truth, is the real thing, the actual divine weapon used by the Sword God itself, far stronger than the imitation fragment that they had given him.

Under Xueqin's question about his origins and Wuhua, the sword souls finally clarify that he is in truth the Sword God Bai's and the Angel Goddess's son, both powers residing inside him, but about Wuhua, having never seen her, they are unable to know her origins.

After all these trials, Xueqin gains the title of Monarch of the Sword Valley and learn about his origins and about Wuhua's and Bibi's God's son reference, but he doesn't learn how they both knew about or their origins. Even with his strength and sword comprehension incredible boosted with the trials, he doesn't learn what he wanted the most.

After he returns from the Sword Valley, he with the other Shrek members starts Shrek Academy's reconstruction. Every Shrek member had gained an incredible rank in their own fields, plus their incredible contributions in the Abysm war, their influence over the continent is at the peak, having enough power and support to create Shrek again.

All the Shrek's members are high ranking over the military. Xueqin with him defeating the God of the Abysm, becoming a titled douluo at the age of 22 and becoming a sword Monarch, there's no way to stop his promotion, he becoming one of the 4 great Spiriters of the Spirit Pagoda and the maximum responsible over the Douluo Continent, also starting the reconstruction of the Spirit Pagoda's headquarters over the continent.

In Guangying's case, she had ascended over the Dawn Church to become the 5th wing and even if she didn't participate in the Abysm war, she had made great contributions. She was in a mission against the Holy Church and was thanks to her discovery in it that the Dawn Church was able, even if a little late, to mobilize all their forces unlike the others that only the near people could help, and with it finish the war.

Reconstruction Shrek, they find a hidden shelter in the underground where Shrek was situated, finding that some of the Inner Court students are alive, with Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi leading them as most of the other teacher and elder died fighting against the Holy Church. Even if the losses were devasting, Xueqin's group is glad to at least have more survivors. The survivors, Shrek Devils and the supports that everyone had gained over that time become the new Shrek.

To make it as the base of Shrek, Wulin plants his seed over the corrupted Poseidon Lake, bringing life again and making the tree the core of the new Shrek, calling it Eternal Tree. Guangying also brings new technology and formations in it, boosting the soul and life energy concentration incredibly and even a making it a better environment than before.

Guangying, Wulin and Xueqin were the only ones that passed the full test at the Demon Island and have the qualifications to become the master of Shrek.

Guangying tells everyone that she is not Ya Li and Yun Ming blood daughter, that she had been adopted and taught but them at the age of 6 when she was alone and lost. She had always considered them as her real parents and her dream was to become strong enough to heal Ya Li who was unable to become pregnant and for Ya Li and Yun Ming to have their own child.

Guangying had become a titled douluo, called Light of Hope Douluo and she is even able to heal Ya Li, but it is too late now. She states that her new dream will be focusing on Shrek's growth, making it even stronger again, following her adoptive father's dream.

In the end, it's decided that Guangying becomes the new mistress of the Sea Pavilion, with Wulin and Xueqin become the vice-leaders and the others of the Devils becoming elders and teachers of the new school.

A year passes with everyone busy with the reconstruction and the entrance of new students and they had been unable to discover more about Wuhua or the Holy Church's whereabouts.

However, important news arrived all over the continent, the wedding of Ning Weilan and Qiangu Zhangting.

Listening about it and worried about Weilan, wanting to find if she is being forced, the Shrek's group decides to go to the Heaven Dou Continent to attend the wedding. However, they are unable to all go because the work at Shrek, so in the end, it is decided that the ones to go will be Xueqin, Lizhi and Wulin. Xueqin and Lizhi due to her relationship with Weilan and Wulin to try to find his parents after so much time and try to discover more information about Wuhua that would help them.