Summary 14

Before parting to the Heaven Dou Continent, Xueqin receives some papers from an informant and directly goes to his smithy where 7 different colored metals are over his table, next to some papers with the Ning family's stamp. This day, lighting fell over the Shrek Academy and a new divine blacksmith was born.

Arriving at Heaven Dou Continent, Xueqin's group discovers that Wulin's parents have their movements controlled by the Spirit Pagoda, while they are not receiving any mistreatment, their movements are heavily watched, seemingly to be wary of Wulin's strength and keeping them as a safe towards him.

Xueqin shows that he hasn't stayed over the Spirit Pagoda doing anything, he uses his contacts and is able to pacifically break Wulin's parents monitoring.

Wulin reunites with his parents after so long time having a family scene. They ask about Wuhua's whereabouts and Wulin explains everything that happened, scaring them.

Knowing that Xueqin's group wants answers, Wulin's parent explains the truth about Wulin's birth, telling that he is not their biological son and that they had found him appear of nowhere followed by a voice asking to take care of him. Wulin's mother was unable to have children so they quickly adopted Wulin, making his son.

Knowing that Wulin's mother wasn't able to have children, they quickly inquired about Wuhua but they learn that Wuhua is truly Tang Ziran's and Lang Yue's daughter. Ziran tell them that Wuhua is their little miracle given by Wulin itself as just as they took Wulin as his son, it didn't pass much before Lang Yue was pregnant with Wuhua.

All of this confuses even more Wulin and Xueqin. It could explain that Wulin like Xueqin was a Gods' son, most probably being of Tang San due to his spirit, but didn't explain anything about Wuhua who should be a normal girl.

Not having truly received the expected information and knowing that Wulin's adoptive parent were in danger if they continued staying there, Xueqin quickly prepares their stealthily travel towards the Douluo Continent where they will reside over the Shrek Academy for their protection.

Having finished with Wulin's parents, now there was Wuhua's problem left. Due to having little time, they are forced to make an impact. They enter the wedding place using Xueqin's identity as a Spiriter and interrupts the wedding ceremony just as Weilan and Zhangting were making their vows.

Lizhi steps forwards and declares to Weilan while Wulin and Xueqin keep everyone away from interfering. Weilan is close to crying, even supplicating them to leave her alone, trying to coldly throw them away. But once Lizhi finishes and asks about her decision, promising to never see her again if she rejects him now, Weilan collapse and tells her true feelings, wanting to be with Lizhi and return with everyone at Shrek.

Seeing Weilan's reaction, the Spirit Pagoda head, Qiangu Dongfeng, acts forcing Weilan to marry under a previous contract firmed by Weilan and himself involving the Ning and Qiangu family's that states all the help given, breaking the contract will eternally tarnish the Ning's name and the full destruction of the Nine Treasure Clan.

Facing against it, Weilan's indecision return, even if she chooses love over her clan, they will be destroyed by the Qiangu Clan's retaliation, not living much time.

Xueqin steps forward stating the Ning Clan's rules about the head of the clan's partner. One of the rules is that both the head and his/her partner needs to be able to win against a titled douluo, this rule being fulfilled. But there's another rule and this was exactly the one that used Ning Xiaoran to break the her own engagement with Qiangu Dongfeng, the partner of the head can't be weaker than her/him. With it, Xueqin declares that Weilan is stronger and asks for combat to show it.

At that, Dongfeng remembers in fury his loss against Xiaoran and the break of their engagement. However, he keeps his cool knowing that this wasn't his grandson's case. At the time, he fought against Xiaoran, both of them were titled douluos and Xiaoran was fully equipped with her red mecha. Dongfeng had controlled Weilan's training. He had let her perfectly cultivate, she even becoming a rank 86 spirit douluo with 3-words battle armor, even evolving her spirit that become the legendary Nine Treasure Pagoda. However, he had kept Weilan away from mechas, not letting even have a black one.

With his grandson being a titled douluo, 3-words battle soul master with one of the most powerful tool spirits, the Coiling Dragon Staff, how could he lose against a mechaless Wuhua? What can a Nine Treasure Pagoda do alone? Making Dongfeng accept the fight

In the middle of the wedding, a platform is prepared for Wuhua and Zhangting to fight, everyone in the revenue, expecting the clear win of Zhangting.

Xueqin gives good luck to Weilan and tells that he trust her and that she doesn't need to worry about the aftermath as he will take care of it, there's nothing to hide. Weilan nods and putting her hands on her eyes, she shows that she is wearing contact lenses that made her eyes color amethyst. Once taken, Weilan shows a pair of beautiful cian eyes.

Both combatants step over the platform, Zhangting wearing a confident smile, laughing about the little change that will cause the change of color of her eyes and Weilan a calm and serious look, concentring on the fight.

Zhangting flies to the sky, preparing to fell over Weilan and finish the match in a hit, but he is shocked by Weilan's reaction. She says "Fall!" and Zhangting crashes to the ground, being unable to fly. Over Weilan's hand, a white spear appears that everyone recognizes, is the Atlas Divine Spear, another of the if not the strongest tool spirit.

Weilan reveals her secret, she had twin spirits, the Nine Treasure Pagoda and the Atlas Divine Spear. Under everyone's shock by Weilan's spirits, Xueqin reveals to Lizhi what most in there were suspecting, the truth having tell to him by Xiaoran long ago.

Weilan's grandfather was Yun Ming. Xiaoran was in love with Yun Ming, but it wasn't reciprocated, but if Xiaoran was an expert in something, it was in taking advantage of the weakness of people. Xiaoran took advantage of a time of mind weakness of Yun Ming after war to take him and having Weilan's mother. While Weilan's mother didn't have the Atlas Spear, Weilan manifested. Xiaoran always had hidden that fact to even Yun Ming, wanting to keep as a secret until Weilan was strong enough and cultivating the spirit secretly.

After recovering the shock, Zhangting continues fighting. Having the Atlas Spear only made Weilan able to put a fight, but the wide gap in cultivation was there and Weilan's twin spirits were useless as the Nine Treasure Pagoda can't support oneself.

They continue fighting, Weilan being pushed by him even with her high spear comprehension, her power lower than her rival. {AN: I think that I would have put some tricks of her during the fight or something but I didn't really think anything concret}.

In the end, Weilan's feeling causes a breakthrough, her spear comprehension reaching a new level and forming a Spear Soul. Due to the breakthrough, Weilan's Myriad Colored Material evolves with her, becoming 100.000 years old and making her rings red.

But it didn't stop there and shows the true might of the Myriad Colored Material. Once it reaches 100.000 years, it acquires human form and is able to show a power similar to the user, but in twin spirits it shows a different effect. Both of Weilan's spirit fuses, becoming the Nine Treasured Atlas Spear.

The Nine Treasured Atlas Spear works like Bai's spirit, being not only able to support others but even debuff enemies while boosting herself while keeping the incredible power of the Atlas Spear.

With her new breakthrough and spirit, Weilan defeats Zhangting, showing herself stronger and breaking the engagement, stopping the wedding without tarnishing the Ning family's name, showing their strength.

Dongfeng is furious and promises them that they will regret it as while he won't attack now that they are surrounded by all the press and Spirit Pagoda's workers, he plans to kill them in the future like he planned for Xiaoran's death.

Xueqin grins at that and at that moment, everyone communicators vibrate, everyone receiving important news. Reading over the message is the information about the Qiangu family over all these thousands of years while controlling the Spirit Pagoda, the destruction of rivals, the indiscriminate hunt of spirit beasts and even the deals with the Holy Church, all of them proofs accusing the Qiangu family.

This information was the one that Xueqin's contacts finally collected. He had waited until the wedding to show it to the world to make sure that every one of the Qiangu family is at the same place, not letting anyone escape.

All around the wedding ceremony, Spirit Pagoda's workers under Xueqin start arresting every of the Qiangu family.

Dongfeng knows that the proof are undeniable, this is the fall of his family, however, is not his fall. Dongfeng activates his 4-words armor and charges towards the Xueqin, the culprit of everything. He plans of killing him and escape, with his strength nobody will be able to stop him unless someone as the likes of the Pope or the Tang Sect leader come to get him. He plans of later escaping and joining with the Holy Church.

However, he is stopped by Xueqin. Xueqin show his 95 rank cultivation and his new 4-words battle armor and fights against Dongfeng.

Dongfeng's strength is tyrannical and his cultivation is much stronger, but Xueqin is able to content with him due to his increase in the sword arts and his new battle armor. His battle armor is not a normal one. He had created using the divine refined secret 7-metal alloy of the Nine Treasure Pagoda Clan and using his understanding over blacksmithing and design, he had added two new metals, the Holy Divine Metal received after winning the Sword Heart competition and the God Sword's fragment given at the end of the Monarch Test, creating a first time seen 9-metal alloy.

Xueqin's battle armor is a complete living being and very close to surpass the realm of 4-words battle armors, only requiring experience to achieve true divinity.

Even with it, Xueqin is pushed by Dongfeng who is a quasi-god and continuously evolve during the fight.

Dongfeng being impatient of more people coming to capture him, unleashes the forbidden technique of his clan and go for an all-out towards Xueqin.

Xueqin shows his 1st spirit skill, his ring shining with a gray color. After having taken out the Golden Dragon from him, the Myriad Colored Material and the first skill had changed. Now a simple and elegant sword forming in Xueqin's hands. This is Xueqin's own sword, his own self, not being influenced by Bai. His intent is pure sword, assimilating everything that he had experimented and condensing into pure sword, without the oppression and rudeness of chaos, Xueqin had found his future way to the top.

Using all his strength, unleashing an All Sword and Sword Heart, Xueqin clash with Dongfeng, both attacks drawing in strength, no one able to win over the other.

Xueqin grins at this and says "I'm not alone" as Weilan uses her spear, the 9 colored light of it falling over Xueqin and boosting his power, pushing Dongfeng and cutting him in half, instantly killing him without being able to do anything.

Xueqin had killed a quasi-god, making himself known as one of the strongest of the Realm.